Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1133: Either die or kneel down and beg for mercy

When Qin Shaoyang and others saw this, they were also in great momentum, looking for King Dou to fight.

After all, Dou Jing's Dou Jing was the most precious.

"Shuang Jiao Zhen!"

Qin Shaoyang's double mace fell in his hands, bringing up two dragons' shadows, and directly shattering the armor of a Tier 1 Dou Wang. Qin Shaoyang won the power without mercy, and directly caught up with the King Dou who fell from the air, and dropped dozens of shocks between a few breaths, and blasted the King Dou directly in the air.

"Hahaha, Douwang, but so!"

Although Qin Shaoyang hadn't advanced the magic phase at this time, he had passed through Ling Tian's weapon blade and spirit orb, and now he was only a thin line away from the magic phase realm.

The combat power can also match the ordinary soul.

"Human ants, Hugh is rampant, go to death!"

However, when Qin Shaoyang grabbed the Dou Jing of the Tier 1 Dou King in his hand, a black and purple figure came behind him.

With a punch, Qin Shaoyang evaded it and blasted it directly into the sky.


Qin Shaoyang spouted blood, but his injury was serious.


Qin Shaoyang was lying on the ground, and the armor on his chest was cracked. At the moment of the moment, if he hadn't turned around and blocked it with a double mace, this punch might have killed him.

Looking up, Qin Shaoyang discovered that it turned out to be a Dou Wang with two purple stripes on his head, and it was a second-order!

No wonder there is such a tyrannical combat power.


But without a punch, Qin Shaoyang was exploded, but he was furious. He flew down, took out a battle axe, and slashed.

"Hurt my brother, die!"

However, just when the King Dou was about to kill, a cold shout sounded.

I saw Qin Mingyue bathed in the glow of the moonlight, holding the moonlight in her hands, and she did not know when she appeared on top of Qin Shaoyang's head, cut down with a sword, and set off a boundless moonlight sword.

"Woman!? Stupid!"

The second-order Douwang sneered and raised his battle axe to meet him.


However, what shocked the Huns was that Qin Mingyue saw the understatement of a sword, but directly cut the battle axe of the second-order Douwang in two, and the sword power remained undiminished, and the Douwang was smashed in the air. It became two paragraphs!

Slaying Tier 2 Douwang with one sword, Qin Mingyue's tyrannical force was enough to sweep all Tier 2 Douwang.

Seeing that Qin Mingyue was so strong, Lu Chen and Bu Feiyan couldn't bear to fall behind, killing the second-order Dou Wang in front of him, making him no opponent at all.

For a moment, watching that Dou Wang a personal clan sniper and kill, among the Hungarians, Tier 3 Dou Wang finally couldn't bear to make a move.

They flew from behind the army, turning into purple streamers, and there were as many as three!

And above the momentum, they are more powerful than the two third-order Dou Wangs of Xianbei.

The goal of the three fighting kings is also extremely clear, that is, the three people of Qin Mingyue in the battle group.

They also saw that these people are the top combat-powered existences in the human army.

If it can be killed, then the Terran army will not attack itself.

With the combat power of their Tier 3 Fighting Kings, there will be no accidents in killing this class of human junior powerhouses.

However, just when the three Dou Wang passed the Hellfire Club that was cracked on the ground by Ling Tian.

Hovering above the battle group, Ling Tian, ​​who had never taken any action, suddenly opened his eyes.


With a cold snort, Ling Tian was covered in the fiery red True Essence Cavern, like a Vulcan warlord, his figure shook, and the next moment, directly before one of the purple lights, he blasted out with a punch.


The dragon fist, the dragon shadow condenses, directly penetrates the third-order fighting king.

Then, in the depths of Ling Tian's left hand, the prisoner dragon's hand was condensed, and he directly squeezed the flying Dou Wang on the left in his hand, and smashed it with sudden force.

There was the last Tier 3 Fighting King, but he saw Ling Tian was so terrible. When he met him, he killed two Tier 3 Fighting Kings. He was shocked immediately, gave up chasing Qin Mingyue, and turned around. Flee.

