Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 29: Sword defeat Liu Qingyang

"You want to challenge Liu Qingyang?"

When Chen Zongyi returned from his home in Qingyun Jianwu Tower, he encountered Zhang Tiekang, who asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"You ..." Zhang Tiekang pointed at Chen Zong with a speechless expression. He was so mad that he did not dare to challenge the disciples of Baiyuan as soon as he became a disciple of the Zong. Although Chen Zong's madness was not revealed, it came from the bones. I don't know how many times to beat him: "Do you know that every disciple in Baiyuan has at least an eight-fold practice in building the foundation."

"So what?" Chen Zong asked with a smile.

What about building a base environment, or building a base environment?

"Liu Qingyang is among the top 100 disciples and is considered to be among the best. It is enough to be included in the top 30. His cultivation has reached the late eighth stage of the establishment of the foundation. , One is very vigorous and pure, although the swordsmanship is a top grade, there are two, one is a strong wind and fast sword, mainly fast, Shi unfolded very violently, one is the Montenegro swordsmanship, with force as Lord, such as the suppression of Heishan, Liu Qingyang is rumored to practice both swordsmanship to the realm of entering the state. "

Listening to Zhang Tiekuan's account, Chen Zong understood that Liu Qingyang was indeed a capable person. No wonder he was so crazy. His madness came from his strength and confidence.

It's just that everything is relative.

Even if it is the first strongman in Qingyunzong, it is only the first strongman in Qingyunzong. It is not necessary in the entire Dongchen realm, let alone in the entire Lingwu sacred realm.

"That's it, do you still want to challenge?" Zhang Tiekang couldn't help asking after he spoke.

"I heard that the practice environment of Baiyuan is better." Chen Zong smiled slightly and didn't answer clearly, but Zhang Tiekuan already knew the answer.

"Well, my madness is not as good as you." Zhang Tiekuan has a deeper understanding. His madness is publicity and Chen Zong's madness is introverted: "When will the challenge begin, I will cheer you on."

"Now," Chen Zong laughed.

Zhang Tiekang will know about this, most likely Liu Qingyang deliberately spread the news out, why?

Quite simply, I was worried that I wouldn't challenge him, so everyone made a splash of gold and grilled herself on the fire.

I have to say that Liu Qingyang is very deliberate, but it is useless. Chen Zong said that last night, which means that he would do that, and soon.

Before Chen Zong, Zhang Tiekang followed, and he looked like a small follower. Zhang Tiekang didn't feel himself.

Later, Chen Zong met Ye Xijun, but did not meet Yang Chaofan.

"He is Chen Qingzong."

"Wai Zong first, threatening to challenge Brother Liu Qingyang's arrogance?"

When Liu Qingyang spread the news, the first reaction of many Neizong disciples was disbelief, and then they felt that the newcomers were arrogant and arrogant.

"I thought you were going to be a tortoise." Seeing Chen Zong's arrival, Liu Qingyang froze slightly, and his attendant immediately began to sarcastically.

"Brother Chen, as a brother, I'll give you a piece of advice." Liu Qingyang said with a smile: "Not long ago you won the No. 1 Grand Prix, and your heart is full of arrogance and confidence, but you must see the reality. You must have self-knowledge, otherwise you will only blind your eyes and your heart, which is very bad for cultivation. "

Listen, it seems that Chen Zong is thinking about it, but it is another kind of irony, sarcastic Chen Zong is arrogant and arrogant.

The crowd stared at Chen Zong to see how he would fight back.

Chen Zong did not answer, or in other words, Chen Zong's answer was to draw a sword.

Bai Hongjian slowly came out of the sheath, the sword light was like water, and the chill quietly spread out.

"My generation sword repair, right and wrong under the sword."

Bai Hongjian pointed directly at Liu Qingyang, and Chen Zong's words immediately shocked the crowd, and he instantly felt full of style.

"Sword repair in my generation, right and wrong in my sword ... My sword repair in my generation ..." Zhang Tiekang kept muttering this sentence, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was an unspeakable perception for a while.

Liu Qingyang's complexion suddenly changed. Compared with Chen Zong's sentence, the irony of his own talent made him as ridiculous as a clown.

When the decision was made, Liu Qingyang drew his sword. His sword was also a top grade, and a gleam of blue light flowed over the sword.

Daqing Yuangong's true qi quickly turned in the meridians, and the tyrannical breath permeated.

"Brother Chen, as a brother, I will let you do three things." Liu Qingyang was full of spirit.

He is confident that his strength is enough to easily defeat the opponent, even if the opponent is the first disciple of the foreign ancestor, so he uttered the words of the three tricks to reflect his demeanor.

For such people, Chen Zong always likes to fight back with facts.


A flash of blue light is the meaning of the Qingguang sword method, which runs through the sky. Its sword speed is amazing and its power is terrible. When it comes out of the sword, it assassinates Liu Qingyang, causing Liu Qingyang's complexion to suddenly change and his pupils to shrink sharply.


This sword is too fast!

It was so fast that it unexpectedly surprised everyone, and Liu Qingyang was feeling terrified.

Dare not to have the slightest enlightenment, Liu Qingyang hurried out his sword, a sword rolled up the violent wind, and quickly killed.

That is the sword of the strong wind entering the realm of transformation.

