Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1064: The Valley of Eternal Life

"Silly girl, it's me, it's really me. You're not dead, why did you die? Open your eyes and look at me?"

Ling Tian held An Ran's hand tightly.

This little girl was the person who had gone to life and death with him in Jiuhua Mountain.

If it weren't for her, Ling Tian would not be able to come back safely in Jiuhua Mountain.

Ling Tian had known An Ran's intentions for him a long time ago, but because he didn't want to owe a love debt, Ling Tian had always been deliberately avoiding it.

He thought An Ran would forget him.

Unexpectedly, it is now because of him that he has gone crazy.

Now, it is about to lose his life.

"Ling Tian, ​​is it really you?"

An Ran had no strength at all, but when she heard Ling Tian's call, she opened her eyes desperately.

Her eyes were already muddy, but the figure that reflected Ling Tian was extremely clear.

Just like her love for Ling Tian, ​​she has no desires, no desires, no dust...

"You, you came to see me..."

"The way I am now, it's ugly, I really don't want to, let you see it."

Tears covered An Ran's eyes.

She took a deep breath, struggling.

"No, you are not ugly, you are still so good-looking. Really!"

Ling Tian shook his head, his eyes were also red.

He held An Ran's hand, a hundred thousand sword shadows, entered An Ran's body, and indeed found that the vitality in An Ran's body had been swallowed up.

The vitality is disappearing at a rapid speed.

She will die soon after.

At that time, even the Immortal Daluo could not save her.

"Hehe, you made me happy, I am so happy. I am safe, in this life, this is worth it, really."

"Even if I die, I am really happy..."

"Ling Tian, ​​thank you, I only hope that in your next life, no, let me meet again..."

"Really, I really want to control myself, but I really can't help it..."

"Ling Tian, ​​there is only you in my eyes..."

"I...really going to go...’

Feeling that the vitality in An Ran's body was fading at a rapid rate, and the strength in his hands was getting smaller and smaller, Ling Tian shook his head fiercely.

"No, I don't allow you to die!"

Ling Tian roared.

"I sweared that I will never let anyone around me die in vain. You died because of me, I am Ling Tian, ​​I will never agree, never!"

"No, it's just a change of fate against the sky?!"

"If you want to get someone in front of me Ling Tian, ​​it won't work!"

"Nor will Yan Luo!"

"No one!"

With that, Ling Tian's left hand flashed, and a stone the size of a melon appeared.

This stone was the first one he chose when he gambled with Xiao Ding at the Genting Firm.

It's just that Ling Tian chose to admit defeat in the first game, so he didn't solve it.

At that time, everyone thought that there was nothing in this stone.

Or, it was something in it that couldn't be compared with Xiao Ding's cold ice spirit fruit.

However, Ling Tian was not because of this at all.

The real reason is because the things inside are far beyond everyone's imagination. If it were born at that time, it would definitely cause a huge wave and shake the world!

Even Ling Tian couldn't control the turbulence of its situation.

Therefore, there is no choice to untie it.

Now, Enron is at stake.

Even if the things in this stone are so rare, he will not hesitate to use them.

Nothing is as important as the life of Enron right now!

"An Ran, remember, I don't allow you to die, you die for me, I will pay you back!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian's left hand, the fire surging, the light and shadow turned into a dragon's claw, the force surged, and he suddenly shook it.


With a bang, the stone broke apart.

And the next moment, three orange-yellow light spots flew out of it, and the turbulent vitality was like a sea, instantly swept away.

Vigorously flirting with Ling Tian's white hair, makes people feel like spring breeze!

Even in the cracks on the floor of the whole room, in the blink of an eye, there were countless green shoots bursting out of the soil.

The beams of the beams have also begun to sprout.

Dead wood comes in spring.

What a terrifying vitality is this?

Ling Tian grasped the three light spots in his hands.

At this time, he also saw for the first time that this light spot was a fruit that looked like three grains of rice.

The millet is small, but it is like a sea of ​​life.

Makes people moved.

This is it.

Longevity Valley!

Steal yin and yang, conquer life and death, and make up for life!

This is a **** of heaven and earth!

Its value is far beyond Ling Tian's imagination.

Even Tao Yaoyao in Taoyuan at that time was shocked when she felt its existence!

The existence of this kind of Linggu can even be compared to the huge and mysterious peach tree in Taoyuan!

Tao Yaoyao has been unable to speak for a long time.

Ling Tian hadn't even seen the records of such gods on the Juntian Baicao Collection.

Perhaps, this thing, even Emperor Juntian, had never seen it before.

If it weren't for Tao Yaoyao's spirit of heaven, earth and vegetation, evoking her memories of hundreds of thousands of years in dust, Ling Tian really didn't know what this thing was.

But no matter how big its name is, whether it is the so-called heaven and earth fetish.

He just wants to make An Ran live!

Ling Tian just pursed his mouth, the corners of his mouth raised an unyielding smile, and directly put one of the longevity spirit valleys into An Ran's mouth.

The sword shadow surging, directly smashed the longevity spirit valley into a stream of life and merged into An Ran's limbs.

Such as streams run dry rivers.

Rain and dry wood.

Almost visible to the naked eye, An Ran's vitality began to skyrocket.

The shriveled and rough skin was regaining its blood color little by little.

On the bed, An Ran was wrapped in a layer of orange-yellow light of life.

The gray hair slowly turned black.

The miracle appeared.

If there are outsiders present at this time, they will definitely shout miracles and cannot believe everything in front of them.

An Ran has already failed to attack the Dharma phase, bewildered and exhausted.

Danshi is hopeless.

But just like this, after Ling Tian fed him a grain of Ling Tian, ​​not only did his vitality skyrocket, his aura was actually recovering!

Resurrected from the dead, but right?

"Hehehe, it really works."

"Longevity Valley, what are you?"

Seeing the magical effect of the Longevity Spirit Valley, Ling Tian's tight face finally bloomed with a gentle smile.

He didn't want to leave any regrets.

He will not let An Ran die.

Send the remaining two Linggu to Taoyuan, and Tao Yaoyao will nurture them.

According to Tao Yaoyao, these three longevity spirit valleys are not new, and most of the efficacy has been lost. Otherwise, this longevity spirit valley is not only the Golden Body Realm Enron can bear.

However, this Linggu has only three grains, and when it is used up, it is gone.

Therefore, Tao Yaoyao wanted to try to breed and germinate, so that the plants of Changshengling Valley could reappear in the world.

If it succeeds, Ling Tian will have an inexhaustible lifespan.

Think about it, it's all so exciting.

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