Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1153: Mahjong and the Landlord Incident

"The Power of Twenty Mountains!"

Ling Tian looked at the cracked peaks in front of him, and counted, nearly twenty.

At the beginning, the power of the primordial spirit one mountain, the ten mountains in the middle stage, and the energy to destroy the 20 peaks in the later stage!

Now, Ling Tian has a combat power that rivals the power of Yuanshen's late stage!

If he encountered King Su this time, even if Ling Tian couldn't defeat him, he would definitely be able to fight back. At the very least, he wouldn't be beaten by a palm without fighting back.

Before he could upgrade his martial skill level, Ling Tian was already ready to go to Mu Cangyuan.

After returning from the mine, Ling Tian saw the pool, which was extremely lively.

Tao Yaoyao, Tantai Jinzhu, and Qin Mingyue, each of the three women lay halfway on the recliner, holding fruit juice and chatting happily.

"When did you come?"

Ling Tian approached and asked Qin Mingyue in surprise.

"Uh, yesterday?"

Qin Mingyue thought for a while.

"Well, then you guys play, I'm going out."

Ling Tian touched his nose. I don't know what method Qin Mingyue used. In a day's time, he talked and laughed with Tantai Jinzhu?

"Hey, Ling Tian!"

"Before you go, can you find me something to pass the time?"

"No fun, so boring!"

Tao Yaoyao pouted.


Ling Tian scratched his head, suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind, and he snapped his fingers and said, "Yes!"

Within a moment, in the tower of the four elephants, the three women looked blindly at a table in front of them, as well as the cubes on the table that looked like small snacks, at a loss.

These squares are all polished with the highest quality Lingcui. They are as gentle as jade and are extremely exquisite.

A total of 136 yuan, but not a lot.

Tao Yaoyao picked up one of them and put it in her mouth, biting it, and almost broke her tooth. She curled her mouth and said, "I'm dizzy. You don't cook this for food. What can you do with this thing?"

Qin Mingyue and Jin Zhu also looked at Ling Tian ignorantly, not knowing why.

"This thing is called Mahjong."

"Aren't you boring? I promise that this stuff will make you addicted."

"Come on, I will teach you to play now..."

Ling Tian sat down, greeted the three women to take their seats, and started teaching mahjong.


After a whole day.

Facts have proved that Mahjong is really poisonous.

And it's the kind of poison that can't resist no matter the earth or this alien world, or a warrior or a mortal, or a human race or a Hungarian race.

If it were not for Ling Tian's helplessness and making playing cards for the three women again, Ling Tian really couldn't figure it out.

Listen to the ‘fried’ and ‘I can’t afford it!’ Standing outside the door, Ling Tian opened his arms and stretched his waist, looking at the green mountains and green waters reflecting the sun and peach blossoms, he couldn't help grinning.

It seems that it’s good to keep going like this...

"No matter, Taoyuan is a peach blossom field after all..."

"Mu Cangyuan, here I am!"


After leaving Taoyuan, Ling Tian found Li Qingcheng and Cui Zhan, and ordered them to camp again. Before he came back, he could not act rashly.

As for Ouyang Kena Lanjun, Bu Feiyan and others, five days ago, they went to patrol various places in northern Hebei and eliminated the remaining Hungarians by the way. In this way, they could also get a lot of fighting crystals.

For this, Ling Tian was also very satisfied with the arrangement made by Cui Zhan.

Because they fought all the way, there was no time to return to the major cities.

After that, Ling Tian summoned Xiaoqing, turned into a golden light, and left Polu Mountain.

This made Chen Xuanling, who came afterwards, all rushed to the air.


A day later, Ling Tian saw the northern Hebei border.

This is also due to the strange formations left by Yin Biluo in various places in northern Hebei.

Before Yin Biluo left, he told Ling Tian the positions of various formations.

And these formations, this is all these years, the dark Lingwei carefully left in northern Hebei.

At this moment, Ling Tian also had to feel that there is an old man in his family. If there is a treasure, Yin Hong has done a great job in taking precautions.

Otherwise, just hurried, it would inevitably consume Ling Tian a lot of time.



This is the first time Ling Tian has stepped into the northern wasteland realm and experienced the first feeling.

Standing above the sky, looking at the lonely and deserted ground in front of him, looking around, there was no vegetation except flying sand and turbulent rocks.

The living environment of the Hungarians is indeed very poor.

In its underground, there is no spiritual vein. Apart from plundering, the Huns really have no good way to strengthen themselves.

At the foot, is the former border city Chishu North City.

Because Ling Tian had already regained northern Hebei before, the local warriors who had fled their homes because of the Hungarian invasion also returned.

Those remnants who retreated also returned to garrison again. When Ling Tian's army passed by here, there were also some master commanders left behind.

Looking at the outside of the city, one after another warriors entered the city to rest, some order was normal, Ling Tian also secretly nodded.

Taking a look at the map, Ling Tian was thinking about heading directly to Mu Cangyuan, but at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank and stared into the distance.

The next moment, he gave a cold snort, and his figure disappeared into the sky.


The old Lintou family in Shubei City has lived in Shubei City for generations and lived by mining ore.

A few months ago, their family set off again, not far away, and entered the northern barren quarry. Unexpectedly, the two tribes then broke out in war, and northern Hebei fell. Although they hid in the northern barren mountains and saved their lives, they couldn’t get back. Jizhou is now.

Unexpectedly, this Hungarian invasion took less than two months and was destroyed by the Human race. They saw that the outside world was peaceful, so they hurried out of the mountain and hurried back to Shubei City.

"Our luck was too bad. Not only did we fail to mine many ore of good quality this time, we also encountered the Hungarian invasion, and we almost missed it."

"Who says no? Not only will I not earn any coins this time, I have to pay a lot of protection fees!"

"No way, I didn't encounter deserters from the Hungarian people on the way. We wouldn't have had the life to come back if they weren't protected by the great masters of the later stage of the law."

"Let’s just say a few words, now is a troubled time. When we return to Shubei City, we will sell all the ore and head to southern Hebei. We are just a weak human race, and we really can’t withstand this war."

In front of these people, an old man with white hair turned around and murmured angrily.

Then he looked back at the cloud boat above his head. In the cloud boat, there was a group of warriors sitting cross-legged, and a middle-aged monk sitting alone, slightly closed his eyes as if he was adjusting his breath, no one dared to approach it. Half a step to his side, everyone looked at him with unconcealed awe.

This person is the warrior who guards the Lin family and his group. They also entered the Northern Wilderness expedition experience before, and the cultivation base of the leader has reached the peak of the law. This kind of cultivation is already the existence that the old man can only look up to.

Without the protection of these few people along the way, they wouldn't be able to come back at all.

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