Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 24: The style of that 1 sword (7)

"Whirlwind leg!"

Drinking loudly and magnificently, Tan Lie is still in mid-air, his legs quickly turned, rolled up a strong whirlwind, whistling overflowing, the momentum was amazing.

Liu Zhenji changed his former indolent appearance, his face was cold, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and the sword around his waist came out of the sheath, and turned into a beam of blue sword light.

The whirlwind leg is an ordinary Chinese martial art, and it is displayed under Tan Lie's legs. The power is amazing, and it has reached the peak of magic.

And Liu Zhenji's glaring swordsmanship of all grades also reached the pinnacle.

Both of them are at the top of the class, and they have reached the peak of their gods. The cultivation of the two is the same. Once they are displayed, the power is amazing.

The whirlwind whistled, and the blue light shone.

In a few short interest periods, Shuangyi has fought dozens of times, and the breath is full of energy.

So far, this is the most fierce battle. It is more fierce than the one between Unit Long and Yin Chong. It makes people unable to hold their breath, lest they disturb.

A trivial Chinese martial arts study, but was fully interpreted by the two, to the fullest.

Immediately, the two seemed to resemble each other very well. Tan Lie's legs changed, and the breath that was carried between the anger and the rush was strengthened.

Storm Legs.

Qingmang sword hair, all top grade.

Both also practiced it to the realm of the gods.

The martial arts practice is easy to get started, and it is not difficult for Xiaocheng. Dacheng can achieve it if he is willing to put in effort and time. However, being enlightened and entering the world requires enlightenment.

Therefore, martial arts training to the gods is often better. If you can cultivate into the martial arts, it is even more difficult. As for martial arts, it is too difficult and difficult to find.

The martial arts in the realm of tragedy are like a gimmick, and with the help of God, they have been separated from the stage of recruiting and dismantling according to recruiting, and they have flexibly applied the moves in each martial art. .

The storms were crowded with continuous roaring sounds, and a little green mantle shuttled through it, either straight or curved.

The strength of the two was equal, and the battle was fierce and lasted for a long time.

Fight fight!

Tan Lie's body leaped abruptly, and he was in the midair, driven by his legs, and spun up quickly, turning himself into an astonishing whirlwind, showing his whirlwind legs to the extreme.

But Tan Lie's whirlwind legs were not used to attack, but to take advantage.

The momentum was reached, and then the storm leg method was the strongest blow, with a boom, a huge leg shadow rolled up a horrible storm and raged down, as if it could break Yanwutai with one leg.

Liu Zhenji looked dignified, took a deep breath, and poured all his energy into the sword in his hands. A little blue light quickly moved on the ridge of the sword and kept moving forward. The light was dazzling and couldn't be seen directly.

A sword broke, the sword disappeared, the arm disappeared, and only a little glare of green mang broke.

This is the most powerful move of Qingmang Sword.

Winning and losing, right now.

The roar was soaring and full of energy that it was hard to open his eyes.

Everything dissipated, Liu Zhenji and Tan Lie stood on the stage of Yanwu, standing still.

The winner has been divided.

A bit of redness appeared in Tan Lie's brows.

"You won this battle." Tan Lie said unwillingly and stepped down to stage Wutai.

The battle is indeed a battle, but Liu Zhenji's strength is really strong, and it is not the time for full force to erupt.

In the eighth battle, the challenger failed.

In the ninth battle, the challenger failed.

In the tenth battle, the challenger failed.

In the eleventh battle, the challenger was Chen Zong.

Chen Zong walked into Wutai.

"Fight with me." Zhang Tiekang said directly.

"Battle." Chen Zongdao said.

Originally, Chen Zong intended to directly challenge Yang Chaofan and win the first place. Since Zhang Tiekang was so proactive, he gave the other party a chance.

This scene suddenly made everyone look confused.

In the mad laughter, Zhang Tie was leaping for a long time, and if Xingmaru bounced, he fell from the air, and the long sword at the waist and the long sword at the back came out of the sheath.

An instant shot, very angry.

Everyone was shocked.

"Seven layers of foundation!"

"Zhang Tiekuan's cultivation has already reached the seventh level of the foundation."

The exclaimed sounds kept coming and going.

The foundation is sevenfold, and that is the threshold for Neizong's disciples.

Others who were also Waizong disciples were also surprised. Even Yang Chaofan was a little surprised, but it was fleeting.

In the early stage of the construction of the Seventh Stage of the Basement, all the ten percent of the vitality was agitated, and the fifth-level exercises were even more amazing.

Sword Smash!


Amazing sword lightsaber atmosphere filled the stage of Yanwu, nowhere to hide, crazy cutting, making the six basic foundations difficult to resist, all the disciples were dignified.

"This iron maniac is only fifteen or sixteen years old." A casual Xiu smiled.

"The fifteen-six-year-old foundation is sevenfold, which is really amazing." The same is true of other casual repairs.

Although they are now the best in casual training, when they are 15 or 6 years old, some of them have not even reached the quadruple level of infrastructure construction. It is really more deadly than popularity.

Chen Zong looked up and stared at Zhang Tiekang who was falling in mid-air. The sword smashed dozens of times in a flash, looking like a blow.

This is the sword slam, very violent slash, pure destruction.

