Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1139: Pei's family


Jizhou Hou Ying was cleaned of Gu poison, and his face changed a lot.

But when Ling Tian asked, his expression suddenly changed.

After a long silence, Jizhou Hou suddenly said: "I think that this large-scale invasion of Jizhou by the Hungarians is absolutely unusual, but a thorough plan."

"Their schemes and plans are far bigger than we thought."

"This Fengtian Ancient Mine is what they are looking for, even if they do not hesitate to kill countless warriors in northern Hebei!"

At this point, Jizhouhou's face became savage.

"Oh? The Hungarians came for that ancient mine?"

Ling Tian raised his brows, which was beyond his surprise.

What kind of ancient mine can enable the Hungarians to make such a big move?


"The Fengtian ancient mine is not so much a mine, but a cave sky!"

Ji Zhouhou leaned on the bed, his hollow eyes raised, as if he was thinking of something.

"That Dongtian is actually the secret of my Pei family. We have been guarding it for many years, and even the royal court does not know it. We did not disclose it because we knew that this ancient mine was not trivial. understood."

"In this Fengtian ancient mine, it's not because there are any extremely rare ore materials, but because there are a lot of five-element gold sand!"

Hearing this, Ling Tian's expression also changed suddenly, raising his eyebrows and said: "What? A lot of five elements of golden sand?"

This had to surprise Ling Tian.

Because the Five Elements Golden Sand mentioned by Jizhouhou is the same thing Ling Tian knows.

That should be the five kinds of ore materials in the top grade earth tier materials.

These five elements of gold sand, as the name suggests, have the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. These ores have great energy, and are very sharp and hard. Although they are not suitable for training armor, they are excellent materials for refining weapons.

Moreover, the required training techniques are not very difficult, but the finished product can barely be regarded as the best implement.

It's much better than top-grade implements.

However, it wasn't just this that surprised Ling Tian.

According to what Jizhouhou said, there are a lot of five-element gold sand in the Fengtian ancient mine.

So, how much does this mass mean?

Reminiscent of the Hungarians' heavy forces oppressing the territory, looking for this ancient mine, Ling Tian felt a little bit in his heart.

It seems that this large number is somewhat scary.

"Master Hou, how many five elements of golden sand are there?" Ling Tian still asked.

Jizhou Hou Kongdong looked at him and opened his mouth, "I can't tell, they are all buried underground, but they can at least forge a million-level weapon!"

"You said, is this amount of gold sand tempting to the Huns?"

Suddenly, Ji Zhouhou laughed in a low voice, "It's sad and sigh, my Pei family guards such a big mine. It may be bragging to say that it is a rich and enemy country, but at least in the entire Nantang, there should be no sect or family that can be Compare with my Pei family?"

"But we just guard this mine and can't do anything."

"This mine, instead of letting my Pei family grow, but because of this mine, the family was destroyed!"

Although Ling Tian had some expectation in his heart, when he heard that Ji Zhou said the order of a million, he still felt a little bit in his heart.

This is really a mine at home!

How much are so many five-element golden sands worth?

I am afraid that even the Genting firm that hollowed out the entire Nantang cannot afford it!

This is indeed a great temptation for the Hungarians who make a living by plundering!

They have every reason to bloodbath northern Hebei and seize ancient mines.

Not only the Hungarians, but also in the Southern Tang Dynasty, any forces that knew that there were a large number of five-element gold sands in this Fengtian ancient mine would seize them at all costs.

Therefore, for the Pei family, this ancient mine is indeed guilty of guilt.

This is not a treasure, but a reminder!

Once the news is leaked, the Pei family will face destruction!

This kind of hot potato is indeed enough to make the Pei family helpless.

In the end, the Pei family finally failed to escape the bad luck.

"Master Hou, where is this Fengtian ancient mine?"

Ling Tian thought about it, but then asked.

Jizhouhou was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Do you really want to know? Are you not afraid of man-made disasters?"

"Hehe, Lord Hou, do you think I have caused enough trouble, not big enough? I am Ling Tian, ​​what else can make me afraid?"

Ling Tian smiled.

Since he knew this Fengtian Ancient Mine, he had to get it.

He needs the five elements of golden sand, his army, needs it.

"But you have to tell me that if you get this Fengtian ancient mine, you will deal with the five elements of gold sand in this way." Jizhou Hou seemed to have known Ling Tian would say this for a long time, his expression unchanged.

"I will put in all the weapons for my army, and I want them to grow up, and there is no disadvantage!" Ling Tian's tone was extremely appreciative.

"Yes, you didn't disappoint me. If you can withstand such temptation, you really deserve to be a descendant of Ling Guogong."

"But, are you really willing? You are a master craftsman, and you also know what the value of these five elements of gold sand is? And, don't forget, your army will follow you, but only in more than a month. It’s not yours at all. Is it worth it if you just give away the Five Elements Golden Sand?"

"If you lose this army in the end, then it's just a bamboo basket to draw water, and it will be empty."

With a sneer, Ji Zhouhou suddenly said, it seems that he has asked Ling Tian a question and wants to know how Ling Tian answers it.

"Is it my own army? It doesn't matter. I Ling Tian never thought that this army will always be named as my Ling Tian."

"As long as each of them is to protect the human race and fight against the aliens who trample on our human race, that's enough."

"Furthermore, I am Ling Tian only to protect the human race from foreign humiliation. I don't have any selfishness. In my opinion, the loyalty and righteousness in the world is in my chest, and all the warriors in the arms of my family and country are the people who I Ling Tian! "

"They can all be regarded as my Ling Tian army."

"Master Hou, you said, right?"

Ling Tian stared at Jizhouhou's face for an instant, saying every word.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

After a long pause, Ji Zhouhou suddenly shook his head and laughed.

In the end, there was a deep sigh, "No matter, I am indeed old, Ling Guogong, there is a descendant that is enviable!"

"Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian, ​​you are really fortunate for my human race."

"Fengtian Ancient Mine, just above Fengtian City, my Pei family's precious five-color golden bowl is the only key to that cave sky!"

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