Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 48: Sword defeated in flight

In the General Conference of the Polar Sky Association, according to the key training of talented and arrogant people, three standards were identified, which were distinguished by first-class second-class and third-class.

The first class is the highest and the third class is the lowest.

But even if it is a third-class training, it is very amazing, let alone second- and first-class.

The gap between each level is very obvious. Yu Fei was eventually rated as a second-class key training, but in the current general meeting, there are only three second-class key trainers. It is Yu Fei and the other two elders in power. Disciples.

As for first-class focus training, it hasn't happened before.

Push forward and get the first-class key trainers, who are the disciples of the Lord ten years ago.

In other words, in the past ten years, no one has obtained the qualification for first-class key training. Chen Zong is the first. Can Yufei not be jealous?

Jealousy, burning wildly, emerged from the deepest heart, gushing out of both eyes.

"I'm not convinced." Yu Fei yelled abruptly, immediately shocking everyone, his eyes fell on him.

"What do you disagree with?" Elder Lu frowned suddenly, staring angrily at Yu Fei, making Yu Fei's complexion change suddenly, and his body suddenly became cold.

He didn't expect that his master was angry.

But the words came out in shock, and in the eyes of the public, Yu Fei's fire exploded.

"I just don't agree, why can he get a first-class training." Yu Fei glared at Chen Zong violently.

"How are you going?" Now that the spear was aimed at himself, Chen Zong uttered a voice, asking Xu Xubuji instead.

Seeing Chen Zong's voice, Elder Lu did not speak again, neither did Qinglong Sword Emperor and the other two elders.

"It's very simple. Fight me and defeat me, then I will recognize that you have the qualifications for first-class training." Yu Feixin swore.

"The person who gave me the qualifications for first-class training is Jitianhui, and you ca n’t represent Jitianhui. I am not qualified to get first-class training, and I have nothing to do with you. Why should I get your approval." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, spit words clearly, each word contains extraordinary power, the words beat on the heart of Fei, so that Yu Fei's face changed greatly, iron and blue, and then the words turned: "However, since you Seek defeat, and I will defeat you. "

The last sentence is extremely domineering, which makes people's eyes bright, and also makes Yu Fei's anger is abnormal, and his eyes are angry.

"I see how you defeat me." Yu Fei angered.

This Yu Fei's practice is, but in the early stage of the dual stage of the spiritual realm, it is a heavier weight than Chen Zong. Of course, he is much older than Chen Zong.

"I don't take advantage of you. What do you cultivate? I will also cultivate at the level corresponding to you." Yu Fei said angrily, striding out of the hall of fantasy sword.

"My friend, my disciple has some talents, but is too proud, this time you take good care of his pride, but still show mercy to Xiaoyou's sword." Chen Zong also strode out of the hall of fantasy sword, suddenly in his ears There was a sound, the voice of Elder Lu.

"Elders rest assured." Chen Zong also responded.

There is an empty lot outside the Magic Sword Hall. Three real elders waved their hands and isolated an empty lot with their own strength. Chen Zong and Yu Fei were among them. They could shoot as much as possible, but they would not spread outside unless they could Break through the three layers of power under the elders.

Chen Zong released his cultivation.

"Earth stage of the first stage of the terrestrial spirit." Yu Fei smiled coldly, and immediately, his breath began to fall, stopping at the early stage of the first stage of the terrestrial spirit.

As a genius of arrogance, Yu Fei is very proud. If he has said it, he will do it, otherwise he will only make people laugh.

"In fact, you don't have to suppress Xiu to be at the same level as me." Chen Zong said.

"Why, do you want me to suppress it to a lower level than you?" Yu Fei said coldly.

However, Chen Zong didn't answer any more. The argument between the tongues is useless, so use strength to prove it.

"Draw a sword." Yu Fei said coldly, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, as if the sword front pierced through the sky and shot. As a matter of fact, he wanted to pierce Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's expression was indifferent, and he was not afraid of Yu Fei's eyes. This level of eyesight power was too weak for Chen Zong.

Chen Zong still didn't answer, but slowly pulled out the Mind Heavenly Sword. As the Mind Heavenly Sword came out of the sheath, a touch of mysterious and mysterious breath permeated it, and it filled the water like it.

"Cut" a low drink, such as the golden iron and iron symphony, strong and powerful, the sword light tears the sky, like a row of mountains, the majestic and domineering, its sword is magnificent, heavy and unmatched, squeezing the air under the sword Squeezed, forming terrible air waves billowing, smashing everything.

Beyond the protective strength, many people's faces have changed, and they are shocked by Yu Fei's sword.

Chen Zong's face was as usual and plain as water. When that sword was killed in front of him, the mind of Tianjian was completely out of the sheath and waved obliquely, as if by coincidence, hitting the weakness of that sword, making his sword Light paused for a moment, shaking immediately, and the strength began to loosen.

"Feiyun broke and killed" Yu Fei's complexion suddenly changed. Although the first sword was only a tentative sword, the power was also very arrogant. He could easily kill the ordinary terrestrial realm. In the later stage, he was not expected to be easily defeated by the opponent. The sword exhibited a mighty sword move.

