Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 37: Sword Pressure Ziyun (2)

(After watching a few episodes in the name of the people, it was really exciting. I got into the pit and thought that maybe another name could be called the name of the relationship. The relationship between the characters in it is really complicated.)

The three major two-star power alliances headed by the three powers received invitations.

"Brother Li, what kind of ghost is this Qingyun Pavilion going to do?" The owner of the Wang family frowned, shaking the invitation in his hand.

"I heard that there is a new owner in Qingyun Pavilion, maybe it is to show something." The owner of the Li family laughed.

"It's just a teenager with a hairy hair." The Feng family smirked.

"So, go or not?" The Wang family owner asked again, placing the invitation on the table.

The three major two-star homeowners form an alliance, and naturally go forward together.

"Go, why don't you go, just to see what the new hairy kid has to do." The Feng family smirked.

"In that case, let's go together."


Twenty one-star forces also received invitations from Qingyun Pavilion.

However, more power means that the internal situation is more complicated, not as pure as the three big two-star powers.

Therefore, each of the twenty one-stars has a choice. Some think that it is not necessary to go, while others want to see it.


When Chen Zong came to Qingyun Pavilion, and subsequently became the master of Qingyun Pavilion, it was not a secret, and the invitation was not a secret either. Therefore, the people of Ziyaolou gradually came to know.

"The new house owner sent by Qingyun Zong is really interesting." The writer of Ziyao House sneered.

"I'm even more curious that Lin Gulin Zhengyi was so willing." The elder of Ziyao Tower sneered.

"I'm afraid I'm not really willing." The second elder laughed coldly, "I think it might be to kill with a knife."

"Speaking of it, Qingyun Pavilion did not send the invitation." The three elders smiled thoughtfully as they felt their chins.

"Then we will go by ourselves." The four elders also laughed: "Just go and see what is happening at Qingyun Pavilion. If it is killing with a knife, this knife will not be borrowed, it depends on what we mean. If not, it is just for the son. Explore the road. "

"It is also said that the son is about to come and take charge of Ziyao House. At that time, what twenty one-star power alliances, what three major two-star power alliances, and what Qingyun Pavilion will either surrender or perish." The second elder smiled, and the words revealed Extreme confidence in the so-called son.

The situation is different from Qingyun Pavilion. The four elders from upstairs to the downstairs in Ziyao all come from the same force. To be precise, they are from a certain faction in Ziyao. Therefore, More united.

Otherwise, they will not be able to gain a foothold in Ziyun City, and won 30% of the distribution rights of Ziyun Iron.

Today, Zi Yaozong has come to Ling Yao, someone came to take charge of Zi Yao Tower, the purpose is to sweep the other forces in Zi Yun City, so that the Zi Yao House is dominated, making Zi Yun City become the city of Zi Yao Zong Yap.

If this is done, Qing Yunzong is helpless even if he is unwilling, unless he wants to start a war with Zi Yaozong.

Will Qing Yunzong be willing to start a battle with Ziyun Zong because of a Ziyun City?

The answer is obvious, no.

Just as Zi Yaozong would not go to war with a Ziyun City and Qing Yunzong.

Therefore, look at who can win Ziyun City by his skill.


The next day, the main hall of Qingyun Pavilion.

The main hall is large, very spacious and can hold hundreds of people at the same time without appearing crowded.

The futons were set up one after another, separated from each other, waiting for people to sit.

Chen Zong sat in the first place, which belonged to the head of Qingyun Pavilion.

Qingyun protects the law Lin Zhengchun sits on the lower left side of Chen Zong, the first elder Lin Zheng sits on the lower right, the second elder Lin Gu sits on the bottom of Lin Zheng, the three elders call Lin An and the four elders call Lin Quan. The early cultivation of Nine Heavy was promoted by Chen Zong, replacing Wang Yuan and Wang Han, with one more.

Because of being promoted by Chen Zong as an elder, Lin An and Lin Quan were somewhat grateful to Chen Zong.

"The Wang family's owner and Wang's second elder arrive."

Outside the main hall, someone was in charge of reception and chanted.

"The owner of the Li family and the elders of the Li family are here."

"Feng's homeowner and Elder Feng's second family arrived."

Suddenly, six people stepped into the main hall back and forth. Twelve eyes were shining with brilliance and quickly passed by. When they saw Lin Zhengchun, the six people were shocked, apparently they knew who Lin Zhengchun was. Because of recognition, my heart was surprised.

Then, suppressing the inner surprise, his eyes fell on the first place.

It was a boy in Tsing Yi, who looked like he was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

In an instant, the six knew that the Tsing Yi boy was the new owner of Qingyun Pavilion.

"I've seen the Lord of the Cabinet."

Qingyun Pavilion, Ziyao Tower, and the three major families belong to the two-star power. In terms of status, Qingyun Pavilion owners and the three major families are the same.

"Please sit down," said Chen Zongbu, Xu Buji, calmly.

"The safflower is here to help."

"A knife helps the master."

