Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 31: Break through

In the eyes of the spring with a diameter of Mish, the power of the imposing ground veins continued to flow out, and the power of the ground veins carried a thick brown, extremely heavy, each path seemed to have the weight of a mountain peak, terrible.

The pressure emitted by this weight continuously impacts the surroundings, so that the surrounding pressure is maintained at a high level and it is difficult to access.

Within ten meters of the center of Quanquan, there was no one, and it was not that he did not want to approach, but that he could not approach and was unable to approach.

Ten meters away, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. It was Chen Zong. The second figure was twenty meters away.

Although the figure sitting 20 meters away from Quanyan is very envious of the figure 10 meters away, it is also clear that it is not a distance that you can reach, even if it is a position 20 meters away, it must be always Under tremendous pressure, one step forward, there was a feeling of being crushed.

At this moment, a figure was flying at an astonishing speed like a sky knife tearing through the sky. After landing, both feet kicked suddenly, and the ground collapsed hundreds of meters. The numerous cracks were shocking. The figure flew into the sky again, rushing forward at an astonishing speed.

Close to the huge vein of the ground veins, Fiji Prison showed ecstasy. This vein of the veins of earth was much larger than I thought.

"Assimilation and refining will not only allow me to successfully condense the earth veins, but also make the cultivation a further improvement." With a whisper to himself, he seemed to be greatly inspired by the excitement. The speed is one point faster.

Directly plunging into the spring of the earth vein, the strong power of the earth vein immediately wrapped the body, making Feiyu prison sigh comfortably. Immediately, his speed did not decrease, and he rushed to the spring eye quickly.

However, when entering the 50-meter range of the spring eye, the pressure increased sharply, and the speed of Feiyu Prison decreased significantly.

With each metre forward, the pressure will increase, and the speed will decrease sharply. Until entering the range of twenty meters, the speed of Feiyu Prison is almost the same as that of normal running, and it is still weakening.

Suddenly, Feiyu prison stepped, his eyes glared, and the terrible killings swept out like a tide, locked directly on a figure in front.

It was the extremely capable person who had wounded himself before.

Hate and killing are extremely strong, like a volcanic magma rolling, and the desire to gush out, this rich and extreme killing also shocked Chen Zong, and immediately broke away from the state of understanding, his eyes shot out cold electricity and cold, and Fiji Prison's eyes collided, causing an invisible shock wave.

Feiyao Prison is murderous to Chen Zong, and Chen Zong is also murderous to Fei Prison. The two can be described as the same, but now they are restrained in this huge source of water.

After all, such a large ground vein spring can be described as rare, and it was not always possible to encounter it when the tide of the ground vein opened in the past. If you do it, who knows if it will be destroyed and miss such an opportunity.

Therefore, even though Feiyu prison was shocking, he couldn't wait to pull out his sword and divided Chen Zong directly, but a trace of reason still suppressed his own murder and impulse.

"Take your life first." The voice of Feiyao Prison entered Chen Zong's ears, his voice was cold and boneless, with an unstoppable murderous power. For a moment, as if countless swordsman came, Chen Zong trembled involuntarily. The hairs are upright.


From the speech ventilator of Feiyao Prison, Chen Zong felt a strong danger.

This shows that the strength of Fiji Prison has been significantly improved compared to the previous period. It is more powerful and powerful enough to threaten his life.

"Did this person have broken through?" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could not help secretly guessing.

If it is a breakthrough, has it reached the spiritual state?

I do n’t know, I ’m not sure, but it ’s a certain thing to become stronger. It ’s a fact that I can bring such a strong crisis to myself. However, Chen Zong is not afraid, the crisis returns to crisis, and he really fights. Unpredictable.

In addition, listening to the other party ’s meaning, I do not intend to do it now. It seems that I want to absorb the power of the earth here to further improve myself, which is consistent with Chen Zong's idea.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will absorb more of the power of the ground veins, so that my body will transform into the body of the ground veins, and then reach the superior pseudo-spiritual realm, and then, impact the terrestrial realm." Chen Zong secretly said.

Fiji prison forcibly suppressed his inner murder and hatred, but only temporarily suppressed it, waiting for a more violent outbreak later.

Stepping forward, Feiyao Prison approached Chen Zong's face to face, separated by a spring eye, and then sat cross-legged.

The position of Feiyu Prison is relatively closer to Quan Yan than Chen Zong, but the difference is not much, they all belong to the distance of ten meters, except that Chen Zong is ten meters behind and Fei jail is ten meters ahead.

The two are separated by about 20 meters. This is a very close distance in normal times, and it is almost instantaneous, but at this moment, under the pressure of a spring, it is under such amazing pressure that the usual speed is completely suppressed. At most, only ordinary people can walk at a speed. Even if Chen Zong is going to make a shot, Feiyao Prison has enough time to react.

Seeing that Feiyao Prison did this, Chen Zong could not help but feel relieved for a while, but still kept some vigilance.

