Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 43: True Story

For the next time, Chen Zong was staying in Qingyun Pavilion for retreat.

Within a few days, Qing Yunzong came to three people. One of them was a transcendental powerful person, and two were half-step transcendental. In addition, Lin Zhengchun also returned.

After the Zongmen strongman came over, after Chen Zong handed over to him, he was considered to have completed the task. He didn't stop and immediately left. As for how to deal with and develop the various affairs of Ziyun City in the future, it was the matter of Qing Yunzong and Chen Zong. It doesn't matter.

"You stay here first and wait for my news." Chen Zong said to Lin Zhengchun before leaving.

Lin Zhengchun nodded. Now that he has reached this point, he can only choose to believe in Chen Zong, and believe that the other party has the ability to let himself enter Qing Yunzong and truly become a member of Qing Yunzong.

It was Lin Zhengchun's wish to be included in the Qingyunzong gate wall. Because of this, he was willing to cooperate with Chen Zong to take charge of Qingyun Pavilion and rectify Ziyun City.

Chen Zong left much faster than when he came, so he returned to Qing Yunzong in a shorter time and met Elder Lin.

"Follow me." After Elder Lin first looked up and down Chen Zong, he nodded with a smile on his face and said to Chen Zong.

With Elder Lin, Chen Zong came to Qingyun Zong's Qingyun Hall.

The Qingyun Hall is built on the highest point of Qingyun Peak. It is the main hall of Qingyun Zong. Usually, only the suzerain and the elders will come here. Generally, the disciples in the sect do not have that qualification.

In Qingyun Hall, the suzerain Li Qingji and all the elders were there.

Qing Yunzong has more than a dozen extraordinary powerful men, but there is only one suzerain, and there are not many elders in the suzerain. There are only five. Elder Lin is one of them.

"Zongzong, Chen Zong is here." Elder Lin walked into the hall with Chen Zong, and said, suddenly, all eyes fell on Chen Zong's body, and the eyes looked with a bit of scrutiny, as if to see Chen Zong through. .

Chen Zongtairan promised himself, his expression was indifferent, and he was not affected at all.

"The disciple Chen Zong has met the suzerain and the elders." Chen Zongxing sword ceremony.

"Chen Zong, go through what you did in Ziyun City, and elaborate." Elder Lin ordered.

Although the letter sent back by Chen Zong was written, Elder Lin felt that it was not detailed enough.

Chen Zong began to talk about the situation after he arrived in Ziyun City, and his ancestor Li Qingji and an elder listened quietly.

Chen Zong's words are clear and unobtrusive, making people feel comfortable and more immersive.

Li Qingji, including the suzerain, felt that it would not be easy to get the 50% Ziyun Iron distribution right in Ziyun City, but they didn't care too much. A Ziyun City is not worth their trouble .

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Chen Zong actually took over Ziyun City, and Ziyao House of Ziyao Zong was eliminated directly.

When they first heard Elder Lin said, they all thought that Elder Lin was joking.

So now, they are also very curious, how exactly Chen Zong did it. A basement practitioner, without the help of the sects, recovered the chaotic situation of Ziyun City and had to make people curious. extremely.

Chen Zong explained the story in brief but clear words, and the last harvest in the Ziyun Mine was preserved.

"Chen Zong, do you know that it is a great sin to deceive the lord and elders." An elder said suddenly, his face cold.

"Dare to ask the elders, where can I deceive?" Chen Zong asked indecently, without being deterred at all.

"According to you, you are just building a base, how can you fight against half-step transcendent, let alone beheaded." The elder's voice became even colder.

The half-step extraordinary mastery of the spiritual power is ten times stronger than the normal one under normal circumstances, and this gap is very striking.

Chen Zong may be outstanding. It didn't take long for him to become a Nei Zong disciple and possess the top ten strength of Nei Zong, but it does not mean that he can compete with half-step extraordinary when building the foundation, even if it is half-step extraordinary outside the Zongmen.

With a bang, a cloud of lavender clouds spewed out of Chen Zong's body, which was the result of Chen Zong's full effort to stimulate the Qi with the magic mist and sky cloud work.

Chen Zong's entire body is wrapped in a cloud of faint purple light, becoming hazy and dreamy, as if the wind will dissipate. If it falls in the eyes of the practitioner who builds the foundation, he will feel that the person in front of him is erratic and difficult to capture, but The presence of all are superpowers and will not be deceived.

"Gongyi!" The elder who questioned Chen Zong suddenly looked startled and exclaimed.

Li Qingji and other elders were also shocked.

They all know that Chen Zong chose the superb fantasy fog sky cloud in the Qingyun Jianwu Tower and successfully renovated it. It took only more than three months to practice to the highest level and master the skills.

"Elder, take me a sword." As soon as Chen Zong's words fell, Bai Hongjian emerged, surrounded by a faint purple light, and turned into a sharp sword, with a will to tear through the sky, unparalleled. Air kills the elder who questioned Chen Zong.

Immediately after the sword came out of the sheath, the sharp and sharp swordmang had already reached it.