There was another whistling sound outside the main hall.

Twenty one-star forces have a family situation and a gang situation.

In the end, only twelve one-star forces came, and eight did not.

"Please sit down," Chen Zong said again.

"Master Qingyun Pavilion, what's the matter with you?" The bear gang's helper grabbed the fruits and threw them into his mouth and chewed. The juice splashed and asked loudly.

The Big Bear Gang master is also a master of nine-level foundations. He has been in charge for a long time, and he has a somewhat high-level momentum, or a kind of arrogant self-confidence. When he is tall, he will converge and appear humble, but it will become stronger when facing a person he thinks is not good.

For example, now, the big bear gang leader thinks that Chen Zong is nothing, at best it is a lord of the pavilion. In that case, why give any face?

I believe that the people of Qingyun Pavilion will not be affected by this. After all, the owner of the pavilion is just a puppet. Why should he consider his feelings.

Lin Zhengchun and others did not respond. It seemed to confirm the speculations of the Big Bear Gang and the inner thoughts of the masters of other forces.

Chen Zong just glanced at the bear to help the owner, his eyes were calm and his expression was very calm.

"The Lord of the Cabinet came to you, there is only one thing." Chen Zong glanced past, not Xu Xuji, his voice was not high or low, very bland, but everyone unknowingly raised his ears, as if Chen Zong's voice contained an indescribable magic that made them attracted: "I want to straighten up Ziyun City."

"what did you say……"

"Reorganization ... I heard you said that rectification ..."

"Hahahaha ..." The laugh of the bear gangster was the loudest and harshest. He grabbed a large piece of barbecue in one hand, pointed his fingers at Chen Zong, and ridiculed, "You even said that you would rectify Ziyun ... it's just a teenager who hasn't grown his hair yet. "

"Quiet!" Lin Zhengchun suddenly uttered a voice, terrible momentum surged, suppressing all voices.

The bear gangster seemed to be strangling his throat, making no sound and looking pale, it took a while to calm down.

"You have two choices." Chen Zong said again, still calm tone and complexion, without any anger: "First, completely surrender Qingyun Pavilion ... Second, leave Ziyun City ... Remember, I am not To negotiate with you, but to inform you, as for the eight forces that have not come ... "

Later, Chen Zong did not go on, because it was unnecessary.

Chen Zong's words immediately shocked the three two-star families and the twelve one-star power leaders.

How arrogant is this to say such ignorant words. Didn't you see that the eyes of Lin Zhengyi and others were twitching slightly, but only Lin Zhengchun's look did not change half.

Very crazy, very arrogant.

"Master Qingyun Pavilion, just think about something in your heart. If you say it, it will only become a joke." Feng Jiajia said, full of irony.

"I went outside and heard the big laugh here. Could it be that something happened, and let me hear it, happy and cheerful." A sound suddenly sounded outside the main hall, with a smile.

The crowd turned around and froze.

I saw a person walking in from outside the main hall. He looked like he was in his forties, wearing a purple robe with a pavilion pattern on it.

The man was very imposing with his hands on his face, with a smile on his face.

It's okay for someone to come to Qingyun Pavilion, but the question is, who is it?

The four elders of Ziyao Building came here.

Who doesn't know that Qingyun Pavilion and Ziyao House are the least likely to deal with. Otherwise, the two will join forces and have already divided up Ziyun City directly. Where can they get the other two alliances.

It is precisely because it is not dealt with and all things involved that there is room for the emergence and growth of the two major power alliances. To this day, it has the strength to make Qingyun Pavilion and Ziyao Tower not to be underestimated.

"The Qingyun Pavilion owner just said that he would rectify Ziyun City and let me wait for surrender." The knife helped the owner's eyes turn and said with a smile, his smile looked strange, like a cheeky smile.

The elders of the Ziyao House heard the words, and his eyes twitched, and then he returned to normal, but his heart was shocked.

It turned out that Qingyun Pavilion wanted to make such a big move.

Rectify Ziyun City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let all forces surrender. If they do, the situation in Ziyun City will be changed, and Ziyao House will be in big trouble.

The mind suddenly turned, and the four elders of Ziyao House calmed down quickly. He felt that the idea of ​​Qingyun Pavilion was beautiful, but the reality was cruel, and Qingyun Pavilion could not do it.

Perhaps, when the son arrives, he can straighten up Ziyun City and hold it in his hands.

"Oh, the host of Qingyun Pavilion is indeed an apprentice of Qingyunzong, so ambitious and ambitious." The elders of Ziyaolou suddenly laughed and seemed to appreciate Chen Zong, but everyone could hear the kind contained in his words. Teasing and amusement: "In this case, the elder wishes you success and say goodbye."

Having said that, the four elders of Ziyao House turned around and left without hesitation. Chen Zong did not mean to block.

"You have time to think about it, and give me the answer at this time tomorrow." Chen Zong ignored the elders of Ziyao Tower as if the other party had passed in the future, but said to the people of all forces, and then waved: "You can go. "

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