A sword is killed, and the sword gas is like that row of clouds swaying into the sky. It is filled with amazing domineering. The third peak of the sword follows the trend. The air in this space is all crushed by this sword.

Can't dodge

The amazing domineering sword pressure suffocated Chen Zong.

Even so, Chen Zong's face remained unchanged.

Holding the sword with one hand, the sword body trembled slightly, and it was instantly killed, tearing the sky.

The sword marks seemed to spread to the endless place. One sword passed, the dark sword marks remained, and the overbearing flying cloud was cut. The cut was cut off suddenly. The terrible sword mark was like a bamboo shoot, and it was flying towards Yu Fei. Yu Fei's pupil suddenly contracted. A horrific sword mark was reflected, which was difficult to escape for a while.

This sword will lose itself.

An idea came out of my mind, and it was unstoppable.

Yu Fei didn't want to lose. When he was obsessed with his life, he didn't care about other things. Suddenly, his breath rose up and broke out.

Ground Spirit Middle Stage

When Xiu Wei was ascended to the middle stage of the first level, the sense of crisis that would be defeated suddenly disappeared, which let Yu Fei know that such strength was enough to deal with this sword.

Killing one sword, smashing the dark sword mark, and immediately killing the second sword, is more domineering and horrible than just, the power is extremely amazing.

But outside the protective strength, everyone frowned, but they heard it very clearly. Yu Fei said that the cultivation should be controlled at the same level as Chen Zong, and the expression of Chen Zong's cultivation was the early stage of the terrestrial spiritual realm. But now, Yu Fei has raised his strength to the middle stage of the terrestrial realm. From this point, Yu Fei has lost.

However, the Qinglong Sword Emperor and the three elders in power did not speak out, and everyone was hard to say anything.

The reason why the Qinglong Sword Emperor and the three elders in power did not speak out was that they had an idea.

Chen Zong has achieved amazing results in the fantasy sword hundred killings. He has broken the record left by Jitian. Even the disciples of the host can not compare ten years ago, and even broke his own record. To push it further.

However, the battle in the Magic Swords 100 Battlefield, the outside world can not see at all, only to see how the final results.

At present, Chen Zong and Yu Fei are in a battle. Yu Fei is also a talented genius specially trained by the General Assembly after all. He has great strength. When he fights with Chen Zong, he should be able to see clearly the means of Chen Zong.

Regarding the late-stage repair of the outbreak of the spiritual realm, Chen Zong did not have any abnormalities, and still looked indifferent, and once again wielded his sword to kill.

This sword is also the mark of the sky, but it is stronger than before. When the sword is killed, a imaginary sword shadow condenses out of nowhere, and then merges with the celestial sword, and the imaginary sword shadow emits a This unparalleled breath fluctuation is very real and very sharp.

Beyond the "strength of the sword" protection, everyone stunned.

The realm of true meaning is divided into five layers, the first one is peeking, the second one is manifestation, and the third one is condensing. The so-called condensing means that the true power has been transformed into substance, and can begin to condense in the air.

"It wasn't as simple as just congealing, at least for some time." Elder Su whispered.

The other two elders in power also nodded, feeling quite shocked.

The true meaning of enlightenment is almost entirely based on understanding. In other words, Chen Zong has already realized the true meaning of the sword to the third condensed state before he has broken through to the realm of the earth, which is undoubtedly very amazing.

Condensed state, which is difficult to reach in many spiritual realms. Under normal circumstances, only the strongest in the late spiritual realm can reach. Of course, some arrogant geniuses can also be reached in the middle of the spiritual realm. Geo-reality was reached at the beginning, it was too difficult and too difficult, let alone human extreme.

The true power of the sword in the condensed realm is more than 50% stronger than the manifestation realm, and the power of Chen Zong's sword has also been significantly improved.


Yu Fei's sword was defeated again, but the power of this sword was not bad. After defeating it, the power of Chen Zong's sword also decreased sharply and was defeated by a sword issued by Yu Fei.

Approaching, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com assassination with a sword, contains a variety of changes, as if you can assassinate any one of Chen Zong's body, but only assassination to Chen Zong's brows, so that the brows slightly swell.

This Yu Fei's strength is even more arrogant than the opponent in the middle of the two-layer spiritual realm in the Magic Swords 100 Battlefield, which brings a lot of pressure to Chen Zong, but it is still a little worse than the two strong enemies joining forces. .

"Fight it out and defeat it." Chen Zong secretly said that in the magic sword hundred killing battles, Chen Zong did not burst out of full force, and here, I do not want to burst out of full force, so only rapid defeat of Yu Fei, to Otherwise, Yu Fei might erupt into a more powerful practice and further enhance his strength. By then, he would have to erupt into a stronger force.

A sword waved, this sword is an understatement, as if without a trace of fireworks, very mysterious, and immediately let the three elders outside the protection force and the Qinglong Sword Emperor slightly surprised, eyes widened, as if to see through the mystery of this sword .

This sword, Yu Fei couldn't evade at all, and was hit directly. The powerful force burst out, and it would fly out of the fly and hit the protective force.

Immediately a bang, Yu Fei burst into stronger power, and immediately defeated the power of that sword.

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