Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 35: Chen Zong's Extraordinary Secrets

Qingyun Pavilion covers an area of ​​mathematics and physics. In addition to a 20-meter-high building, there is also a backyard. There are many independent small courtyards in the backyard, which are the residence of high-level Qingyun Pavilion.

Today, Chen Zong is the master of the court, and the best courtyard, Qingyunyuan, belongs to him.

The courtyard is a little deep, there is a small pond, there are lotus plants, there is a small pavilion by the pond, Chen Zong sits in the small pavilion, and quietly learns the true sword of the heart.

Today, the three martial arts of all the top-class superb skills and martial arts have been practiced to the highest point, mastered the martial arts, and want to improve, it is extremely difficult. Even though it is only a little fur, there are also many gains.

Chen Zong is very clear that compared with other martial arts, the True Sword of the Heart Sword is the root and the most important thing for him.

At this time, the courtyard door was pushed open, and a black robe stepped in.

As the figure of the black robe stepped in, the overwhelming momentum also permeated, blowing like a strong wind, blowing the sand and stones in the courtyard, blowing the trees in the corners, and blowing the waves of the pond. The lotus leaves swing wildly on the pond.

As early as the Heipao people approached the courtyard, Chen Zong already knew.

At a glance, Chen Zong also clearly saw the appearance of this black robe man.

It seems that the age is not small. It is estimated that he is 50 or 60 years old. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Elder Lin Zhengyi of Qingyun Pavilion. It is estimated that he has something to do with Lin Zhengyi.

Moreover, the breath fluctuations on the other side were very mysterious, which made Chen Zong feel that those fluctuations were not really qi, but to be more powerful.

This breath fluctuation is truly a spiritual fluctuation.

Is this person a transcendental realm?

Chen Zong couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After all, according to the standards of the Cang Lan World, only the transcendental powerful can master the spiritual power.

Immediately, Chen Zong remembered that this is not the Canglan World, but the Lingwu Holy Realm, which is a larger world than the Canglan World.

In the blue world, the signs of entering the transcendental realm are spiritual power and true meaning, both of which are indispensable. As for the pseudo-transcendental realm, it refers to the warrior who has mastered the pseudo-spiritual power and little real meaning.

But in Lingwu sacred realm, the mark of the transcendental powerful is spiritual power and transcendental secret power.

The two are indispensable, and at the same time mastering can achieve extraordinary, but relatively speaking, the latter is more difficult.

After all, there are not many people like Yang Chaofan who are born with extraordinary secrets and master extraordinary secrets.

Spiritual power is easier to master than supernatural power. Therefore, you can master spiritual power below the supernatural realm, which is called half-step supernormal.

After coming here for more than three months, Chen Zong has been very clear that the later stage of the foundation is enough to be comparable to the pseudo-transcendent realm of the blue world, and the half-step transcendent here may not be as powerful as the real transcendent realm of the blue world, Not inferior.

The old man in a black robe was tall and strong, carrying his hands, stepping out step by step, approaching Chen Zong, howling wind, and the terrible breath directly hit Chen Zong, like an invisible mountain when it was suppressed.

"It's Lin Zhengyi and Lin Gu who let you come." Chen Zong not only was not suppressed, but asked instead, with a tone that was not light, not heavy, unhappy, or slow.

The old man in black robes stared, and a more violent breath rushed out of his body. He could faintly hear a horrible roar, as if the beasts roared.

It is a pity that all of this seems to be doing useless work, and it will not have the slightest effect on Chen Zong.

Not to mention a half-step transcendent, even a true transcendental powerhouse, it is difficult to influence Chen Zong by virtue of momentum.

"Young man, you are very good." The old man in the black robe opened his mouth with a magnificent voice, like a thunderous billowing sound, blasting in Chen Zong's ear: "But you are too young, gifted, but you do n’t know how to be a man. Not good, you will suffer. "

"Oh, how can I not lose it?" Chen Zong couldn't help but feel funny, Xu Xubu asked, calmly, this calm attitude suddenly made the old man in black robes a little hesitant.

You know, you are a terrible master of half steps. In this city of Ziyun, you are one of the strongest standing on the top, and the other party is just a fifteen-year-old hairy boy, even if he has outstanding cultivation talent. At best, it is the cultivation and strength of the foundation.

The fifteen-six-year-old foundation is really amazing, but the gap between it and the half-step extraordinary is very large. First of all, in terms of true energy and spiritual power, the purity is at least ten times different, which means explosive power. It's also ten times different.

Even if there is no martial art, it is enough to rely on spiritual power to suppress the opponent. It is even more terrifying if martial arts are exhibited again. After all, the use of qi to promote martial arts and the use of spiritual force to promote martial arts It is two concepts, the difference is not ten times, but more than ten times or even more than twenty times.

As for the other party to be half-step extraordinary, it is impossible. According to the old man in black robe, there is no such young half-step extraordinary in Qingyunzong.

"Zongmen sent you here, you can be your own cabinet with peace of mind, don't intervene in other things, then you will not lose your benefit." The old man in black robe will abandon the trace of doubt in his heart, eyes Containing majestic thunder, staring at Chen Zong, he said word by word.

