Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 26: Superior Pseudo-Globe

"It's the family of the Blood Sword Family." Chen Zong glanced at him and recognized the origin of the other.

Only the people of the Blood Sword Family have swords, and there will be such amazing blood.

The three major Kendo families, the Blood Sword Family, and the Extreme Heaven Society are also less likely to deal with it. On the contrary, they are closer to the Skyscraper, and if they are killed, they are killed without any burden.

Quickly take off the opponent's mustard bag and put it away.

Most of the high-end spirits such as Xu Mijie do n’t have the spiritual realm, let alone the human extreme.

Chen Zong didn't check what was inside the mustard bag. Time was running short. It was the most important thing to find the next spring of the earth vein. Of course, the stone of earth vein must not be missed.


"Meet me, you deserve it." The Ferris wheel of the Sky Club grinned, teeth glowed with a white glow, and an indescribable madness bloomed. It was similar to that mad ghost. .

"I still don't know who died." Wuji Jianzong's eyes twinkled with a terrifying spirit, holding one hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist, his spirits rushed, and the invisible sword air permeated the whole body and filled him all around. .

When the wind blew and the sand and stones were approaching, the dense and dense sounds continued to sound, and a thrilling scene appeared. Countless sand and stones were pulverized by the invisible sword gas strangulation.

"The boundless sword spirit of the boundless sword sect is really good." Feiyao prison smiled again, and that madness could not be covered up, as if it were from the bones, though, it sounded like praise, But there is a kind of disapproval, it is clear that the other party is not in the eyes.

Wuji Jianzong's disciples were instantly furious, and his eyes burst into awesome killings.

Woundless Jianzong is naturally unable to provoke the skyscraper, but the underground world here, even if you kill the other party, as long as you do not speak out, the skyscraper will not know.

After instantly understanding this, the swords of Wuji Jianzong's disciples came out of the sheath, and the sharp and unmatched sword air burst out of the air.

The swordlessness of the boundless sword sect is in Mingjianzhou, the name is loud, and the power is also good. One sword is cut out, and the invisible and colorless speed is extremely fast. Whether it is a hundred meters or a kilometer, it can kill instantly, let Civil defense is invincible and very sharp.

But in the face of this boundless sword spirit, Feiyao Prison did not have any intention of dodging, not even the long knife behind it, but the palm of his hand was raised like a knife.

A seemingly mundane slash, but it made a terrible sound of thunder and thunder, shaking the world.

Suddenly, the sword of the boundless sword was broken. The palm knife was as sharp and domineering as a real sword. It cut into the sky like a thunder. It was unstoppable. The knife light tore the air at high speed and burst out countless sparks. Domineering.

The disciples of Wuzong Jianzong were suddenly horrified. This sword came to their death, making them unable to escape, and the shadow of death was overwhelming.

"Pseudo-spiritual realm!" A low voice whispered, a sword rolled up the sky, the sword gas was extremely violent, invisible and colorless, and instantly converged into one, ferocious and unforged, and beheaded, but was cut under that blade of light. broken.

This knife is extremely overbearing, this knife is also extremely heavy, heavy to the extreme, magnificent to the extreme, like the suppression of Foshan Yue, as if the earth capsized.

The majestic swordlessness of the boundless sword was smashed in an instant, and the sword-like blade of light slashed the disciples of the swordless boundless sword sect. It was too late to scream, and was cut off instantly. When he was dying, his mind only flashed. A thought that thrilled me.

Super Phantom Spirit Realm!

Pseudo-terrestrial spirit is considered to be a person's extreme state, and it is beyond the human's extreme state. It is infinitely close to the level of the terrestrial state, and belongs to a transition period. The pseudo-terrestrial state is divided into three levels, inferior to middle and superior, superior to the highest, and The most rare.

In order to achieve the superior pseudo-land spiritual realm, the premise must be mastering the unity of spirit and martial arts, and achieving the rank of king.

In other words, before that, Feiyu prison was a feudal king.

"The ants." With a knife in his hand, Beida Jianzong's disciples were beheaded and killed, and Feiyan prison was full of madness, a contempt flashed under his eyes, then he looked up, and his dazzling eyes swept across all directions, as if it penetrated all obstacles : "When you enter this place, all people except me will be dead."

A dead word is full of terrible killings.

Skyscrapers have always been overbearing, and Feiyu Prison has been trained by mad ghosts, and has even acted more. It is not a joke to say that it is necessary to kill others.


Jianguang lasing, like the aurora bursting into the air, picked up, and something flew from the ground and fell into the hands of Chen Zong.

This is a fist-sized stone that starts with a heavy weight and weighs many times more than the same size of steel. At least it can be as much as a thousand pounds. The whole body is white. If you look closely, there seems to be a hint of white air flowing in it. That white breath gave Chen Zong a sense of grandeur and heaviness.

This is the stone of the earth vein, and the white breath inside is the power of the earth vein.

Holding the stone of the ground vein, Chen Zong tried to feel the power of the ground vein, and found that the power of the ground vein can be felt, but it is difficult to absorb it, at least in a short time.

In a flash, the stone of the earth's veins disappeared, and the income was absent.

