Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 66: Ascend to the sky

When he left Taiyuan Tianzong that year, Elder Cang Xuan once gave himself three Cang Fei covers, one to defend against the attack of the king and one to defend the attack from the king. Both were used by Chen Zong. Three can defend against the triple attack of Tian Xuan Realm.

The power of the Seven Star Xuan Ling hands is amazing, especially when a powerful man in the middle of the seventh level of the genius-level spiritual realm is fully motivated, it is even more terrible. He directly suppressed Chen Zong. The terrible power not only came from the surroundings, but also the power of the ground vein Driven by the oppression from below, this kind of oppression made Chen Zong unable to escape.

Hard resistance

Is it the power that inspires the third blue feather cover?

With the power of the third Cang feather cover, it can be used to resist the seven heavy attacks of a spiritual land.

Therefore, Chen Zong does not plan to use the third Cang feather cover, but he will not sit still.

Even if the body is oppressed, it seems like it is suppressed by the invisible mountains for a while, it is difficult to move, but the spiritual consciousness has not been greatly affected.

In the consciousness of the sea, the extremely condensed sword of spiritual consciousness broke out in an instant and went straight to the corner of the consciousness of the sea. There was a small tower, which was light golden and filled with a thin layer of thin halo, invisible. It exudes a grand and volatile atmosphere.

This tower is called Ascension.

This small tower, which was acquired by Chen Zong on Chaotian Island that year, belongs to the emperor who left the sky before leaving, leaving his fate clearly.

Chen Zong is a famous person for thousands of years.

But after climbing the tower to enter the sea of ​​consciousness, he fell silent. Chen Zong must first refine it. This refinement is slow, and he will occupy some of his spiritual knowledge at all times.

After finally refining it, it was still unavailable, because it was not enough to cultivate. It was only in the spiritual state of the earth that it was qualified to start using the tower.

Now Chen Zong is in the tertiary stage of the terrestrial spirit realm. If the purity and vigor of the terrestrial spirit is not inferior to the ordinary early stage of the tertiary terrestrial realm, it may even surpass it. Naturally, it can evoke the power of climbing the tower.

It's just that this is the first time that Chen Zong used the power of the tower in the battle. In the past, he only tried it a little.

The reason why it is not easy to use is that every time you cast the tower, you will consume your great power.

Now, I have to use it. This is where Chen Zongming knows that there are others, but still dares to enter the ninth spiritual gold mine.

The Sword of Spiritual Knowledge penetrated the small towering tower in the instant stab, and suddenly, the towering tower trembled, and the golden light masterpiece permeated, as if the sun was shining and filled Chen. Zong's knowledge of the sea spread out from the knowledge of the sea, and the lightning-like rapids swept across Chen Zong's entire body.

The strength in the body also surged up, swept by the golden light diffused from the tower, as if it was ebb, quickly rushing to the tower in the sea, the tower is like a whale sucking water In an instant, at an alarming rate, all the power of Chen Zong was sucked away.

Under normal circumstances, the power of consciousness exists in consciousness of the sea. Spiritual power and strength cannot be entered because they are not homologous and there is a great difference.

If you want to rush spiritual power or strength into the sea of ​​knowledge, there will be only one result, the sea of ​​knowledge will be damaged or even broken, the consequences will be extremely miserable.

Dengtian Tower can do this, directly consuming all of Chen Zong ’s veins and pure yang strength, and the sea of ​​knowledge itself will not be affected in the slightest.

After the whole body's strength was absorbed by the tower, an unprecedented deficit pervaded the whole body, allowing Chen Zong to involuntarily develop a strong sense of emptiness. This sense of emptiness has been felt several times when I tried to motivate the tower. Even so, Chen Zong still didn't adapt.

Fortunately, this sense of emptiness is very short. It was so short that Chen Zong didn't clearly feel it, such as a rushing thunder in the void, as if the sky was torn, a majestic force, suddenly from the tower Rushing out in the middle, like a torrential dyke, wantonly hit Chen Zong's limbs.

This power, magnificent and infinite, is as if it does not belong to the world, as if it is from the sky, it is extremely deep and wonderful.

It is unmatched in power and unparalleled in power.

Chen Zong felt that he was constantly being impacted in his body, faintly ache, as if to be torn and broken.

This is exactly the power that Dengtian Tower has. It has no name, but Chen Zong named it the power of Dengtian.

Chen Zong's golden power pervaded every part of Chen Zong's body, while he merged into the body, and then formed a protective film on the membrane, while walking freely inside the body, flooding Chen Zong with strong power.


Very domineering

Unparalleled arrogance

The powerful strength made Chen Zong's momentum soar and bring unparalleled confidence.

The force of ascending to the sky continued to surge out of the ascending tower and penetrated into Chen Zong's body. As a result, Chen Zong's breath continued to rise. As the breath climbed, his strength continued to increase. The pressure on Chen Zong's body was under pressure. It's getting bigger.

The idea of ​​"stopping" suddenly stopped, and the power of ascending to the sky ceased.

