Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1085: Make me kneel?

On the ground, all the pavilions and towers of the Zhao family were all destroyed, and Ou Dexuan fell into the pit, dying, life and death unknown!

Shaking hard with a physical body, instantly severely inflicted Ou Dexuan, the power of the soul!

Moreover, it was just a punch!

"White hair, physical body, You Longquan, you, you are the leader of Longmen, Ling Tian of Xiaoyao Academy!"

At this moment, Zhao Wenxuan exclaimed and finally recognized Ling Tian.

No wonder, at such an age, with such a tyrannical combat power, who can severely inflict Ou Dexuan, besides the terrifying leader of the Dragon Gate, who else?

Perhaps, in the eyes of other warriors in Jizhou, they had only heard the name Ling Tian in the legend.

But as a line of Prince Rong's Mansion, Ling Tian had already known the detailed information.

Now, Zhao Wenxuan can naturally recognize it.

"Ha ha..."

In the sky, Ling Tian let out a sneer. He hit Ou Dexuan heavily, leaned over and swept his eyes, domineering and infinite, but all the warriors who looked at him turned pale, bowed their heads in awe.

In particular, Zhao Quan, who had been hit hard just now, was not dead, and there was an endless wave of fear in his heart.

This person turned out to be Ling Tian who had set off a storm in Zhongzhou, and even Prince Rong's Mansion had nothing to do with him! ?

This person is too terrifying, even Ou Dexuan's primordial power can easily be defeated!

So, can this guy give the Zhao family face?

Now, isn't his life going to be saved?

In the distance, Zhao Wenxuan, whose body protection light gradually dissipated, had a gloomy expression on his face, which was extremely gloomy.

He never expected that he would encounter such a hard stubble today.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Zi Han stared at Ling Tian's beautiful eyes, staring at Ling Tian's back in a daze at the moment, surprised and delighted.

Now that just a few years have passed, unbelievable is born in his heart. Unexpectedly, Ling Tian is really so powerful that he can't even pay attention to the power of the soul.

"I said, you dare to move the aster, then today, when you are removed from the Zhao family in Pingyang, no one can save you!" Ling Tian turned around, his expressionless expression, a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Quan below.

Step on the void and fly directly down.

When Zhao Quan's eyes swept over Ling Tian, ​​his whole body was trembling, and endless fear was already born in his heart. At this moment, he screamed: "Master Wen Xuan, you want to save me, don't kill Ling Tian, ​​today you There is no escape!"

With his cultivation base, there is absolutely no possibility of survival in Ling Tian's hands, even if he wants to escape, there is no chance.

It was at this moment that he had to put his last hope on Zhao Wenxuan, and even led the fire to the opponent.

As a direct disciple of the Zhao family, Zhao Wenxuan will certainly cherish his life very much.

When Zhao Wenxuan heard the words, Li Mang flashed in his eyes and scolded Zhao Quan secretly.

But at this moment, he gritted his teeth abruptly, stepped out of the light, hovering in the distance, looking at Ling Tianhan and said: "Ling Tian, ​​I know you are great, but I still want to remind you that you can stop after you did this today. If you don’t, after today, you will definitely not escape death!"

"The Zhao family in Pingyang is the sixth line of my Zhao family. My Zhao family is backed by Prince Rong's Mansion. In this Jizhou, you can cover the sky with one hand and countless masters. If you really move us, this Jizhou is so big that you will also have difficulty getting your wings escape!"

The voice was sharp, and although he was afraid in his heart, Zhao Wenxuan was still threatening.

Throwing out the names of Prince Rong’s Mansion and Zhao’s family, Zhao Wenxuan’s heart is a little settled. The name of Prince Rong’s Mansion is enough to make the world warriors surrender. With the name of Zhao family, this Lingtian can only be He bowed his head and retreated in front of him!

"Zhao Family?" Ling Tian paused slightly, raising his head at the moment, frowning tightly.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Wenxuan suddenly felt a touch of pride. Sure enough, Ling Tian had heard of his Zhao family's prestige, and immediately felt relaxed.

"Yes, it is the direct descendant of the Zhao family in Baoping Mansion, Zhao Wenxuan. My eldest brother is the top three leaders of the last Longmen, and the person you just injured is the chief of my Zhao family who worships Ou Dexuan, don't you know at this moment, Do you have a catastrophe?"

Ling Tian was noncommittal on hearing this.

Huang Ji Gangyun sneered in his heart, even if his fighting strength is strong, how could he still dare to be presumptuous after knowing his identity now?

Seeing Ling Tian's hesitation like this, Zhao Wenxuan felt that Ling Tian had already been persuaded.

So, he sneered in his eyes, his eyes flickered, and he raised his head indifferently: "Ling Tian, ​​today you massacred my Zhao family members and severely inflicted my Zhao family general. In the future, you will be chased by my Zhao family. But, think It's up to me to live a sentence, it's up to you, what you do..." At this point, Zhao Wenxuan couldn't help laughing.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was interested in his heart: "Hehe, what to do?"

Zhao Wenxuan chuckles in his heart, Ling Tian has no longer opened his mouth at this moment, so he has not had the arrogant and domineering aura he had just before, and it is obvious that he has already developed fear in his heart. This feeling came out, and immediately made this person extremely satisfied,

At this moment, he stood with his hand in his hand and proudly said: "Now, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, and you will never take action against my Zhao family in the future, I might consider revealing what happened today, otherwise I promise you that you will die in Jizhou!"

Hehe, what can the leader of Longmen do, not to kneel in front of him.

Thinking of Tianjiao kneeling down to him, Zhao Wenxuan's face flushed involuntarily, with excitement faintly.

Although this seems a bit unrealistic.

But Zhao Wenxuan doesn't think so here. As a son of the Zhao family, he has a respectful identity. In Jizhou, he is used to being arrogant and domineering. How many arrogant talents have to bow to him and be respectful.

Although Ling Tian was the leader of the Longmen, he didn't take it seriously.

Ling Tian was expressionless, shook his head slowly, and said, "Why, this is over, any other requirements?"

Zhao Wenxuan's face changed slightly when he heard the words. He didn't expect Ling Tian to be such an understatement at this moment. It seemed that he didn't take the matter to heart at all, which made him feel bad.

But he was still convinced that Ling Tian would not do it, otherwise he would completely offend their Zhao family.

This Ling Tian must not dare!

At this point, Zhao Wenxuan was confident in his heart.

It was at this moment that although he felt something was wrong, he was still fearless in his heart, "Yes, it is this request, you just need to kneel to me, my Zhao family, and you will forget it!"

Zhao Wenxuan's voice hadn't fallen yet, and there was a sudden tremor in his heart. Suddenly raising his head, he happened to see Ling Tian's cold eyes surging with coldness and no temperature.


At the next moment, Ling Tian suddenly made a move. With this Zhao Wenxuan cultivation base, there was no resistance at all, and he could not even react at all. Under Ling Tian's punch, the figure was instantly blasted out, and in the air, it exploded into one. Group of blood mist!

"Dare to threaten me, what are you!"

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