Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1041: Ling Tian is here!

At this moment, appearing near Yuelong Mountain, this scene in everyone's eyes is destined to make them hard to forget for life!

When that one appeared with Shen Tianlian, a fiery red cloud, which resembled Shen Tianlian, suddenly rose from the sky.

And among the clouds, the huge figure of a giant beast sometimes looms.

Among them, there are horrible tigers that are thousands of feet long!

According to legend, three years ago, a generation of Tianjiao Shen Tianlian walked out of Tianjue Mountain, stepped on the clouds, spears the tiger and the dragon, dripping blood, sprinkled from the sky, and the traces flowed for hundreds of miles. Those who aimed at this scene would be shocked and shocked by the heavens!

However, at this moment, they actually witnessed this scene again three years later!

However, before everyone else screamed in exclamation, they saw that the tiger flood suddenly fell from the sky in the shadow of the glow.

The behemoth that is thousands of feet long, dripping with blood, crashed to the ground, splashing huge smoke and dust!

However, after the tiger fell on the ground, there seemed to be something huge surging between Yun Zhengxiawei, and the next moment, it was a blood wolf king!

Although the blood wolf king is not as long as a tiger, but his figure is like a hill!

Moreover, the rank combat power of the blood wolf king is much stronger than that of the tiger dragon!

On the king's battle platform, Shen Tianlian, who had already occupied a position, saw the blood-winged wolf king's corpse in the glow, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

Ling Tian, ​​actually came out of Tian Jue Mountain!

Not only that, he also killed the Blood Winged Wolf King who of course made him retreat!

how can that be!

Back then, he knew the power of the blood-winged wolf king, and the wolf king had this pack of wolves!

However, what surprised him was more than that!

In the sky, the huge corpse of the wolf king fell from the sky, falling dust 1

And the fiery Xiayun approached Yuelong Mountain more and more, and the area of ​​Xiayun also became extremely large, reflecting on people's faces, a glowing red.

"More! There is something in Xia Yun!"

At this time, another warrior exclaimed, only to see a golden light flashing under Yang Guang in the glow, and then another mountain-like corpse appeared, dripping blood, falling from the sky!

"It's the Dragon Head Golden Lion! My God, this is the legendary Tier 6 monster, extremely powerful!"

"It's terrible, these monsters have been killed, is it possible that the primordial spirit can make a move?!"

"Who is this person?!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, looking at the huge corpse splashing with smoke and dust in the sky, exclaiming again and again!

"Could it be that these are all monsters in Tianjue Mountain?"

"The tiger dragon is definitely unique to Tianjue Mountain, and this dragon-headed golden lion seems to be rarely seen in the outside world. It is very likely that it is a unique monster in Tianjue Mountain!"

"My God, isn't this person even more powerful than Shen Tianlian back then!?"

"This person, is it... Ling Tian!"

On the VIP table, someone looked at each other and said a name that made everyone unbelievable.

Although, at this point in time, they couldn't think of any of the entire Zhongzhou golden body generation who could walk out of Tianjue Mountain and also came to Yuelong Mountain.

Moreover, Ling Tian entered Tian Jue Mountain half a month ago to find the extreme distance, which many people knew.

So, for a time, these faces changed.

"Look! Xia Yun is going to disperse! No big demon's body has appeared!"

At this time, Xia Yun got closer, and gradually became thinner.

Between Ying Ying Chuo Chuo, they saw Xia Yun, as if there was a fiery red figure emerging.

That breath is somewhat similar to that of Shen Tian Lian!

"It's Ling Tian, ​​he really came!"

As Xiayun gradually dispersed, Lin Yanyan and others in the Xiaoyao crowd directly recognized it.

They are all too familiar with Ling Tian's breath and way of playing.

Apart from Ling Tian, ​​there will never be anyone else!

Seeing Ling Tian's appearance, after being surprised and astonished, everyone in Xiaoyao Academy showed excited smiles. Ling Tian did not disappoint them after all.

"Ling Tian is here!"

"This guy, finally rushed, for Shen Tianlian, he really hasn't been afraid of" Bu Feiyan flashed a strange color in his eyes, whispering to himself.

In the direction of the Cui family, Cui Zhan shook the folding fan in his hand, with a smile on his mouth.

And because it was the finals, many new faces appeared on the VIP seats, and even many civil and military officials were in the dojo.

After all, this is the last battle of the Dragon Gate Competition, and it is very important.

Among them, there is Chen Xuanling, the supervisor Yushi who has a good relationship with Ling Tian!

"Haha, General Li, this Ling Tian has really lived up to our expectations!"

Chen Xuanling dangling a cigar, looked at Li Ke next to him, and smiled.

"Oh, this kid is really scary. He can't lose. I have my boss, but he has been charged."

Li Ke shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Hahaha, what are you afraid of? Who doesn't know you, General Li, in Yunzhou, but you made a lot of money!"

Chen Xuanling smiled rather than smiled.

There was a sudden embarrassment on Li Ke's face, and he stopped talking.

Some people laugh happily, and those who bet on Ling Tian will naturally feel relieved.

If Ling Tian abstained, they would really have no hope at all.

But other than that, there were also people who laughed savagely, such as Li Yu and Li Kan in the VIP table, and the wealthy and royal families who had great grudges against Ling Tian.

There are even countless people who bet on Shen Tianlian!

Although starting today, there are hundreds of billions of bets on Ling Tian.

But compared with the prize pool in the past half month, this is still too small.

Because there are too many people, I think Ling Tian will lose!

And Shen Tianlian was taken aback for a moment, then sneered, his eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

Ling Tian, ​​finally came, otherwise he would be really disappointed!

"good very good!"

"The more vigorous you are, the happier you will be when I kill you!"

Shen Tianlian clenched his hands, showing the anger and ecstasy in his heart.

However, just before all the rays of light dissipated, I saw the figure in the cloud, following the cloud, hovering not far from Yuelong Mountain.

"This Ling Tian, ​​what are you going to do!?"

"I don't know, this guy is so sect, isn't it because he doesn't put the royal family in his eyes, and he doesn't come down to salute?!"

On the VIP table, there was dissatisfaction from the royal family.

Now Ling Tian carried this kind of aura and stopped, he simply didn't put so many big figures on the VIP seat in his eyes.

No matter how strong and crazy he is Ling Tian, ​​at best, he is only a younger generation of the golden body realm. Why is he so rampant?

However, when someone just wanted to stand up and scold him, they just held back the words!

Because the figure in Xiayun suddenly moved at this moment!

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