Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 58: Murderous

Before the portal of Lingjin's secret realm, there were many celestial realm powers and terrestrial power realm powers, all of which radiated naturally, and caused a series of terrible storms and shocks.

On the bright side, there are two major camps, among which there are several small camps. The extreme sky will be a small camp, the skyscraper will be a small camp, the three major Kendo families, the three small camps, and the two major swords. In the small camp, there are as few as thirty people and as many as sixty people. These are the major forces belonging to Ming Jianzhou.

The other big camp is the four forces of Jiuxingzhou.

Jiuxing Tianzong is one of them. There are as many as seventy strong earth spirits, and the breath fluctuations they emit are extraordinary. Even if they are the same cultivation, the strength of the zongmen strong is often more than Casual repair is much stronger.

Chen Zong also noticed that there were many notable people in Jiuxing Tianzong's camp.

It is worth noting that it is not because their cultivation is profound. If it is only based on cultivation, then the most noteworthy are undoubtedly those who are the nine strongest in the spiritual realm. Let Chen Zong pay more attention to the few who emit unique breaths. people.

Either violent, or icy, or fierce, or deep, it is very clear, as if to show the world to the world.

There is no doubt that these people are top geniuses and even arrogant geniuses. Maybe they are not so high, but their strength is absolutely strong. They are the ones that can leapfrog and kill the enemy.

Of course, while paying attention to these geniuses and arrogances, Chen Zong will not ignore those late strong men in the spiritual realm, who are threatening themselves.

At this time, Chen Zong realized that an extremely cold gaze swept across, locked himself, and when he looked back, he saw a pair of frozen cold eyes, which contained amazing murderous power and evil spirit, as if A patch of Shura ice prison made Chen Zong feel cold.

"Five Spirits" Chen Zong secretly startled.

The ordinary terrestrial realm is fivefold, but it can not bring any threat to himself, but this person brings himself a strong threat, faintly smelling the taste of death.

The man was wearing a blue-and-white robe. The robe seemed to be filled with frost and mist, exuding an amazing chill, making it difficult to approach. His face, such as ice sculptures, eyes cold and indifferent, seemed to have no human feelings.

Gaze at Chen Zong's breath, as if to firmly seal Chen Zong in the bottom of his heart, this person regained his gaze and looked to the portal of Lingjin's secret realm.

"He is Heng Fei, an ice prison sword." A familiar voice sounded next to him was Xia Zhenghua. Xia Zhenghua's cultivation is the fourth stage of the terrestrial spirit realm, and his strength is stronger than the ordinary fourth stage of the terrestrial spirit realm. Naturally he is also eligible to enter Lingjin Secret.

The name "Fei Yixie" reminded Chen Zong of the thought, and thought of Fei Fu prison who was killed by himself in the tide of the earth's veins.

"What is the relationship between Fei Yixie and Fei Yi prison?" Chen Zong couldn't help but asked Xia Zhenghua to answer, after all, Xia Zhenghua didn't necessarily know.

"Brother, dear brother." Xia Zhenghua's answer surprised Chen Zong, but felt reasonable.

The same surname, even the first name, is only one word behind, and it makes sense to have a brotherhood relationship.

Then the other party has such a strong intention to kill himself, I am afraid not only because of the hatred of the Skyrim and the Extreme Sky, but also the hatred of killing his brother.

"Fei Xie and Fei Jie prison are the pride of the sky. This Fei Xie was king in the extreme situation of the people, was accepted as the disciple by the master of the skyscraper, known as the ice sword king, one hand ice sword sword horror, ice Feng Qianli, then practiced to a superior pseudo-spiritual realm, condensing the earth's veins to achieve the terrestrial realm, extremely killing, and never left alive under the sword. "Xia Zhenghua said positively, his tone was extremely serious, apparently from the heart's fear of ice prison Sword Hou Fei is evil.

Xia Zhenghua thinks that he can be regarded as a genius and has the ability to challenge and kill the enemy. However, compared with the evil sword Hou Fei, the difference is far, not to mention the gap between the two.

I'm afraid that under hostility, the opponent can settle with one sword.

Although Chen Zong is Tianjiao or even top Tianjiao, but he is helpless and younger than Fei Fei. He has cultivated less for many years. There is also a huge gap in cultivation. This brings about an absolute gap in strength.

Therefore, Xia Zhenghua explained to Chen Zong in a solemn and solemn manner, the purpose is to make Chen Zong pay attention, and never confront Fei Yixie, see the other side, run as far as possible.

Perhaps humiliation is better than life loss.

Regarding Xia Zhenghua's concern, Chen Zong expressed acceptance and did not explain too much because there was no need for that.

Although the icy killing of Fei Xie did indeed pose a great threat to himself, if he met in the secret realm, he would have to fight a war, and Chen Zong was not afraid.

It is interesting that everyone didn't talk and satirize each other, but instead stared at the portal of Lingjin's secret realm, but didn't get the first heart and entered first. In fact, it is well understood and uncertain.

