Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 40: Sword Pressure Ziyun (5)

Chen Zong!

Lin Zhengchun!

As if an invisible traction, Chen Zong's eyes collided with Sedum instantly.

"Qingyun Pavilion, come here, you want to surrender our Ziyao House." The four elders of Ziyao House jumped out and shouted.

"This is the answer you gave me?" Chen Zong ignored the other party, and glanced slowly across the faces of the 20 one-star power masters and the three major family heads. The tone was not high or low, calming people's hearts. .

Like the sea, like the Yuan.

"A hair that doesn't grow together, when did the grandfather say to reply to you?" The big bear helped the master jump out, saliva splashed like a copper bell, and he sprayed Chen Zong politely.

"Kill." Chen Zong's words just sounded, Lin Zhengchun shot in an instant and banged directly on the big chest of the bear gangster.

As the cymbals and drums roared, the bear gang helped the host fly backwards for more than ten meters like a meteorite, and his strong body slammed heavily on the ground. Blood squirted continuously, mixed with internal organ fragments, and vitality quickly disappeared.

At a glance, you can see that the bear can't survive.

Killing people without a word, everyone else was shocked. This seemed a little different from what they had imagined.

Yu Jingtian had a cold face, and his eyes twinkled with amazing coldness.

"Dare to dare to kill my son in front of my son." The sound came from Yu Jingtian's mouth like a icy cold wind, and the murderous billowed from the deepest part of his heart, yelling loudly: "Chongshan."

No need to say anything, the tower-like man behind the left stepped out suddenly, like a giant elephant-like charge, blinked, and the huge and strong body brought amazing pressure, and blasted Chen Zong and Lin Zhengchun fiercely.

Chen Zong's face remained unchanged, Lin Zhengchun looked coldly, stepped out, lifted up with both palms, and the ten percent of the magical power converged into the palms of the palms in a flash.

The matter has already been investigated. Chongshan's existence and strength, Lin Zhengchun also knows it, so when he hits it, he will do his best.

When Chongshan shouted, the arrogant force suddenly surged to the right arm, and then, straight through the thick palm, the palm resembled a grinding disc, with a terrible force, and blasted to Lin Zhengchun fiercely.

Amazing pressure surges, such as the invisible waves evacuation, impacting in all directions.

Immediately, Chongshan's horrible palm collided with Lin Zhengchun's palms, and there was a loud roar and a sonic boom, the sharpness and grandeur of that sound, as if piercing the eardrums of everyone, and twisting the brain into chaos.

Boom boom!

The terrible force swelled, the ground shattered, everything around was destroyed by the aftermath, and the masters of the power built by the Nine Foundations retreated one after the other, backed up by less than the blood and surge of the affected.

Countless fissures are scattered all around, but Chongshan's tower-like body is just a little flickering, and the steps have not retreated in the slightest, but Lin Zhengchun's entire body has flew upside down. After landing, he quits several steps in a row, each step will The hard floor was broken, stepping out of deep potholes.

Qi and blood surged, his spiritual strength was even more disordered, and it was difficult to reunite. Lin Zhengchun turned pale, only felt pain in his arms, and his chest became stuffy.


The strength of the other party is really strong, completely beyond their own estimates.

Mrs. Feng's elder brother ridiculed, Lin Zhengchun's strength is not weak, but at least a little higher than himself, how could he be Chongshan's opponent.

Chongshan gave a slight meal, shot again, and blasted out with a palm of his hand. The spiritual force was surging, palms were like thunder, and countless air streams were pulsating under the palm.

The violent roar shook the deafness, Lin Zhengchun looked dignified, forcibly lifted a spiritual power into his palms, and patted him back and forth.

The first palm was defeated, and the second palm was also defeated. Lin Zhengchun was bombarded again, and Chongshan's third palm came again.

With a bang, Lin Zhengchun flew out, fell after landing, spit out blood, and turned pale.

Three consecutive palms erupted, and the burden of Chongshan was not small, and he did not chase again.

"You are the new owner of Qingyun Pavilion. This son gives you two choices, one is to surrender and the other is to perish." Yu Jing weather dissipated a little, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes remained ice Han stared at Chen Zong.

Even if Chen Zong said the words of surrender, it did not mean that Qingyun Pavilion was actually surrendering to Ziyao House, but it would greatly impact the momentum of Qingyun Pavilion and reduce the difficulty of rectifying Ziyun City.

The other thing is fun.

That's right, it seems to Jingtian that it is just fun. A disciple of Qingyunzong's Neizong said that it was not fun to submit to himself.

"This is the end of the matter, and it will be resolved today." Chen Zong said, but his right hand fell on the hilt, and he slowly pulled out his sword.

Bai Hongjian's sword body is as bright as autumn water, cold and bright.

"Sketch the sword."

"I don't know how high the sky is."

While everyone was surprised, they talked about it. In their opinion, the owner of Qingyun Pavilion may have some skills, but he was too arrogant to understand the situation at all.

"Interesting." Yu Jingtian laughed when he saw Chen Zongba's sword, feeling more fun: "Chongshan, just take him down and interrupt your hands and feet, but don't kill."

