Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1002: Are you worthy of making me surrender?

After all, Prince Rong's figure gradually disappeared on the high platform, passing away with the wind, and there was no breath.

It seems that in an instant, he doesn't exist in this world.

Separation and reunion, intangible and invisible, in order to be in harmony with heaven.

Prince Rong has been separated and reunited with the world at will. This is the sign of the realm of separation and reunion.

However, although Prince Rong left, he also dissipated with the will of Emperor Wu.

But everyone who kneeled on Yuelong Mountain hadn't heard anything for a long time!

Who is the leader of the Dragon Gate, can he marry the princess of the dynasty?

Become a consort and join the royal family with the surname Li? !

This, this is simply unbelievable.

Throughout the millennia of the Southern Tang Dynasty, the Dragon Gate is much bigger than countless times, but it has never seen such a situation.

Even so far in the Southern Tang Dynasty, there have been no consorts!

Marrying a princess, that kind of heavenly daughter, is an unattainable luxury for the warrior.

It’s nothing more than a step up to the sky, right?

At that time, the leader of the Dragon Gate will not only receive the highest glory and rewards, but also receive such a beauty as a princess. Such a huge reward will make all the warriors happy to die, right?

What's more, the two people on the stage of Yuelong, whether they are Shen Tianlian or Ling Tian, ​​are extremely embarrassed in terms of their identities.

If you marry a princess, you can become a royal family, and you can just wash away your embarrassment.

What's more, this imperial decree says that you can also choose a princess.

That's awesome!

"Shen Tianlian, thank Wuhuang Longen!"

After a long time, it was Shen Tianlian who spoke first, and when he spoke, he thanked the emperor for grace.

It seems that he is already the leader of the Dragon Gate.

Immediately, the entire Yuelong Mountain violently screamed.

This imperial decree that suddenly appeared was simply a bolt from the blue.

Let everyone boil.

However, among them, there are some people who can't laugh or talk about it.

Even, a bitter expression on his face.

Qin Mingyue shook her body and almost fainted. Behind him, Qin Shaoyang and Lin Yanyan quickly picked up Qin Mingyue.

On the high platform, the little princess Li Shishi was also there, a little at a loss. Then, it turned into a streamer and left Yuelong Mountain.

The crown prince looked as usual and somewhat happy, but the crown prince Cui Zhuer frowned and bit her lip.

Aside, Princess Taiping shook her body and was about to fall.


Cui Tuer quickly stepped forward to help.

"Don't help me!"

Unexpectedly, the princess Taiping, who was shrouded in sunlight and could not see her face, scolded her!

"You and I are just the pawns of the father, I don't need anyone to be pitiful!"

Immediately, Princess Taiping turned and looked at the two people on the Yuelong Stage.

"I don't care about the imperial edict of Emperor Wu, and I don't care whether you two can become the leader of the Dragon Gate!"

"But if you two covet me wrongly, I will let you die instantly without a place to bury you!"

"My Taiping princess Li Xuanling, when it comes to speaking, do it!"

"Nanya and two guards, follow me!"

After all, Princess Taiping floated her armor, turned into a streamer, rose up into the sky, and left Yuelong Mountain.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of shining rays of light, like a shooting star shooting backwards, followed Princess Taiping.

At this moment, Princess Taiping was actually angry.

"Fine, let's go too."

Princess Cui Tuer also shook her head, looked at the crown prince, and left.

On the Yuelong Stage, Shen Tianlian snorted in his heart, and then looked at Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​originally I didn't hate you much, because you are not worthy of being my opponent."

"But now under the imperial edict, I won't be soft-hearted. I advise you to surrender, otherwise, you won't be able to keep your life!"

The voice was cold, full of threats.

At this moment, as Shen Tianlian's voice fell, the beating on Yuelong Mountain gradually fell silent.

Everyone turned their gazes on the figure on the Yuelong Platform.

At this time, Ling Tian was still kneeling there, motionless.

I don't know if he was dazzled by the imperial decree of Emperor Wu, overjoyed.

And what Shen Tianlian said didn't seem to be unreasonable.

Although Ling Tian is strong, he has advanced to the peak of the golden body in three months. Could it be that he can break through to the Dharma phase in half a month?

What's more, Ling Tian still cultivates both internally and externally. With such a powerful body, it is absolutely impossible for him to achieve the Fa.

In the entire Nantang, apart from the royal family, there has never been a precedent.

But even if Ling Tian advanced the technique, how could he compare with Shen Tianlian?

Shen Tianlian had already achieved the Fa Fa, and now he didn't even know how terrifying his cultivation base and combat power had reached. The gap between the two was really too great.

Even after half a month, the result is still the same.

That is, Shen Tianlian will become the first concierge in the Southern Tang Dynasty,

"Hahaha, give up?! Hahaha..."

Unexpectedly, a disdainful laugh sounded from the Yuelong platform.

Amidst the unknown, Ling Tian, ​​who was kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up and turned to look directly at Shen Tianlian above.

"What are you, make me surrender?!"

"An unfilial person who can even abandon the family!? You deserve to be a consort too!?"

"Although I have no intention of being a consort!"

"However, if you want to be a consort, then I Ling Tian, ​​there is absolutely no possibility that the leader will let you!"

"Half a month later, you and me, on the Yuelong Mountain, fight for life and death!"

The voice was cold and fearless.

Even, lingering bold words, with infinite domineering.

It seemed that Ling Tian had never regarded this Shen Tian Lian before.

Ling Tian, ​​this is going to be arrogant to the end!

"Hahaha, good!"

"Ling Tian, ​​don't say that I didn't give you a chance! You have cleaned your neck, half a month later, I will take your life! I will be arrogant with me, and I will let you know what is waste and what is it. It's a real Tianjiao!"

After that, Shen Tianlian also flew away and left.

"Emperor Wu..."


On the stage of Yuelong, only Ling Tian was left alone holding a sword.

The gaze under the visor was full of anger.


Cui Guogong Mansion.

When Ling Tian came back from Yuelong Mountain, he went directly to Cui's house.

Cui Guogong was also very curious. He didn't know what Ling Tian meant here.

Ling Tian also hesitated for a long time, and finally left Cui Mansion without saying anything, leaving Cui Guogong at a loss.

When Ling Tian came out of Cui's house, he went straight to the East Palace to meet Cui Tuer.

When he saw the princess, Ling Tian only asked.

"Do you know, where is the phoenix seal of the dragon and phoenix seal?!"

"I do not know."

Cui Tuer opened her mouth and shook her head.


Ling Tian nodded and walked out of the hall with a cold face.

Cui Chuer stood up and looked at the hot phoenix mark on the inside of his arm, his lips almost biting out blood.

"You enemy, do you think I don't want you to win?"

"But if you win, you will become the Li family's cohort!"

"God, are you fooling me like this!?"

Cui Cuoer walked out of the hall, watching Ling Tianwei's unyielding figure gradually disappear, couldn't help looking up to the sky, clenching his fists, and the sound of white neck, with blue veins violent.

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