Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1131: Who is the opposite?

Now, at the end of the corridor where Ling Tian was located, there was a room on the left and right.

After the intelligence of the Magic Sting Queen Bee, Jizhouhou was in the secret room on the left.

Before this secret room, it was now shrouded in a dark light curtain, and its formation was so thick that it was terrifying to the point of horror.

Even above the light curtain, there are countless slapped black beast phantoms, swimming like fish inside.

It can be seen that this formation is very mysterious.

Don't think about it, this must be the heavenly formation laid down by the Hungarian inner formations.

In order to make this dungeon foolproof, the Hungarians also took great pains.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Hungarians did not plant the King of Dou in the depths of this dungeon.

Otherwise, Ling Tian would only be able to kill.

"Hehe, this formation has some ways, and this is the first time I have seen it set out."

At this time, Tao Yaoyao sat on Ling Tian's head and smiled.

"Oh? A thousand fierce black evil formations? Is it powerful?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"If it is a perfect black evil formation, it is of course terrifying, and it can even strangle all the strong in the separation zone. However, the formation in front of us is a fake at best. The method of arrangement and the materials used are both problematic and powerful. It's a big discount. You just break the line, you won't be troubled by it."

Tao Yaoyao sneered.

"I can rest assured that."

Ling Tian took a deep breath. When he sneaked into the city lord’s mansion, he heard the voice of a strong Hun. The combat power definitely surpassed the third-order fighting king he once killed, because it should be the fourth-order fighting king, and even more. For a strong presence.

If it is discovered at this time, it will inevitably be a big battle.

He was not afraid, but the seriously injured Jizhou Hou Lingtian could not guarantee his safety.

I don't know what my situation is within the formation at this time.

Ling Tian can only gamble.

Raising his hand, on Ling Tian's palm, the fiery red sword shadow condensed into a sharp cone, tearing the air.


With a muffled sound, Ling Tian lined up directly above the formation.

The pointed cone pierced directly into it, and in an instant, the black energy was tumbling, and within the light curtain of the formation, the dense crowd of fierce beasts screamed in terror.

But no matter how they struggled, they couldn't escape the strangulation of Ling Tian Shiwan Jianying at all.

At this moment, the sword shadow after Ling Tian condensed into a sword power was stronger, which made it easier for him to break the formation.

However, after just a dozen breaths, the black and fierce formation made a muffled sound, turned into a black mist, and exploded away.

Formation materials that fell on the ground.

"Haha, but so."

Breaking the formation so smoothly, it can hardly be compared with the big formation Ling Tian encountered in Juntian Palace before.

With a soft snort, Ling Tian wiped out the black fog with his big hands, and walked directly in.


"Tell you, don't want to get the secrets of Fengtian Ancient Mine from Lao Tzu, and don't think that my human army will lead the army to rescue me for such a useless person!"

"Persuade you greedy Huns to die. If you have the kind, please give Lao Tzu a happy life and kill Lao Tzu!"

"I won't even frown my brows!"

As soon as Ling Tian entered the secret room, he heard a roar.

Ling Tian looked at it and found that it was a blood-stained, unkempt human warrior, chained to a stone chair.

The breath was very sluggish, obviously he was seriously injured, but the roar, like a roaring tiger, was still full of momentum.

Not only that, the eyes of this warrior have turned into blood holes, and they have been ruined by someone!

"Jizhou Hou?"

Ling Tian asked in a daze.

"Well, Human Race?"

"who are you?"

"How can you come in this dungeon?"

When the warrior heard Ling Tian's voice, he was also startled immediately, but immediately his head shook, and angrily said: "Okay, you must be the person of Zhao Wuliang, you human running dog, colluding with the Huns, you will not die! "

"Huh, why, the Huns have nothing to do with me, can you let the human race come?"

"Get out of here!"

"If I can move, I will definitely twist your head off as a urinal!"

Ling Tian had a black line on his face, and secretly said that Ji Zhouhou's temper was really big enough.

It's no wonder that this character can't match the Zhao family.

However, what is the Fengtian ancient mine mentioned by Jizhouhou?

"Master Hou, I am not from the Hungarian nationality. I am the Anbei General Ling Tian, ​​who is entrusted by the royal court, to clean up the Hungarian nationality in northern Hebei!"

"I'm here now to save you!"

Before he could ask in detail, Ling Tian hurriedly stepped forward and glanced at the chain on Jizhouhou's body, and found that it turned out to be made from a very special material.


Ling Tian drew out the Thunder Leihuo Sword and slashed it on the chain, but sparks were flying everywhere, but the chain could not be cut.

This really surprised Ling Tian.

Today, his Thundering Lihuo Sword is stronger than the best heavenly weapon, and even if it is a kingly weapon, it is not too far behind.

But you can't cut this seemingly ordinary chain, only the thickness of your fingers?

"Hehe, don't waste time, this is the nightmare of the Huns, you can't cut it!"

Jizhouhou smiled sadly.

"Hehe, Nightmare Iron Cable? I don't believe it, is he more tenacious than Xiao Xianlian?"

Ling Tian was not convinced.

Before, his Lihuo blood gold was cut apart by his aunt's fairy sword, but the former was a small fairy material, comparable to the king's weapon material.

But the iron lock in front of me is definitely not as good as Lihuo's blood and gold, and it's too thin.

"Queen bee, you try."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, and a colorful magic sting bee appeared in Ling Tian's hand.

The Phantom Stinger Queen Bee controlled her body to the size of her palm, and the poisonous thorn at the rear burst out a dazzling mysterious light, and with a bang, it directly stuck on the iron lock.


There was another explosion, but this time, the so-called nightmare iron rope broke directly!


This scene caused Jizhou Hou's mouth to swell, and he didn't expect that the legendary nightmare chain would be broken like this.

"Hehe, this cable is a bit tricky, I accept it."

Ling Tian put away the iron cable and picked up Jizhouhou and said, "Master Hou, let's go."

"No, I can't go, I can't drag you down, I'm already a waste person, this Fengtian city is now surrounded by the Huns, and there is also the fourth-order fighting king Wanyanlun sitting in town. He trapped me here just to Lead you to save!"

"You go now, there is still a chance, I can't hurt you!"

Ling Tian didn't care, "Don't worry, Lord Hou, since I dare to rescue you, I have a way to leave, let's go!"

"This... well, I hope so."

Ling Tian helped Jizhouhou out of the secret room, but stopped at the door.

"What's the matter?" Ji Zhouhou asked, tilting his ears.

Ling Tian looked at the secret room on the right. This secret room was the same as the one on the left. At this time, it was sealed by the Qianxue Heisha array.

"Master Hou, do you know who the other person is?"

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