Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1075: Ling Tian shot [four more]

"Mengda! You old dog, come out!"

"My son's life, I want your entire Mengshan Sect's life to come back!"

"Come out for me!"

A scream came from outside the mountain, don't think about it, it must be Zhao Jiannan's father.

Unexpectedly, one day passed, this Zhao family still came to the door!

Outside the gate of the Mengshan Sect, the formation hole opened, and Meng Da fell down with a group of Mengshan Sect disciples.

Outside of the formation, there are thousands of warriors standing in densely packed, uniform uniforms, it is the Zhao family.

Meng Da's heart suddenly sank, and his expression was completely gloomy. Unexpectedly, the Zhao family brought so many people over this time. Among them, the golden body master was as many as a dozen.

Now that Ling Tian hasn't moved at all, he didn't dare to bother.

Immediately he said in a deep voice: "It turned out to be Patriarch Zhao Zong. I don't know why Patriarch Zhao came so aggressively today?"

This Zhao Zong is a strong man at the pinnacle of the golden body. His eyes flashed with coldness. At this moment, his eyes flickered and coldly said: "Old thing, you are still pretending to be with me. My son died in Mengshan yesterday. Someone is watching. Lin Ke'er and Lin Miao'er of your Mengshan Sect are also there, dare you say that it was not my son who killed them!?"

After saying that, his eyes swept across Lin Miao'er, and he said coldly: "Little bastard, it is your blessing for my son to fall in love with you. Today, of course, I want you to survive or die!"

Meng Da's pupils shrank slightly, but the Zhao family still found the Mengshan Sect.

It seems that there is no way to be kind today.

Now, Ling Tian hasn't appeared yet, with the strength of the Mengshan Sect, he can't resist the Zhao family at all, but if he is allowed to hide in the mountain guarding formation, he is absolutely unwilling.

Taking a deep breath and barely suppressing the anger in his heart, Meng Da solemnly said: "Is it possible that Patriarch Zhao is joking, my sect Lin Keer sister is only a spiritual cultivation base, and your Zhao family son is a golden body cultivation base. , And there are a lot of guards with him, how can he be killed?"

Zhao Zong's face was cold, he didn't move at all when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, except for Lin Keer and the others, there is no one else in that area that day. My son, they killed them! Give me both of them. !"

"Otherwise, your entire sect will be buried for my son!"

Hundreds of disciples had gathered outside the Mengshan Sect's gate. At this moment, all of them turned pale, and there was panic in their eyes.

The Zhao family is too terrible, if they really want to destroy the Mengshan Sect, it is too simple.

Meng Da looked at the frightened sect disciple, his complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and the opponent threatened him directly.

If Sister Lin Keer is handed over, what face will he have in Jizhou after the Mengshan Sect?

Suddenly gritted his teeth in secret, Meng Da raised his head and said in a deep voice: "If I don't hand over someone, I don't believe it, your Zhao family is lawless, you can really destroy my Mengshan Sect and go to the former Southern Tang martial artist!"

"Furthermore, I tell you, there is a big man in my Mengshan Sect. If you make him anxious, your Zhao family will be in disaster!"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! Big guy, big **** guy, if you don't make friends today, I'll wash Mengshan Sect in blood!"

Zhao Zong sneered again and again, and he was a big man. Could it be possible that a great master of the realm of Dharma-state would not come, even if he did, he was not afraid!

Moreover, the great master of Faxiang would never come to the shabby place of Mengshan Sect.

"So it seems that you are going to go your own way!"

"Everyone, return to the big array!"

Meng Day raised his hand and was about to break the net with Zhao Jiayu first.

Zhao Zong's face was sneer, and his eyes were murderous, "Since you guys want to die so much, you can blame my Zhao Family for being cruel."

"Kill my son, even if you kill all of you today, Wang Ting will not blame it."

"Try to kill them all, Zhao Zong will take care of everything! I will use their blood to pay tribute to my son." Zhao Zong shouted.


The Zhao family warrior stepped forward and smiled sullenly when he heard the words, and slowly approached forward.

Meng Da turned around and took a look, but he still didn't see Ling Tian's movement. Although he was in the late stage of the golden body, he was definitely not Zhao Zong's opponent, not to mention that there were so many golden body masters.

Lin Miao'er's pretty face turned pale, and she couldn't help looking into the mountain gate at this moment. Perhaps only that person could help Mengshan Sect avoid the disaster at this moment.

For this reason, she did not retreat into the big battle at all.

Zhao Jiannan was not killed by them, but died because of them. She is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Behind him, hundreds of sect disciples also stood there with shame and anger. Although they were all terrified, they did not flinch.

Seeing the warriors of the Zhao family, they were about to take a bloodbath, and even the opponent's weapons were out of the sheath.

"Huh! The little family dared to be presumptuous in front of me. If they dare to take a step forward, I will leave you all behind today."

But at this moment, Senran's low drink came in an instant, in which the tyrannical murderous intent was surging, and the endless stream was like a stormy sea, covering the thousands of masters of the Zhao family.

At the same time, a tyrannical and incomparable aura slowly diffused in the Mengshan sect, like a sleeping ancient fierce beast slowly recovering at this moment, revealing its hideousness to the world.

Fierce breath, I want to tear the world apart!

Those Zhao family warriors were hit hard in an instant, blood was spilled in their mouths, and they went backwards, staring at the source of the breath, and there was a huge shock in their hearts!

"This kind of aura absolutely surpasses the realm of the golden body!

It is the great master of Faxiang!

Within this Mengshan sect, there is actually a great master of Faxiang!

As for Meng Da and other disciples of the Mengshan Sect, although they could sense the strength of this aura, they were not suppressed at all.

Meng Da's face was respectful and his eyes showed endless awe, "Sure enough, Young Master Huo is the great master of Faxiang, this kind of aura is too strong, and it is my Mengshan Sect's fortune to be able to meet these characters."

Lin Miao'er's eyes widened, shocked, "Master Huo is amazing!"

The voice fell, and a figure stepped out of the void, and the strong vitality wrapped it, like a murderer descending into the world, walking forward step by step, giving people an extremely fierce visual impact.


Among the Zhao family, the headed Zhao Zong could no longer resist, and immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, suddenly fell to his knees, trembling all over.

too frightening.

With his cultivation at the peak of his golden body, although the distance from the Fa-xiang is only a thin line, in front of this person, he can't even raise the slightest heart of resistance.

This person is definitely not new to the Dhamma!

Who the **** is this! ?

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