Absorb the power of earth veins into the body again.

"I have now stepped into the earth spiritual realm with one foot, and it can no longer be regarded as a pseudo earth spiritual realm. The speed of absorbing the power of the earth veins, who can compare with me here." This is not arrogance, but full confidence.

Fiji prison is confident that he can absorb more of the power of the earth's veins, better than the person of Jitianhui, holding a Zhongpin spirit source in both hands.

Upon absorption, the power of the ground veins that was originally wrapped around the body to infiltrate the body suddenly poured into the body like a flood of floodgates, and was quickly refined, and then continued to surge into the vague and unreal ground veins with the same spiritual power.

The earth vein king spin slowly rotates, and begins to absorb the inflowing earth vein spirit force, so that the rotation speed of the earth vein king spin is increased slowly, and the faster the earth vein king spin rotation speed, the faster the speed of absorbing earth vein spirit force, the The greater the power of the earth's veins entering the Fiji prison.

On the other side, Chen Zong is constantly absorbing the power of the ground veins. The power of the ground veins here is more pure and rich than the two previous ground vein springs.

Now that Chen Zongyi ’s spiritual power has completely transformed into the earth ’s pulse, and has reached the extreme of human extremes, there is no way to improve it, but the earth ’s pulse is constantly dissipating to the whole body, and it is integrated into the viscera from the inside out. , Bones, qi and blood, muscles, and membranes.

Chen Zong's hands also held a piece of Zhongling Lingyuan.

The ground vein spiritual force is used to integrate into the body, causing the body to transform and eventually become the body of the earth vein. These earth vein spiritual forces will be consumed and must be replenished. The supplementary method is to absorb the earth vein power and its own spiritual force from the outside. Combined with each other, the most efficient.

Earth veins are scattered everywhere in the body, and they are immersed in them a little bit, into the deepest level of particles, so that the particles transform from occurring, and then affect all parts of the body, and eventually become the earth veins.

Chen Zong can feel that a wonderful change is taking place in his body. This change will not make himself stronger or faster, but will make his body stronger and more powerful. Strong defensive force, stronger resistance to harsh environment, life-saving ability and survivability have been significantly improved.

Chen Zong absorbs the power of the earth veins very fast, and the body merges the earth veins spiritual force very fast. The body is like the land that has been arid for a long time, while the earth veins spiritual force is continuously absorbed like the heavens descending the forest.

More and more people enter the spring of the ground vein, continuously absorbing the power of the ground vein, and the power of the ground vein gradually decreases, but it is not obvious.

The closest to Quanyan was Chen Zong and Fei Jie, ten meters, then three people at twenty meters, five people at thirty meters, six people at forty meters, and eight people at fifty meters.

Everybody's body is like a greedy sponge, absorbed insanely, and everyone's strength is also enhanced invisibly.

After a period of time, the ground veins in the Fiery Prison have been turning at full speed, and the suction has reached the extreme. Each rotation will absorb a large amount of ground veins' spiritual force and fuse them, making the outline of the Earth's veins. It becomes substantial.

Feeling the changes in the body, Fei Hei's mood was excited.

According to my original cultivation progress, I want to break through to the spiritual realm, at least one year to three years, but now, I have directly saved this time.

Cultivation means racing against time and racing against time. The sooner you reach a higher realm, the more you will achieve in the future.

Suddenly, the internal organs trembled together, a thunder sound was rolling, the bones continued to tremble, like dragons and tigers screaming, the blood and blood swelled like a sea flowing, the membrane oscillated like a big drum, and the whole body was undergoing drastic changes. Chen Zong knew that by absorbing and incorporating a lot of spiritual powers in the earth's veins, his body was about to undergo metamorphosis.

Like a whale sucking water, an amazing suction suddenly emerges from the deepest part of the body. Instantly, it **** like a cricket, and directly absorbs the spiritual power of the earth's veins.


There were bursts of roaring sounds in Chen Zong's body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was like a thunderous horse, bursting like a thunder, and unmatched, but the sound was only heard by himself, very deafening.

As the roar exploded in the body, as if there was a force penetrating the body to form a big Sunday, Chen Zong could feel that his body had transformed, and under that majestic strength, the viscera became Tougher, the bones have become tighter and heavier, the big tendons have become more tenacious, and the muscles have also become more tenacious. As well as the membrane, there is a feeling of tightness.

Under keen perception, my strength has not really improved, but my physique is even more arrogant. It feels like upgrading from wood to steel, and can withstand the impact of more powerful forces.

"Okay, the body of the earth veins has been completed, and my strength has been further improved. The next step is to absorb more earth vein spirits, to upgrade to the superior pseudo-earth spirit state, and then impact the earth spirit state." Chen Zong only felt full of motivation.

After the physical body has transformed into the body of the earth vein, the speed of absorbing the power of the earth vein has increased significantly.

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