This elder was a transcendent realm, and instantly responded, referring to the sword stabbing through the sky, penetrating the sky, hitting the sword, with a bang, the sword was broken in an instant.

However, the elder did not get half the color, but became more dignified.

The power contained in the swordmang just before was very strong.

"I take back what I said just now, you do have the ability to contend with the half-step extraordinary, and even the half-step extraordinary outside the Zong door." The elder said excitedly instead of being angry with Chen Zong on his sword.

After hearing what he said, Li Qingji, the suzerain, and other elders became even more shocked.

"If I'm not mistaken, what you've cultivated is the sword-cutting sword." The elder asked again, his eyes glowing with excitement: "Also, I already know the sword-cutting sword."

Li Qingji and others have no idea how to express their inner shock.

If nothing is wrong, it should only take more than three months for Chen Zong to come to practice superb skills and swordsmanship at all levels. He not only mastered the skills, but also the swordsmanship.

How does this practice?

Li Qingji and the elders only felt that their brains were not enough, and their thinking was frozen. The more they thought, the more shocked they became.

Since their birth, they have never encountered such a situation. Perhaps, there are only some legends that they have heard in the past, but they have nothing to do with Qing Yunzong, and have nothing to do with Dongchen Realm.

It took a while for the lords and elders to calm down.

"Chen Zong, you really surprised us, but even if you master the skill and sword, you shouldn't have the strength to fight half-step extraordinary and cut off half-step extraordinary in the mid-nineth stage of the foundation." Li Qingjidi Speaking once, it also comes to the point.

The half-step transcendent outside the Zongmen is at least practicing the top-class exercises and martial arts, and has a strong spiritual power. Martial arts can at least practice to the realm of the gods. With all their efforts, except for some extremely special foundation building ninefold The others are not opponents at all.

What is the special groundwork ninefold?

For example, Yang Chaofan, when he has the Ninth Reconstruction of the Foundation, he will be more powerful in the power of Bai Lei, possessing extraordinary strength that threatens the ordinary half-step.

"Sect Lord, elders, presumably you can also feel that my true qi is different from normal ordinary superb qi." Chen Zong answered quickly without hesitation.

"It's true that your qi is much more refined than the superb qi of mastery of skill, and it is very close to the extraordinary spiritual power of an ordinary half-step." The elder who crushed Chen Zongmang felt the most direct.

"I believe there must be a secret on your body." Li Qingji's eyes suddenly became sharp, like a sword out of the sheath, which surprised Chen Zong, and felt a strong threat for no apparent reason. Immediately, Li Qing The ingenuity of the eyes was deepened and deepened, with a faint smile on his face: "But many geniuses have their own secrets. This is nothing. Zongmen provides you with a cultivation environment and a certain shelter, but will not hold you accountable. The secrets in your body will not jeopardize the opportunities you get, but I also hope that you will not damage the interests of Zongmen, and it would be better to contribute to Zongmen. "

"If not, the disciples should not give up." Chen Zong said calmly.

Simple words, but they are very clear, directly indicate their attitude.

If Qing Yunzong did not lose me, I would be loyal to Qing Yunzong. On the contrary, if Qing Yunzong lost me, then he would not be qualified to ask me anything.

Li Qingji and others couldn't help but smile, feeling that this disciple was very personal.

People with personality sometimes make people like it, but sometimes they make people disgusted, depending on the circumstances and whether they have enough ability to show their personality.

Incompetent personality is called arrogance.

"Completing the mission just allows you to qualify for the true biography, but given that your mission is excellent, you are licensed to be the true biography." Li Qingji laughed again.

"Congratulations, Chen Zong, now we are the fifth true disciple of Qing Yunzong." Elder Lin laughed suddenly.

Qualification does not mean that you can be ranked in the true biography. Of course, there are great opportunities, but it still needs to pass some tests and so on, and it will take a lot of time.

Now, Chen Zong skips this stage and ranks as the fifth true biography.

The outstanding completion of Ziyun City's mission is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is naturally Chen Zong's amazing understanding. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com

In just over three months, he has practiced a superb skill and a superb swordsman to the extreme, mastering martial arts, saying that I do n’t know how much sensation will be caused.

Such an outstanding person is no less inferior to Yang Chaofan, who was born with a mastery of extraordinary secretive power, and cultivated well, he will be able to make Qing Yunzong more powerful in the future.

"Chen Zong, that Yu Jingtian is one of the top ten disciples of Zi Yaozong's Neizong, and a disciple of one of the elders of Zi Yaozong. This time, I was almost killed by you and hated. If you leave Zongmen in the future, you must be careful Some. "Li Qingji said.

"This time the old guy in culture is estimated to be angry." Elder Lin grinned.

"With Chen Zong's ability, maybe in a few years it is expected to break into the extraordinary world, and then the culture will have to weigh him if he wants to deal with him." The elder who only questioned Chen Zong also laughed.

"Elder Lin, please take Chen Zong into the True Story Hall." Listening to the words of the two elders, Li Qing couldn't help smiling and said immediately.

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