Unlike the Spring of the Earth Vein, it is more difficult for people to feel the power contained in the Stone of the Earth Vein, but when they reach the Spiritual Realm, they can more easily feel the power of the Stone of the Earth Vein and absorb it. .

In other words, if the spiritual state of the earth gets the stone of the earth vein, combined with the spiritual source, cultivation can be better improved.

Even if the stone of the earth veins is not useful now, after breaking through to the spiritual realm of the earth, you can use it to improve the strength faster and better.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong decided that he must find more ground vein stones, some of which can be contributed to the Extreme Heaven Club, and some of them must be kept by himself.

But neither the spring of the earth veins nor the stone of earth veins is so easy to find.

After entering here for a long time, Chen Zong also found a ground vein spring and a ground vein stone.

Uh ...

A familiar sound came intermittently from a distance, so that Chen Zong was stunned and then rejoiced. This sound was clearly the sound of the earth's veins.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong erupted into an astonishing speed, and his body flew out like the same lightning, reaching the extreme.

At the same time, in the other direction, there was also a broken body like an aurora, sharp and unstoppable, and quickly approached.

The ground vein springs continuously from the spring's eyes. The white breath is strong and cannot be changed. Like water, the white mist of silk is diffused in the surroundings, and the pure and vigorous waves of silk are diffused in the hundreds of meters.


Two sounds of breaking wind sounded at the same time, but the two figures have approached the fountain of the earth's veins and found each other.

In a meal, the two sides landed, each one hundred meters away from the fountain of the earth's veins, and their eyes burst into a cold stare.

Chen Zong didn't take a shot, because his shot would destroy the fountain of the earth's veins, and Feiyan Prison didn't take any shot. He was also worried about destroying the fountain of the earth's veins.

"People who know the sky." There was an extremely cold smile on the corner of Feiyu prison's mouth, and a starburst exploded in the depths of his eyes.

Jitianhui and Ferrishui are deadly opponents. Before, they were on the ground. Because of the relationship between the tide of the earth's veins, there is no action. Now enter here and you can do it.

"Exit, I will spare you a life." Feiyao prison began, with a cold voice like cutting a blade, shocked Chen Zong, and a murderous attack came with violent death.

The purpose of Fiji Prison to say this is to capture the spring of this earth vein, because his cultivation has reached the extreme, the superior pseudo-spiritual realm, the next step is to break through to the real terrestrial realm, but it is difficult in a short time, If you understand and absorb the power of the ground vein in the spring of the ground vein, it may be possible to directly condense the spiral of the ground vein, step into the spiritual realm of the earth, and then the strength will increase sharply. You can kill anyone here.

"Follow me." Chen Zong said, but Feiyu prison's pupils shrank, and he immediately understood Chen Zong's meaning. Senbai's teeth flashed a terrible cold, and the killings in his eyes became stronger.

When they were in shape, they were far away from the spring of the ground vein and stopped for a few kilometers.

There was no sympathy for Feiyao prison. The palm of his hand was turned into a palm knife, and there was a domineering brilliance, which was cut out from a distance of 100 meters. Like a thunder, it broke the sky and killed Chen Zong relentlessly.

It is several kilometers away from the ground vein spring. Under the precise control, it will not affect the ground vein spring and cause the slightest damage.

After killing the other party first, you can break through by absorbing the power of the fountain of earth veins.

The idea of ​​Feiyao prison is very straightforward. The idea of ​​Chen Zong is also so direct. He killed the other party, and then realized the power of absorbing the fountain of earth veins.

Turning around, one finger pointed out, the air was rippling away like water ripples, a bit of cold mang condensed at the fingertips, dazzling like a cold star, and then immediately trembled with that fingertip, Jianqihan Mangshan burst out of the air.

The sword gas was broken, the sword light was scattered, and the blow was evenly matched.

Although not all-out, but the power is not weak, Fei Jie's eyes suddenly freeze, this person who is extremely capable is stronger than the disciples of Wuji Jianzong before.

But it's more interesting to kill.

Chen Zong's eyes also condensed. The warriors of this skyscraper are not weak, but rather strong.

The ideas of the two were surprisingly consistent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword came out of the sheath, the light shone in all directions, and Feiyu prison was killed with one sword, extremely violent, like a thunderous thunder, from the sword to the sword. , An instant of incredible power burst out, leaving Chen Zong's face dignified.

The power fluctuations contained in this sword are very violent, and the violentness is also majestic and heavy. It is clearly the spiritual power of the earth veins, and it is stronger than the pseudo-land spiritual realm that he encountered before, and it is much stronger. It is not a level at all.

"Intermediate pseudoland spiritual realm?" Chen Zong cut a sword again, and secretly guessed that the inferior pseudoland spiritual realm was not his opponent at all, and how strong the medium pseudoland spiritual realm was, Chen Zong was not clear.

"Fengwang class!" Feiyu prison was even more shocked. You must know that before you were Fengwang class, now, it is the first pseudo-physical spiritual realm, and is the strongest under the entire skyscraper. It is impossible to defeat the opponent, and the power of the opponent does not have the majesty of the earth's veins, in other words, it is not a pseudo-land spiritual realm.

It has such a strong strength before it reaches the pseudo-land spiritual realm. If it breaks through to the pseudo-land spiritual realm, it will undoubtedly be more terrible.


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