"Another maggot." Chen Zong smirked and rose.

"I don't know the sky is thick." The old man in black robes was angry. He was the uncle of Lin Gu and the elder brother of Lin Zhengyi, Lin Zhengchun.

In a rage, Lin Zhengchun shot it with a single palm, blasted out with thunder and horror, and carried it with a terrible momentum. The striking palm pressure caused the pavilion to directly crack, and instantly broke apart, as if being hit by a storm. volume.

Although it was angered, Lin Zhengchun didn't do his best because he didn't dare.

His purpose is to teach the other party a lesson, suppress it, and let the other party be honest, instead of killing him, otherwise it will cause the Zongmen strongmen to investigate, and if there is a leak, no one will end well.

The half-step transcendent is indeed very strong, but compared with the real transcendental realm, it is quite different.

There was a white light in front of me, faintly, as if I heard the sharp humming of the birds, Jianguang broke into the air, split the palm pressure, and slashed like a bamboo.

Lin Zhengchun was shocked.

This palm only uses 30% of the power, but the 30% of the spiritual power is also very terrible, enough to suppress the ordinary foundation building ninefold suppression and even killing. The other party is an important disciple of Qing Yunzong, who is definitely a first-class genius, and the strength is naturally unusual The foundation of Jiuzhong can be compared, but it is expected that the 30% spiritual power is enough to suppress it.

It never occurred to me that a palm of 30% of the strength was actually split by the opponent's sword.

"Who the **** are you?" Lin Zhengchun became more dignified inside, and the slightest doubt appeared again: "Are you one of the three true stories?"

When Chen Zong heard the words, he couldn't help saying nothing, and all of them were linked to the three true stories.

"No, I have seen three true biography disciples, absolutely not you." Lin Zhengchun shook his head, and immediately fiercely masterpiece, inspired 50% of the spiritual power, and blasted out again.

In addition to 50% of the spiritual power, this palm is also used to perform a martial art of superior quality, with the palm inset, with a terrible power, making the power more condensed.

Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The power of this blow is really strong. According to the standards of the Canglan World, if it is not true, it is equivalent to all the spiritual blows in the early stage of the extreme state of man. It is indeed terrible.

The true energy of the superb fantasy fog sky cloud is really amazing, but it can't be compared with the other's spiritual power.

The height of the exercises and the level of the realm only have an impact on the Qi, and have no effect on the strength of the half-step extraordinary spiritual power. At best, it is the difference in efficiency converted into spiritual power.

If you want to increase the power of spiritual power, you can only practice spiritual exercises.

Chen Zong pays himself, even if he urges his true strength to the extreme, and then exerts his full force to display the sword of cut wind, it is difficult to match this palm. This is the absolute power gap.

However, there are flaws in the other hand.

Following the flaws, Chen Zong did his best, cutting the wind and killing with the sword.

Vulnerability will weaken the power infinitely. Under a sword, even the flowing wind can be easily cut off.

Lin Zhengchun was shocked to the extreme.

Even one of his 50% strength was split.


"Two tricks for me, give you back a sword." Chen Zong's voice rang, and immediately, Bai Hongjian raised in front of him flatly, his calm eyes suddenly burst into an extremely horrible sharpness, making Lin Zhengchun's eyelids tremble suddenly, his heart I couldn't help but jump suddenly, as if there was a big terror coming.

Without hesitation, immediately mobilize all the spiritual powers. Both palms are full of spiritual powers and waves, and layer by layer of defense is laid in front of them. Stacked layer by layer, it turns into a shield that is condensed into substance. Sturdy.

The superb martial arts shield that is out of the realm of the gods is a pure martial arts defense.

Lin Zhengchun believes that even if the opponent plays a hole card, he can defend it.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword flat out.

There is a stream of light flowing across the sword body of Wang Qiushui, making the sword body colder.

At the moment when a sword waved, he had already crossed tens of meters and directly killed Lin Zhengchun.

Lin Zhengchun's eyes widened, and he faintly glanced at a faint, near-transparent streamer flashing, a heart palpitation for no apparent reason.

The clicking sound sounded, and the Shield Palm that was exerted by himself was split open. After the horrible force split the Shield Palm, he split his body's spiritual power, and then split the top-quality inner armor on his body.

Potential is like breaking bamboo, nothing to stop.

Lin Zhengchun flew upside down with a sword mark on his chest, dripping with blood.

"That ... that ... that is ..." Lin Zhengchun paused, his face trembling with paleness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said intermittently: "Super ... Super ordinary ..."

A foundation building has mastered the extraordinary mystery, mastering the extraordinary mystery that you never possessed.




Until this moment, Lin Zhengchun did not know what kind of monster he had provoked.

It seems that at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he has extraordinary mystery. To be sure, it is the real extraordinary mystery, not half-step.

Not an opponent. As soon as the opponent exerts an extraordinary secret, he is not an opponent at all. It is hard for him to feel that kind of power, let alone defend it.

Iron plate, I did not expect that I even kicked a large iron plate, or hit the door by myself.

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