Qingguang swordsmanship is just a medium-class product. Even if it has mastery of martial arts, its power is almost the same as the gale sword in the realm of entering the realm.

Sword into the sword, one trick one by one came, to exert the power to the extreme.

"Liu Qingyang, didn't you say you want to make three moves?" Zhang Tiekang suddenly shouted. Liu Qingyang's pupils were full of chills, but he didn't respond. At this time, Rao was unable to help but feel his cheeks warm.

I told three tricks, and as soon as Chen Zong gave out the sword, he followed suit and had to do it.

But since the sword has been counterattacked, there is no reason to stop, otherwise, it is even more a joke.

Liu Qingyang knows this very well. Therefore, regardless of what Zhang Tiekang says, he can't bother and ignore it. Zhang Tiekang's backing is so big that he can't offend himself.

The appeals of the other disciples were ignored, as long as Chen Zong was defeated.

As soon as the blustery sword unfolded, one sword followed by another, and the swords followed each other, and each sword was extremely fast. It also contained extremely violent sword strength, and it was amazingly powerful.

There is no doubt that this is a sword technique that can suppress people, defeat the defense, and then defeat.

Liu Qingyang's practice is the late eighth stage of the establishment of the base. Da Qingyun's practice is to the sixth floor. His true energy is very pure. He will do his best to make each sword more powerful.

The sword was permeated and the sky was cut, so that everyone else in the surrounding area retreated, lest it be affected.

Chen Zongshi exhibited Feihong swordsmanship, the sword appeared like Feihong swept out of the air.

The light of the sword was light, agile, and full of sharpness. Everyone seemed to see a white great bird flying through the sky, shuttled between dark clouds and lightning.

At this time, everyone realized Chen Zong's cultivation.

The first stage of the foundation of Yae!

Zhang Tiekang and Ye Xijun held each other directly. Did it only take one night for Chen Zong's cultivation to reach the eighth early stage of the foundation?

It is possible, but it also shows that in the past, Chen Zong's repair was to build the seven limits of the foundation, otherwise there would be no such improvement.

Another possibility is that Chen Zong's previous practice was the early stage of the eighth stage of the foundation, but it has been hidden.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tiekang and Ye Xijun laughed bitterly.

Such a practice, what sword skills are needed, they can be crushed directly.

But where can they be sure, in the early stage of the eighth stage of the foundation, was Chen Zong's true cultivation?

Other Neizong disciples were also shocked.

The foundation of the eighth stage of the construction of the foundation.

In other words, this guy was at least the cultivation of the Seventh Limit of the Foundation.

A fifteen-year-old foreign disciple has the practice of building the seven limits of the foundation. Throughout the history of Qingyunzong, it seems that there are very few, at least in the years they know, at least they have never heard of it. .

Liu Qingyang also regretted regret, should not provoke such a person.

At the beginning of the eighth stage of the construction of the basement, this was just promoted to a disciple of Neizong. After that, it will definitely skyrocket.

But that's all for now. It's useless to say more. It's better to defeat it and suppress it.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingyang's swordsmanship became more and more intense. When it was extremely strong, the sword light suddenly burst out. Only the terrible sword gas came out. Immediately, I saw Liu Qingyang's sword power suddenly changed.

The strong wind-like atmosphere suddenly turned into a strong and powerful atmosphere. Between the sword light was diffused, as if a black mountain ghost appeared, and as the fallen sword was suppressed by the air, the majestic atmosphere was incomparable. Depression makes it difficult to breathe.

The change of swordsmanship and the change of sword power will be unprepared, and the rhythm will be disrupted and defeated.

But Chen Zong will not.

At the instant of Liu Qingyang's Jianguang, Chen Zong felt something.

If you want to change, I have a sword.

Feihong is missing!

A rapid sword, can not see the sword body, can not see the sword light, even the sound is very subtle, difficult to distinguish.

Following the flaws in the Montenegro swordsmanship, a sword was killed, directly piercing Liu Qingyang's body, and piercing his shoulders.

The sword rages, and Liu Qingyang trembles involuntarily with severe pain, and the split sword also swells with strength.

Draw a sword, cut it out.

A beam of sword light was thrown on Liu Qingyang's chest like a long whip, his body was really broken, and the whole man flew out, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Liu, give in." After receiving the scabbard, Chen Zong salutes Liu Qingyang, who is covered with blood in one hand and covering his shoulders, and his mouth is blood-stained ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Like Qingtang's heart Liu Qingyang screamed in sorrow, couldn't help spitting against the blood, and the whole person fell back.

Angry and unconscious.

It is conceivable that after today, Chen Zong will become famous Nei Zong, and Liu Qingyang will become a joke, even if his strength is not weak.

"Brother, I'll call your brother later." Zhang Tiekang was stunned first, and when he reacted, he shouted at Chen Zong immediately, very excited.

Zhang Tiekang's reaction immediately made Chen Zong smile with a bitter smile, saying that he was crazy.

Liu Qingyang's followers can also be regarded as loyal, and quickly picked up Liu Qingyang to leave quickly. If he did not leave, it would only provoke more ridicule.

After defeating Liu Qingyang, the courtyards in the hundred courtyards of Liu Qingyang belonged to Chen Zong naturally, and Chen Zong had nothing to clean up, and lived directly in Liu Qingyang's courtyard. As for the things that originally belonged to Liu Qingyang, they were lost by Zhang Tiekang Out.

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