Liu Zhenji looked dignified. Such a blow was stronger than Tan Lie's one before, and he was not sure to resist it.

Unit Dragon also stared at Zhang Tiekang, his expression remained unchanged, but his heart was not so calm.

In the face of this overbearing blow, Chen Zong did not mean to evade halfway, Bai Hongjian came out of the sheath and shot out with a sword.

The sword glowed glaringly, and it was a glaring sword.

"Is this a dream?"

"No, it feels higher than being preoccupied. There is an indescribable charm, that is huahua."

"Swordsmanship into the realm!"

Exclaims kept coming.

"This is not huahua, but military will!"

Elder Zong and Elder Zong were shocked.

Although the Qingguang swordsmanship is only a middle-class Chinese swordsmanship, it is not easy to cultivate it into the realm of huahua, let alone master the will.

For a time, the elders of Waizong self-examined one after another. There were such characters among Waizong's disciples, but they didn't know it.

If you know it earlier, you can take it as a disciple, cultivate it, and shine it.

The eyes of the elder Neizong were burning.

Among the Neizong disciples, there are also people who practice martial arts to martial arts, but very few of them are among the best among Neizong disciples.

Chen Zong immediately made Zhang Tiekang feel threatened.

The Sword Slam suddenly changed.

"Sword Tiger ... Stegosaurus ..."


The long sword initiated tiger howling, and the long sword roared out Long Yin.

Sword light is like a tiger and sword light is like a dragon.

This blow was twice as powerful as the sword blow.

However, Chen Zong's sword did not change by half, and followed the killing between Sword Tiger and Stegosaurus.

The sword was separated and one sword went straight to the palace.

The tyrannical force hit Zhang Tiekang's chest directly, using clever energy, and would not penetrate Zhang Tiekang like a hammer.

The dull cymbals sounded, and Zhang Tiekang's body was dispelled in an instant, and the whole person also flew up over the sky, spitting blood.

One sword defeated Zhang Tiekang at the beginning of the seventh stage of the construction of the basement. This scene shocked everyone.

Yang Chaofan's complexion finally changed. For the first time, his eyes were dignified, facing Chen Zong.

"Good sword ... good swordsmanship ..." Zhang Tie fell wildly, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and said with a bitter smile.

I thought that with this month's hard training, Xiu Wei, who broke through to the seventh stage of the construction of the base, could defeat the opponent with the sword combination of the magical realm. I did not expect that he was defeated by the opponent.

Moreover, it was not defeated after a fierce battle, but it was defeated directly with a sword.

Although I felt very unwilling, I had to take it.

Strength, this is the absolute strength, crushing strength.

Waizong disciples and casual practitioners were even more shocked. Only Feng Pingsheng and the Mo family and the black tiger gang found the same look, because they had all seen Chen Zong beheading and building the nine-level masters.

The faces of the three Neizong disciples changed greatly. The high-rise buildings that had threatened to battle with Chen Zong had a bitter smile.

These strengths are not weak at all, and they may not win against each other.

And it looks like it's not the other party's full strength. Look down on the other party.

Zhang Tiekang ranked third in the top ten and lost. Chen Zong replaced it and sat in the third of the top ten.

Ye Xijun blinked a pair of beautiful eyes and looked at Chen Zong. Chen Zong smiled slightly, and Ye Xijun smiled slightly.

"That sword is not the best." Yang Chaofan said suddenly, his voice was flat, but there was a hint of dignity.

This is the first sentence Yang Chaofan said from the beginning to the present.

"What's your talent?" Chen Zong asked, this was not intentional, but curiosity.

It is said that Yang Chaofan is born with extraordinary talents and masters amazing talents, but little is known about what they are.

"Perhaps, you will know." Yang Chaofan stared deeply at Chen Zong, withdrew his gaze and stopped speaking.

In the eleventh battle, the challenger failed again.

In the twelfth battle, the challenger still lost.

In the thirteenth battle, Feihua Jian Ye Xiwen came to power.

"Cousin, come and compete with me." Ye Xiwen smiled and looked at Ye Xijun.

Both are from the three-star Ye family, belonging to a cousin relationship.

Ye Xijun was also unambiguous, and he jumped straight forward, his slender legs striding across the air, fluttering to the ground.

The sword comes out of the sheath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jianguang is blooming like a flower, the pistil is pouring, it is the sword awn broken.

At the same time, Ye Xijun's sword came out.

The scabbard seemed to be not a sword, but a ball of sword light, which spread quickly, covering like a sword net, covering the blooming sword flower.

Qing Luo Sword!

The sword came out of Qing Luo, like a heavenly net, nowhere to hide.

The blood bloomed and wilted, and the disillusionment alternated continuously. Ye Xiwen walked with the sword, shuttled between the sword nets, approached Ye Xijun constantly, Ye Xijun stood still, and one sword waved, interwoven into one sword net after another. Nets continued, besieging Ye Xiwen.

Either Ye Xiwen broke the sword net and killed Ye Xijun, or Ye Xiwen was trapped by the sword net and finally lost.

In the end, Ye Xijun outperformed. Feihua Jian Ye Xiwen tried his best, but still failed to break the sword net. Failure to break the sword net was a defeat.

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