"Okay." Chongshan responded with a loud voice, as if Ben Lei blew in his ears.

For some time, Chongshan had already adjusted his breath. As the voice fell, Chongshan grabbed his hands, his fingers were like pillars, and his palms pressed against Chen Zong like that day.

Chen Zong only felt that the air in front of him was repelled, and it became a vacuum. It was difficult to breathe, and there was a mad air in his palm.

Very strong!

This Chongshan's strength is indeed very strong, half-step extraordinary master, even more arrogant than Lin Zhengchun.

Through wise observation, Chen Zong has seen that Chongshan's body is very arrogant. I don't know if he has practiced the body, but the other person's spiritual power is very arrogant and very arrogant.

Lin Zhengchun is not weak, but unfortunately, he did not practice spiritual skills.

Spirit level exercises are beyond ordinary level exercises, corresponding to the transcendental realm, most of which are in various sectarian forces. Even if there are circulates from the outside world, they will be collected by some forces. I want to get spiritual level exercises during casual repair. Law, it's hard.

Lin Zhengchun did not have that luck, nor did he have the financial resources.

In fact, in the entire city of Ziyun, there is no spirit-level practice at all.

Chong Shan himself is a master of half-step transcendental realm, and he has practiced spiritual skills. His spiritual power is not only more pure, but also can exert his power more fully. This is one of the reasons why he can surpass Lin Zhengchun.

Chen Zong is very clear that with the nine-fold cultivation of the foundation, he ca n’t really beat the other party. After all, the absolute power gap is too large. At most, it is because of his past accumulation that he can only barely deal with and compete with it. One or two.

But now, Chen Zong is not trying to force himself, but to defeat or even kill the other party.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong evoked the power of the Heart Sword, and the power of the invisible Heart Sword permeated the Bai Hongjian instantly.

A very bland sword, but it is filled with amazing breath, as if it can cut all the breath.

That's the sword!

Cut the wind and sword!

Power of the Heart Sword!

This is Chen Zong's strongest sword now.


Chongshan felt heart palpitations for no apparent reason, but it was already slow. White Jianguang cut open the palm and pressed it, killing him like a bamboo.

Chongshan burst into full force, but was still unable to block the sword. Jian Guang killed it, tore the spiritual power, cut in from the tiger's mouth, and blinked, then the entire arm was cut open.

Chen Zong's expression was cold, his eyes were cold, and there was a trace of murderousness, and he waved the second sword without mercy.

The sword light flashed, but the sword body was not seen. Only a white light passed through the sky and cut off Chongshan's neck.

It's too fast, it's just a short breath, but the situation has undergone a huge change. The overwhelming Chongshan was cut and killed by the opponent.

Yu Jingtian's mind was blank, and the whole person seemed to be frightened. He couldn't move.


However, their masters in the family are the guards cultivated from small points. When they were young, they soaked various potions and tempered their bodies to make them very arrogant. Half-step extraordinary, can be regarded as a master among the half-step extraordinary.

Yu Jingtian came with Chongshan, and felt that with the power of Chongshan, it was enough to sweep all the masters in Ziyun City. No one can match, even several half-steps in Ziyun City. Got Chongshan.

Now he is dead, under the sword of a Qingyunzong disciple who looks younger than himself.

Yu Jingtian felt like he was dreaming.

Everyone else at Ziyao House was dumbfounded, and all the other forces were dumbfounded.

Lin Zhengchun was also shocked. Chongshan's strength was really strong. Compared with himself, it was crushing. Originally, he was worried about whether Chen Zong could beat the other party. He did not expect that he would not only win but also kill the other party.

What a terrible power this is.

Is Super Secret Really So Powerful?

The crowd was scared stupid, but Chen Zong did not. Since it was killed by a sword, kill it completely.

Jianguang flashed, Bai Hong's sword broke, and the speed was amazing.

The four elders and the host of Ziyao House did not even have the time to speak, and they all died.

Then the anger rushed, and another sword was killed, killing that in Sedum.

There is no doubt that Yu Jingtian is a disciple of Zi Yaozong and a disciple of Neizong, but since he came here to fight for the ownership of Ziyun City, he is the enemy, and he is the enemy.

"Stop!" Zi Yaolou's half-step extraordinary response quickly, quickly flew forward, slashed with a knife, cut Bai Hong Jianyi.

Yu Jingtian also quickly sobered up without hesitation, and immediately pulled back.

He knows very well ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that he is not the opponent of the other party. Since there is only a dead end to it, it is better to leave as soon as possible. As long as he returns to Ziyaozong, he will mobilize the master to kill the other party.

I have to say that Yu Jingtian's idea is beautiful, but he underestimated Chen Zong's mind.

The power of the Heart Sword urged, killing again with a sword, cutting the wind and sword, tearing the sky.

Zi Yaolou ’s half-step super strength has not been completely exploded, so he was split by this sword and split from it.


Chen Zong stepped forward, and Bai Hongjian struck out like a claw of death.

"No." Yu Jingtian was full of horror, screaming aloud, bursting out all his powers, and using all the protective measures available at the moment, the layers of light circulated around the body.

But the white sword light is invincible and nothing can be blocked.

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