"Hehe, want to run?"

"I said, the Huns who passed my prison fire stick, die!

When the voice fell, Ling Tian waved his right hand, and the Hellfire Club on the ground suddenly violent, like an arrow, exquisitely and exploded towards the third-order Douwang.

"no no!"

That Douwang was horrified, and his speed soared to the limit, but after all, he did not escape the prison fire stick.

There was a pop.

That Tier 3 Fighting King was directly exploded by the prison flame stick.

At this point, it was just a few breaths, and the three Tier 3 Fighting Kings who were killed all died in Ling Tian's hands.

For a time, Ling Tian's power and terror shocked all the Hungarians below.

Even the combat power was forced to drop a lot.

This is the deterrent power of the general commander.

"King Qiangjie, come out and die!"

Ling Tian Qingcun, toward the direction of Fengtian City, shouted loudly.

Ling Tian's words made everyone feel his edge and arrogance.

Is he called King Qiangjie in front of the formation?

How strong is King Qiangjie?

That is the fifth-ranked Qiangjie king of the eight tribes, the fourth-order Douwang, and the most powerful existence among the latter four tribes.

It used to be that no one challenged King Qiang Jie, but he ended up without exception, and all died tragically!

The fourth-order Douwang was already in the mid-stage of the Yuanshen realm, and even Jizhouhou was definitely not an opponent.

King Qiangjie, in the eyes of Jizhou warriors, is almost an invincible existence, and an indelible shadow of fear is cast in everyone's heart.

But now, Ling Tian actually wants to directly challenge King Qiangjie?

For a while, all the Huns became angry.

King Qiangjie is their god-like existence, how can they let the human race blaspheme like this?

"Haha, it's ridiculous, killing a few of us Tier 3 Fighting Kings, do you think you have the strength to challenge my king?"

"King Xianbei is really a trash, even you younger generations of the little human race can't help it."

"Let me see, how confident you are, dare to blaspheme the supreme King Qiangjie of my clan!"

However, at this time, the sound of the Hungarian army's release of orders was once again sounded in the army.

In this voice, there was a killing intent.

Leng Li's killing intent and coercion suddenly rose.

The warriors of the human race who were fighting had a look of horror flashing in their eyes, and they involuntarily stepped back several steps.

The next moment, a huge purple strange bird appeared on the army. After a while, the strange bird turned into a powerful Hungarian man in black and purple armor, facing Ling Tianyao.

On the top of this strong man's head, there are three deep purple lines, and he is yet another Tier 3 Fighting King.

However, in terms of size and coercion, this Dou King was far more tyrannical than the three Dou Kings just now.

It was even stronger than King Xianbei that Ling Tian had destroyed before.

And this is not the powerful Tier 4 Fighting King that Ling Tian met just now!

At this time, this Dou Wang had a pair of purple eyes, and his cold eyes stared at Ling Tian, ​​like a poisonous snake. The eyes were full of violence and danger: "Boy, I am the second king of Qiangjie, Wanyanlie, ever since After I entered Jizhou, no human race was my opponent. Except for the surviving Jizhouhou, everyone else died under my sword."


After speaking, Wan Yanlie directly exploded with a fierce and fierce flame coercion, rolling in, and pressing down like a mountain whistling a tsunami.

"And you are no exception"


The corners of Wan Yan Lie's mouth were slightly tilted, and a suffocating air rolled out.

At this moment, everyone could tell that Wan Yanlie was really angry.

After he set foot on Jizhou, no one had been so arrogant in front of him, especially a descendant of the human race who looked so young.

This is even more intolerable.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

However, Ling Tian smiled suddenly.

His eyes drooped, and he didn't even look at that Wan Lie.

It seems that only King Qiangjie is worthy of letting him look straight.

"Coincidentally, since I Ling Tian stepped in, I haven't met a Hungarian fighting king who can fight."

"The same is true for you, either dead or like a dog, kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Ling Tian sneered at the corner of his mouth, and his smile carried a cold killing intent.

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