If Chen Zong keeps on, the power of ascending the sky will continue to emerge, and how much will eventually emerge. Chen Zong is also unclear, because in the previous attempts, the more the power of ascending the sky, the more pressure he suffered. The bigger it gets, the bigger it gets to the back, Chen Zong's body can't bear it, and then it is destroyed from the inside, and even explodes. Once it explodes, it is naturally dead.

Chen Zong didn't want such a death.

Therefore, after several attempts, Chen Zong found the right point, now.

The emergence of ascendant power is just within the tolerance range of one's own body, which will not cause a significant burden, and will greatly enhance his own strength.

"Now my strength should have reached the seventh level of the earth's spiritual realm." Chen Zong said secretly.

On the realm of martial arts, Chen Zongke will not be inferior to the other party. The only gap is strength.

Now, the power of heaven has filled the gap between himself and the other.


The golden power of the sky suddenly poured into the sword of mind, chopping out a golden sword light.

Marks of the sky

A sword broke.

The power of this sword is incomparable. It instantly cut open the oppression of Qi Xingxuan Ling's hand, and chopped it toward the huge palm that flashed the seven-pointed star light, colliding.

The palm of the shivering bamboo was suddenly smitten, and then it was split by the golden sword light. The rest of the momentum remained, and the sky was torn apart, killing Jiuxing Tianzong to the seventh level.

"Impossible" The seventh place of the spiritual realm suddenly yelled, terrified.

Obviously he was going to kill the opponent with one palm, but this change happened, and the opponent ’s strength has soared many times, and he can also launch his seven-star mysterious hand with ten successes.

"Seven Stars Xuan Ling Hands Ask For Life"

Qixing Xuanling Hands is a well-known martial art in the Nine-Star Emperor Tianzong. It is a top grade in the spiritual realm, and it belongs to the top. The attacking power is very powerful, and one move is stronger than one.

The first move was a broken body, which was cut open by Chen Zongyi sword. The nine-star Tianzong Qiling Realm immediately performed his second move and demanded his life.

A little bit of starlight lights up one after another, a total of seven points are distributed in the middle of the sky, but the surroundings are trapped in darkness, but the seven-point starlight is extremely dazzling.

Immediately, the veins were outlined, condensing a slender palm, and the palm extended the index finger, and the seven-pointed starlight was distributed on that finger, a little bit more dazzling, power was transmitted, and immediately, a finger was shot forward. .

Under that finger, the air was repelled, and the void was hollow like a thin film. The terrible destruction force locked Chen Zong's whole body.

The pressure on this move is much greater than the previous one. Before it was replaced, Chen Zong estimated that he could not move his fingers, but now he is not afraid.

The power of ascending to the sky again surged through the sword body, and a sword stabbed out.

A fierce roar sounded, the ground shook like a terrible sword into a golden star with the thickness of a thumb, penetrating the sky, carrying unparalleled power, and fiercely hitting that finger.

The golden sparks collided with the fingers, all together, and the next breath, the finger was covered with cracks, the seven-point starlight also became dim, and then went out, the fingers broke apart, and the entire palm also broke apart.

At that point, the spark also became dim, but it still flew towards Jiuxing Tianzong's Earth Spirit Realm Seventh.

Chen Zong stabbed a second sword, anxious as it was, reaching the extreme.

The third sword is still anxious, and the fourth sword is still anxious.

Sword after sword, the speed of the sword is terrible.

Tenth Sword, Starfire Strike

Qixing Xuanling's two moves were broken one after another, and before the third move was performed, Chen Zong's sword was continuously assassinated. It seemed as if he was wielding eight swords at the same time. Assassinations came from all directions. Carrying terrible power, he felt threatened, great threat.

Resist the eight swords, but can't stop the ninth sword, because that sword gathered Chen Zong's power to ascend to the sky, to the extreme.

"I don't want to die." He looked down at his chest with a horrified and difficult look, where a hole was blown out, about the size of a fist, the edges were extremely smooth, and the heart was missing.

The terrible power raged through the hole and destroyed all vitality ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No vitality. The nine-star heavenly spirit land fell down in sevenfold, and Chen Zong moved extremely fast, turning the other's gloves Taken down, this is a top-class Chinese artifact, which is more valuable than ordinary Chinese artifacts. As for the inner artifact of the opponent, it has been damaged. Fang used it instead of a mustard bag, but a false motto.

The value of Xu Mijie is not comparable to that of mustard bags.

With a wave of his hand, the sword was swayed, and the opponent's body was dismembered in an instant to avoid being occupied by evil thoughts or turning into a corpse.

Immediately, the golden light on her body was restrained, as if they were ebb tide. They returned to the tower, and a sense of emptiness appeared again. Then, three forces emerged from the tower, one is spiritual knowledge, the other is The strength and the last one are the ground pulse spirits, but only about two-thirds remain.

Chen Zongke didn't dare to delay at all, and quickly took out all kinds of elixir and threw it in his mouth to swallow it, replenishing the consumed power.

Although the ascending tower is very good, its ascending power is also very powerful, but it is very power-consuming. From the strength of urging the ascending tower to the killing of the opponent, it only took a dozen or so time before and after. Both consumed a third.

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