Although it has been verified, verification is ultimately verification, and no one can be sure whether there will be a deviation, after all, this mysterious gold mystery is very mysterious.

"Which one of you sent Earth to the Nine Realms to try it." An elder of the Sky Club opened his mouth. Sen Leng's eyes first swept over the side of the Sky Club, and he immediately fell between the two sword sects. His tone was strong and very overbearing.

The faces of Tianji Jianzong and Wuji Jianzong changed, but they dared not say anything.

The two great swordsmen are in Mingjianzhou, but they are one of the great forces, but they are helpless. There are three major Kendo families and the two associations, especially the skyscraper will be more powerful and irresistible.

"Immediately. Immediately." The cheeky elder of the Skyscraper re-voiced, becoming more cold and domineering.

In desperation, Tianji Jianzong and Wuji Jianzong each sent one person, and the earth spirit realm was rebuilt to the portal.

This scene, the other forces did not speak out to stop, but stood by and stood by.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling that this was the difference in strength.

The strong are overbearing and have sovereignty. The weak are either obedient or suppressed or even killed.

Therefore, only continuous strength is the right way. Whether it is status, power, or everything else, it all depends on itself. If you are strong, then everything can be easily grasped. On the contrary, if you are not strong enough, noble status After all, the power in the mirror is like a flower in the mirror, and there will be a broken day sooner or later.

The two sentimental realms sent to the ground were ninefold, and their hearts were naturally tortured, but they could only accept that they walked to the portal of the mysterious realm, stood before the portal, and all their eyes were fixed on them.

If the Earth Spirit Realm is accessible without any impact, it means that the previous verification is correct.

Jiuzhong, the two territories, would naturally worry, and instead of rushing in, he stood up and stretched out a finger, approached slowly, looking cold, and could see their inner tension.

Everyone's eyes naturally focused on their fingers.

The fingers approached slowly and came into contact with the pale golden ripples on the portal. Immediately, they saw that the **** crossed the water surface and passed through the pale golden ripples. The two of them immediately delighted, and the entire palm also Into it, the two then moved into shape and sank into it at an alarming rate.

The elders who "walked" the Sky Club immediately uttered a word, without any concealment: "Remember, if you meet someone from the Sky Club, kill me all."

As soon as the people in the Skyrising set off, the terrestrial spirit realm on one side of the Polar Sky Society was not behind, and the terrestrial spirit realms of the Jiuxing Tianzong and the three major forces also burst into the portal one after another.


The sound of strong breaking wind rang out in all directions. Whenever someone rushed into the portal, there would be ripples, and it would be endless.

Not long after, hundreds of terrestrial realms entered the mysterious realm of psychic gold, and only the powers of the Celestial Realm were left, and each of the Celestial Realms was at least a mid-day cultivation of Celestial Realm.

When Chen Zong made contact with Lingjin's secret portal, he felt a sudden burst of suction, which instantly wrapped his whole body, completely irresistible.

Immediately, the whole person seemed to enter the water, and the suction suddenly changed, causing the water to roll up an amazing vortex, turning madly, but Chen Zong did not feel hanged, but went away with the vortex that was constantly rotating. , Follow the flow.

It seemed like a long, long time in the past, suddenly, that strong rotating force suddenly slammed, as if an instant weightlessness, the whole person was thrown out in this way, and turned around for a while.

When he landed on both feet, Chen Zongfang could see clearly.

The red-grey sky seemed to be filled with endless smoke, like the embers and gray smoke after the volcano erupted, and the red-gray sparks were permeated in the air, like burnt paper ashes, and the ground was a barren dark red. Some Xiao Xiao pervaded.

Seen from a distance, there are huge potholes, long gullies, broken rocks, broken dead branches and stumps, and broken broken walls and ruins ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this is like an end of the world.

As if the sky above it would collapse, the land beneath it would break at any time, and the world on this side would be destroyed at any time.

Here, Chen Zong can still feel the aura fluctuation, but it is very weak. Compared with the outside world, it is estimated to be only 1%. In other words, if the power is exhausted, if you want to recover here, you must use the medicine or spirit source.

Because the heaven and earth aura here is not only thin but also mixed.

If a cultivator stays in such a place for a long time, not only will there be no improvement in cultivation, on the contrary, one's strength may be affected and become complicated, leading to a decline in strength.

Except for this apocalyptic scene, Chen Zong did not see any other living creatures. In other words, hundreds of terrestrial spirits that had flowed here had been separated by that portal.

"Want to come, it was caused by the war in ancient times." Chen Zong said secretly.

Imagine that the intact Lingjin mystery at that time should not be the case, and this uncontrollable situation will only occur after being destroyed by the war, but this is also good.

"Find a spiritual gold mine to refine the spiritual gold, so as to temper and improve the grade of the mind sword." Chen Zong secretly said.

Although talking about the special nature of Tianyi Sword, as you continue to train, you can improve the grade, but it takes a lot of time. If you can upgrade the grade faster, you will have a considerable increase in your strength.

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