Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1024: The ambition of being trapped has death but no life [three shifts]

It hurts, it hurts too much.

It hurts to the bone marrow and the nerve bursts.

At this moment, Ling Tian was suffering from incomparable pain both mentally and physically.

Ling Tian couldn't stand it at all and couldn't control his reaction.

Because Ling Tian couldn't faint and he wanted to stay awake, he could only scream at his name, even if he broke his throat.

Next to him, Tao Yaoyao covered her ears and couldn't see Ling Tian's miserable appearance at all.

It was too miserable, since she followed Ling Tian to now, even if Ling Tian has experienced many life and death disasters, she has never been so miserable as this time.

Ling Tian almost relied on the tyrannical will of promotion to instinctively run the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue and the Taichu Sutra, absorbing the essence of Yantian and the essence of Saluo Flower.

Ling Tian's body was like an infinitely bright sea, madly absorbing all kinds of energy rushing in from outside.

In his body, one hundred thousand sword shadows also surged crazily, helping Ling Tian absorb energy at full speed while restoring the meridians and flesh and blood that Ling Tian had been destroyed again and again.

Maybe ordinary people can't hold on for even a moment, even if they have a firm will, they can hold on for more than a dozen breaths, which is the limit.

But Ling Tian, ​​this sitting, is a whole seven to forty-nine days!

Forty-nine days later, Ling Tian had become quiet.

Pain has become accustomed to him.

With that pain every day, I don’t feel anything anymore.

At the same time, Yan Zhou's blood was absorbed and diluted a little bit.

Ling Tian's figure also gradually grew in a circle.

The skin that was originally crystal-clear and fluorescent has now become fiery red, with billowing flames burning and rising all over his body, seeming to have infinite energy, wandering arbitrarily in his body.

Let the whole figure seem to be on the verge of an explosion.

Finally, at the last moment of forty-nine days.

Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes.


In those eyes, there was boundless flame surging, as if it were fighting intent, or as if it were madness!

Tao Yaoyao was taken aback, looking at Ling Tian, ​​but her brows were clustered.

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Because, Ling Tian at this time looked really terrifying.

It's not the kind of oppression that comes from being strong.

Instead, Tao Yaoyao felt a violent killing intent. There was evil in this killing intent!

"Could it be that you have gone crazy?!"

Even though Tao Yaoyao was shocked, he pushed the door and called the princess outside.

"No, Tian'er simply can't control such a powerful physical body. Yan Zhou's blood is full of vengeance and evil killing intent. He has not completely eliminated it! Moreover, he has not cultivated to balance and match it. This is to A precursor to a delusion!"

When the princess saw Ling Tian's appearance, she exclaimed.

"Then what to do?"

Tao Yaoyao said anxiously.

The eldest princess turned her eyes and flew behind Ling Tian. The coldness overflowed in her palm and fell directly on Ling Tian's back.

The powerful icy air entered the body, descending straight to the evil intention that ran away in the sea of ​​mind, and forcibly stabilized it.


With this, Ling Tian's consciousness was completely awake.

"It's done?!"

For the first time, Ling Tian looked down at his body and found that at this time, his whole body seemed to be bathed in a faint, red flame that was as thin as a gossamer.

The flame didn't have much temperature, but it made him feel a powerful and extremely powerful energy, as if it could easily smash the mountains with one punch.

In Yihai, the divine consciousness also jumped to a realm, chasing the realm of Yuanshen.

Although it was not as good as that, but under the blessing of the Taichu Sutra, it was not much different from the power of the ordinary Yuanshen realm.

"Tian'er, you are too crazy, do you know that you have already had signs of distraction just now, you are still going to the depths of Tianjue Mountain like this, I am too worried."

Ling Tian stood up from the stone tank, flashed light and shadow, put on his clothes, and said, "I know."

"But I can control it, don't worry."

Ling Tian walked out on his own, with a flash of light and shadow on his hand, and the shattered Tianlan armor and a pair of golden battle armor appeared on the forging platform.

He pulled out the gold pattern crystal on the Tianlan armor and directly engraved it on the gold armor.

The gold armor was obtained by Ling Tian from Yanzhou's treasury. Although it was not as good as the Skylane armor, it was also a super-grade earthenware, enough to carry the gold pattern crystal.

Ling Tian couldn't live without the bonus of golden wings.

Putting the golden armor on his body, Ling Tian carried the Thunder Sword on his back and carried the Hellfire Cudgel and walked away from the Four Elephant Pagoda.

"Auntie, all the secrets are about to be revealed. I, go!"

After that, he disappeared in front of the Four Elephant Pagoda without looking back.


Before the princess could speak her words, Ling Tian disappeared. Soon she frowned and looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, go out and accompany him, and let the Phantom Stinger Bee be dispatched, even if it is dead, Let me protect Lingtian from death!"

"I see!"

Tao Yaoyao nodded heavily and stretched out his hand. In Taoyuan, the Phantom Stinger Bees, whether they are training or working, are summoned by him, including the powerful Phantom Stinger Queen.


Tao Yaoyao rolled up her long sleeves and left Taoyuan with all the phantom sting bees!

Outside Taoyuan, Ling Tian stood on top of the giant hall.

Here is the highest place in the entire Tianjue Mountain.

Looking down, the light and shadow at the core of Tianjue Mountain are unobstructed.

This time, he saw clearly.

At the core, there were no mountains, only a lonely, huge altar-like thing stood there.

The core of the altar looked like a well. Around the well, there were layers of dark red light, which seemed extremely strange.

Around it, there are also patterns that look like formations, interweaving.

Apart from that, Ling Tian couldn't see anything anymore.

But among them, an extremely powerful coercion seems to be integrated with this world, hidden in the core,

Ling Tian couldn't see the existence of that thing, it was as if everything around him was that thing.

This thing is indeed terribly powerful.

Even though Ling Tianlian had become the body of bathing inflammation, he was still a little breathless from being suppressed.

This kind of existence can really be contended by the human race of the golden body realm.

This can be a proposition, how can it be seen, it is a false proposition.

"It doesn't matter what you are, and it doesn't matter how strong you are."

"I Ling Tian is the one who has died. Could it be that you are better than death?"

Ling Tian murmured, looking at the prison fire stick in his hand and the thundering sword behind him, "Laohou, Xiao Lei, for a while, it will be a tough battle. It may really die. Are you afraid?"

"Damn, you are talking to Lao Tzu? You died, but Lao Tzu never died? What's more, this girl is so powerful, this is like an ant in Lao Tzu's eyes. Don't worry, go ahead!"

Lao Hou was shocked in the prison flame stick, disdainfully said.

Behind, Xiao Lei couldn't speak, but he responded with a shocking dragon chant.

In the dragon's roar, there was an unyielding and undaunted fighting spirit.

"Well, today we are fighting side by side, with the ambition to be in battle, with death but no life!"

After that, Ling Tian spread out the golden wings behind him, drew out the thunder sword behind him, connected it end to end with the prison fire stick, and shot it down!

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