Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 5: Kill

The protagonist has changed, but it is still a small sister-in-law. In addition, this is a new starting point. Liu Dao also understands the thoughts of some teachers and brothers. Jump, I ca n’t wait to send you a blade right away, and when it comes to reading, when Liu Dao is a reader, it will be uncomfortable for a while to encounter a turning point like a book. I just hope that everyone will continue to support Liu Dao, and Liu Dao will work hard to write well

"Xian nephew, why do you have a black killing order?" Liu Chengyi was also shocked and asked.

"On my way home, I was intercepted by three men in black. Last night, another man in black came to assassinate me." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, as if talking about something unrelated to him, Chen Qingyao on one side But his face changed, Chen Zong's sleeves were tightened subconsciously.

"Hei Xie Lou is a killing force. Someone will pay for it. Who will deal with my nephew?" Liu Chengyi looked cold, his friend Chen Zhenghong died, and he couldn't do anything. Nowadays, some people still want to kill the friend's son. Mo's home is still Tieshan Sword "

After thinking about it, it seems that there are only these two parties, cutting the grass and rooting out, after all, Chen Qingzong's talent potential is still good.

"Who is going to deal with me? I want to ask Deacon Zhao Zhongxing, maybe I will know." Chen Zong suddenly turned the words to Zhao Zhongxing not far away, completely unexpected.

"I" was caught off guard, but Zhao Zhongxing was worthy of being a secretive generation, and immediately reacted, with an expression of anger: "Little landlord, if you know who did this, despite speaking, I will not let him go."

With that said, a pledge of loyalty was expressed.

"Does Deacon Zhao intend to kill himself?" Chen Zong's counter-question made Zhao Zhongxing's pupils shrink like needles, and also changed the appearance of others around him. The meaning of this sentence

"Uncle Liu, help me protect my sister." Chen Zong's voice sounded in Liu Chengyi's ears, but his body rushed out, as fast as a cheetah. He blinked across dozens of meters and approached Zhao Zhongxing in a blink of an eye. The air lingered, like Feihong flying across the sky.

Feng Feisheng was also a master of swordsmanship, and he was quite familiar with Chen Zhenghong's Feihong swordsmanship.

Feihong swordsmanship is a martial art of superior grade swordsmanship. It is difficult to cultivate without exerting the seven important foundations, and it is even more difficult to exert its power. But looking at Chen Zong's sword is not a beginning exercise.

A sword brought Han Guang to kill, Zhao Zhongxing's complexion suddenly changed, he never expected that Chen Zong would be so decisive.

"Since you seek your own way, you can't blame me." Zhao Zhongxing flashed a hint of killing in the eyes of his eyes, but secretly thought, but did not show it, but exclaimed: "Little landlord, what do you mean, isn't it? Do you think it's me asking Heixialou to assassinate you? "

While exclaiming, Zhao Zhongxing stepped back. Although he was burly and strong, he was not slow.

Zhao Zhongxing retreated, Chen Zongjin, a sword swept through the air, and there were faint birdsong sounds all around.

The deacon of the other Seven Sword Towers around "Good fast" were shocked. Originally, they didn't pay much attention to Chen Zong, but now they know that they are indeed geniuses and Zongmen disciples.

"Deacon Zhao, if you dare to do it, you must dare to do it. You just want to take charge of the seventh sword tower." Chen Zongyi sword slayed away, and his voice was cold and sharp like a sword.

"Young landlord, you are wronging me. Who doesn't know that when the landlord is alive, I wholeheartedly assist the landlord. I never had a second heart." Zhao Zhongxing yelled for himself and continued to retreat: "Young landlord, please close your hands, If not, I will only offend. "

"Just try it." Chen Zong was unmoved.

"That being the case, young landlord, my old Zhao is not polite." Zhao Zhongxing secretly gave a joy, but pretended to be sad and indignant.

At this point, Zhao Zhongxing and Chen Zong were several kilometers away from the six landlords.

The seven landlords of the Seven Swords Tower are all masters of swords, but others do not necessarily all use swords. Like Zhao Zhongxing, all his studies are on the palms of his hands. The thick palms blast the air like a grinding disc. To Chen Zong.

"This" Liu Chengyi will draw his sword.

"Wait." Feng Pingsheng stopped it, his eyes stared at Chen Zong.

Chen Qingyao twisted his hands subconsciously, worried.

A powerful soul, super perception, and spiritual knowledge that can be mastered by transcendental realms. These are things that the other party does not have. In addition, the accumulation of the previous world has unparalleled advantages. At a glance, Chen Zong could see the flaws in the opponent's palm. There were dozens of them.

Followed by a flaw to kill with a sword, the disc-like palm print suddenly collapsed.

This scene made several Jianlou masters stunned, Zhao Zhongxing was even more shocked.

He built the eighth base for his grandeur, but the other side only built the sixth base, even if he is a disciple of the Zongmen, he cannot be his opponent.

"The landlord is so good. In this case, old Zhao, I can only show a little more ability." Zhao Zhongxing was shocked but laughed, sounding like Chen Zong.

As the words fell, Zhao Zhongxing's palms turned red, as if there was a fiery flame, and the blazing breath suddenly diffused. This palm used 30% of Zhao Zhongxing's power.

In the loud drinking, Zhao Zhongxing shot with a palm, approaching Chen Zong. At the moment when Chen Zong was about to be bombarded, the fiery red breath condensed on his arm and turned into a red python. The head of the snake is the palm of his hand, and the palm of his hand is the mouth of the snake. The red light spit out like a snake core.

The eighth grounding: True Qi Condensation

"Stop" Liu Chengyi's complexion suddenly changed, and his shape rushed out.

