Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1034: The hair breaks before throwing the white well

"Hey, the two of them, please pay attention to it. When is it? Silly Lingtian, if you don't go out again, you won't have time to participate in the finals of the Longmen Competition!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Uh, all right!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Ling Tian's face, and he got up from Qin Mingyue.

However, his arm was supported on the bed, and his eyes flashed over it, but it was suddenly startled.

"Mingyue, have you touched my golden dragon seal?!"

He asked suddenly.

"What, I didn't move?!"

Qin Mingyue was also taken aback and blurted out.

Ling Tian got up and looked at the dragon-shaped mark on the inside of his arm.

This thing has been with him for a while, and he will never remember it wrong. At that time, the mark was just above his wrist, and the dragon's head was facing inward,

But now, this mark is in the middle of his forearm, not only has its position moved up a lot, the direction of the dragon's head is also toward the outside of the arm, that is, the direction of the fingers!

Moreover, he suddenly felt that this dragon seal seemed to be different from before.

"It's really not you?"

Ling Tian looked at Qin Mingyue again.

The latter pursed his lips, shook his head, and said nothing.

"Well, it may be the reason why the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Judgment was determined, but I also because the method came from the Dragon Phoenix Seal."

Before entering Tian Jue Mountain, Ling Tian had told Qin Mingyue about the mark on his arm and the seal of the dragon and phoenix.


Qin Mingyue got up without talking.

Ling Tian walked to the door and suddenly his nose moved.

He smelled a slight scent, which he knew very well, he had smelled it once in a coma.

Moreover, the scent seemed to have been smelled earlier by him, but he couldn't remember where it was.

That's it!

Ling Tian shook his head and didn't want to think too much. He still trusted Qin Mingyue extremely.

Together with Qin Mingyue, he came out of the Four Elephant Pagoda. Through the shadow of the peach forest, Ling Tian could see the green smoke rising from the lounge chair by the water pool.

"Hey, she will enjoy it."

Ling Tian took Qin Mingyue and walked over, and saw Luo Zijun lying on a recliner, wearing sunglasses, smoking cigarettes in his mouth, and holding some wine in his hands, basking in the sun, making him uncomfortable.

"General Luo, thanks!"

Ling Tian arched his hands.

In any case, it was also this Luo Zijun who escorted Qin Mingyue in. Without her, Ling Tian might have died.

"No thanks, but I want the smoke and sunglasses."

Luo Zijun took off his sunglasses, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said lightly.

"Hehe, no problem, you can choose any sunglasses, and I will prepare enough for you."

Ling Tian responded directly.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Hehe, let alone, your white hair is much better than black hair!"

After speaking, Luo Zijun put on his sunglasses again and was exposed to the sun.

"Grey hair?!"

Ling Tian was also taken aback for a moment. He stepped forward two steps, stood by the water pool and looked over. He suddenly found that he had white hair in the reflection of the water, and he did not return to darkness.

At this moment, his white hair was shining with crystal silver light and was tied behind his head.

"How is this going?"

Ling Tian frowned, also unexpectedly.

Logically, his longevity has been restored, and there is no reason why this hair is still white!

Moreover, he looked inside and up and down, and he didn't notice any abnormalities.

"My aunt said, it may be that there is a deficiency in the way of heaven. You are practicing both internally and externally, just like the Martial Emperor back then, it is against the rules of this world, so you still have gray hair."

Qin Mingyue said: "Of course, my aunt is also guessing, or maybe it is because of my Taiyin bloodline? I'm not sure."

"Okay, forget it, it's okay anyway. Don't tell me, am I more handsome like this?!"

Ling Tian scratched his head and said.

"Well, of course, you are handsome in every way!" Qin Mingyue said with a little star in her eyes.

"What the hell..."

On the side, Luo Zijun couldn't listen anymore.

"Silly Lingtian, the seven kills formation outside has changed, let's leave as soon as possible."

Tao Yaoyao also walked up to the road.

"Well, go out first, I want to see how mysterious the well is!"

Ling Tian gave a cold snort, and his figure flashed out of Taoyuan.

And Taoyuan fell to the side, Ling Tian looked at the broken scene in front of him, and he could also imagine how powerful the shocking sword he sacrificed at that time was so powerful.

However, these are not important, Yan Xiu is dead.

Ling Tian walked to the ancient well, but near the mouth of the well, Ling Tian found objects scattered on the ground.

Ling Tian frowned, leaned over to pick up those things, wiped the thick dust off them, and found that this was a broken black stalk!

The reason why Ling Tian called the broken blade 槊 was because the shape of the blade was similar to that of a spear, but it was much longer and thicker than the spear!

The sniper is the heavy blade of the cavalry. It consists of a sniper and a stalk. The slash at the front is extremely long, even more than two feet. In addition, the stalk at the back is much longer than ordinary spears and spears!

And this kind of weapon is not good for walking combat, so it is more suitable for cavalry charge.

Moreover, there are many octagonal edges, sharp and even comparable to the sword, and he is best at breaking armor!

In the ancient world where Ling Tian originally belonged, this weapon was an armor-breaking weapon.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ling Tian could still see this weapon.

It's just that, now the only thing left of this weapon is the broken body, the formation patterns within it have all been destroyed, and the soul of the weapon is nowhere to be seen.

Can no longer be used.

But I don't know why, Ling Tian held these two severed weapons in his hands, and there was a tremor in his heart.

It seems that this thing has a faint connection with his blood.

Ling Tian raised his brows and searched on the pole, and finally found an ancient seal type "Ling"!

Is it possible that this is the common weapon used by Ling Guo?

Ling Tian thought, but thought it was very possible.

Ling Guogong screamed for battle, he was the founding general, and this was a heavy weapon on the battlefield.

Ling Tian put away Li, stepped forward, in the dust, picked up a pair of armor!

The armor was black and red, and it looked mottled, with dense traces of swords slashed on it, but even so, the armor looked intact!

Although some of the formations have lost their effect, they can still be worn!

"This armor is good!"

Ling Tian also secretly praised that this armor was of moderate grade. The original grade should be the top grade among the heavenly artifacts, but it is now damaged, but it is enough to rank in the heavenly armor.

Moreover, the armor was originally at the rank of weapons, so it had to reach that level.

So even though the rank of this armor has just reached the level of heavenly weapons, it is not comparable to ordinary heavenly weapons.

Ling Tian flipped through some armor, and found that this armor also had a pair of visors. It was also a black hideous animal face. In the corner of the animal visor, Ling Tian also found a small ancient letter "Ling". !

This set of armor and that set are one set!

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