Feng Pingsheng also drew his sword instantly.

Zhao Zhongxing previously suppressed the strength, and the clinker approached Chen Zong in one palm, but he urged the success of the full force, and urged Dacheng Chi Lianzhang to the extreme. Even a stack of 100 refined steels would be hit in an instant. Broken, not to mention the human body, clearly is to cause Chen Zongyu to die.

However, a distance of several kilometers cannot be crossed in an instant, and distant water cannot save near fire.

"Kill him." Zhao Qixing had unstoppable excitement under his eyes, his hands clenched unconsciously.

As long as Chen Qingzong is killed, the master of the Seventh Sword House will belong to the father, and everything that Chen Zhenghong left will be his own, and Chen Qingyao will also become his own woman.

Zhao Qixing couldn't help feeling hot when he wanted to press Chen Qingyao's delicate body under him.

Seeing that Chen Zong was about to be hit by Zhao Zhongxing's full force of Chi Lian's palm, he was killed, but only saw Chen Zong's figure leap, and suddenly, everyone seemed to see an ape monkey jumping with dexterity In the woods, there was a sudden change, and the cheetah turned into a sturdy sprint in the wilderness, and the sudden change made people slightly surprised.

Zhao Zhongxing only felt that there was no one under his palm.

"Feihong is missing"

There seemed to be a erratic sound coming from the sky, and it was introduced into the ear, and the rhyme was infinite.

A touch of white light sharpened the sky, but it was erratic, and the trajectory was hard to find.

Zhao Zhongxing was frightened, he quickly clawed to resist, and his steps slipped, but he couldn't avoid it.

With a bang, Bai Guang dissipated after passing Zhao Zhongxing's neck, as if it had never appeared. Chen Zong's figure also appeared a few meters behind Zhao Zhongxing. Bai Hongjian slanted to the ground, cold like water.

Zhao Zhongxing stood still, keeping his body in a swaying posture, without moving, his bright eyes slowly faded, and a thin trace appeared on his neck, scarlet, shocking.

The masters of the sword tower that followed this one after another, their pupils contracted.

"Not impossible" Zhao Zhongxing slumped with one hand and brushed his neck with one hand, only feeling a bit moist. He raised his palm and put it in front of the dim eyes, a scarlet touch, very dazzling.

The footsteps went backward two steps, then fell down, the sound of drums, and the dust flying.

At this point, "Daddy", Zhao Qixing's dream was only broken, awakened instantly, and rushed in a loud scream, but Zhao Zhongxing had no breath and was dead.

"You murderer even killed my father." Zhao Qixing's scarlet eyes glared at Chen Zong, and he hated: "I fight with you."

Even so, Zhao Qixing did not move, because a chilling sword arrived in front of him.

"Xian nephew, why are you doing this?" Feng Pingsheng looked ugly.

Others are also ugly, after all, Zhao Zhongxing is a person from Qijianlou, not an ordinary member, but a deacon.

There are seven landlords and seven deacons in the Seven Swords Tower, and any death is not a trivial matter.

"Zhao Qixing, come together with what you know, if not, I will cut off your fingers and toes one by one, cut off your arms and legs, cut your nose, nose and ears all, Adult sticks are put in the cymbals, and one cannot survive but cannot die. "Chen Zong did not answer Feng Pingsheng's words, but instead said to Zhao Qixing.

With a calm tone, under the influence of a powerful soul, they are directly against the mind of the other party.

Speak harsh words in a bland tone, imperceptibly mixed with the influence of powerful soul fluctuations, directly approaching each other's mind, this method, only a strong enough strong soul can resist, obviously Zhao Qixing does not have.

Not to mention Zhao Qixing, even other people around, such as Feng Pingsheng, can not help but feel scalp numb and cold, as if it would really be the case.

Zhao Qixing scared the urine directly, and the smell of urine made his frowns.

"No, I don't want to be made into a stick" Zhao Qixing cried.

The previous breath was still full of hatred and he was looking for Chen Zong desperately. After the next breath, tears and noses flew together. His heart and mind were defeated under Chen Zong's verbal sword.

The word "said" was like thunder.

"I said that everything I said was that the killer that my father was looking for was going to get rid of you. As long as you got rid of you, the Lord of the Seventh Sword House was my father's pocket, and everything that Chen Zhenghong left was ours. "Chen Qingyao will also become my woman." Zhao Qixing, frightened, said with a brain. Before he finished, Bai Hongjian had pierced his throat and died.

The six landlords and other deacons including Feng Pingsheng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ were extremely horrified, especially Feng Pingsheng, who was cold and frightening.

From Zhao Zhongxing's reaction and Zhao Qixing's words, we can be sure that it was indeed Zhao Zhongxing who found the killer of Heishalou to kill Chen Qingzong. In this way, he had a great chance to take charge of the seventh sword tower, and then get Bai Hongjian left by Chen Zhenghong And Feihong swordsmanship and everything.

In addition to this, the decisiveness and kindness represented by Chen Zong made Feng Pingsheng feel that his majesty was damaged, but he could not attack.

"Zhao Zhongxing's father, son and wolf have ambitions, but they are dead, but this news is blocked and must not be circulated." Feng Pingsheng suppressed his dissatisfaction and anger, took a deep breath, and announced in a condensed voice: "Chen Qingzong has excellent talents and is qualified to be able to serve as No. Lord of the Seven Swords Tower, what do you think? "

"Good." Liu Chengyi nodded without hesitation.

"It is really good to kill Zhao Zhongxing, but it is exempt from the assessment," said the owner of the Second Sword Tower.

In the general trend, Chen Zongming is in control of the seventh sword tower.

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