Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1167: Battalion

Breaking the Slaughter Mountain.

When Ling Tian came back, there was an ascending cultivation aura within the camp for hundreds of miles.

Everyone is in a fiery mood, and they have obtained a lot of fighting crystals. At this time, they can be refined. I believe that in the near future, their cultivation base will definitely enter a lot.

"Meet Master."

Ling Tian returned to the Chinese army camp, besides the Li Qingcheng Cui Zhan greeted him, the newly recruited apprentice Lin Miaoyin was also there.

"Get up as a disciple, how do you feel here? Are you used to it?"

Ling Tian sat in the head of the big account.

"Of course I am used to it. The uncles and aunts here take good care of me!"


Lin Miaoyin pursed her mouth, "It just feels, I feel that their cultivation is much higher than Miao's pitch, it's too far behind..."

"Hahaha, what are you worried about, you are still young."

"Yes, I think you have a good talent, and you may be better than your master in the future."

Lin Qingcheng and Cui Zhan couldn't help laughing.

"No, Master is the most powerful person in this world, how could I be better than Master."

Lin Miaoyin shook his head quickly.

"Hehe, don't tag me."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands and said: "By the way, the cultivation base of Miao Yin, I think the foundation should be good, and now it should be possible to activate Wuhun."

"Hehe, it's better to wait until the time to contemplate, otherwise, her talent, it would be a pity!"

At this time, a voice sounded from outside the tent, Ling Tian frowned upon hearing the words, stood up, but saw the big tent ringing, Chen Xuanling walked in.

"Master Chen!"

"When did you arrive?"

Ling Tian said with a look of surprise.

"Hehe, I have been here a long time ago, don't say you don't know, if it weren't for me to give King Su a step, you two will have to make trouble."

Chen Xuanling gave Ling Tian a sideways look.

"Oh, that... Master Chen will come up soon."

Ling Tian touched his nose and let Chen Xuanling sit down.

"Hehe, I'm not polite to you anymore."

After Chen Xuanling sat down, she suddenly looked at Lin Miaoyin beside Ling Tian, ​​and couldn't help nodding her head after a while.

"Ling Tian, ​​you really have a good apprentice. Why did you run into this jade?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "Master Chen, don't praise her, let her cultivate with an open mind is the right way."

After he said, he took out a jade slip, and his spiritual thought went deep into it. Then he took out some Dou Jing, and handed it to Lin Miaoyin a moment later: "Go to Uncle Pei Tianqing, just say that I said it, borrow his five-color gold Once you use the bowl, go and practice meditation."

Lin Miaoyin took the jade slip and Doujing, and Shen Min couldn't help but directly penetrated in and found that the jade slip recorded a step called Taichu Jing, and he immediately understood it. This technique looks very mysterious. I want to come. It must be an extremely powerful existence.

Therefore, Lin Miaoyin knelt down directly: "Miaoyin kowtowed Master's reward."

"Haha, go ahead."


Lin Miaoyin jumped out happily.

Looking at her back, Ling Tian couldn't help sighing while sitting on the big chair.

"Some people are destined to be superb. Unlike me, they have no such luck along the way."

Indeed, every adventure and opportunity of Ling Tian was accompanied by murderous intent. He could go to this day without knowing how many catastrophes he had survived.

Unlike Lin Miaoyin, who is so young, he worships himself...

"Hehe, everyone has a different path. You are different from everyone, so you don't want everyone to be strong."

Chen Xuanling smiled faintly.

"Yes, your luck is still bad?"

Li Qingcheng and Cui Zhan looked at each other, both smiled bitterly, Ling Tian's luck can be said that no one can match.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, Master Chen, you come to me, think you have something important, right?"

"As long as there is a major event, there is no such thing."

"In Chang'an, the eldest princess asked me to give you a message. She said, you must have some doubts about the king's canonization of you as a general. In fact, this is normal.

"Because you don't know how respected the status of the eldest princess in the royal court is now. The Emperor Wu doesn't know why, and has always refused to show the saint. Above the royal court, people's hearts are floating. Even the Prince Rong cannot stabilize. He was powerful before , Covering the sky with only one hand, you can also swing the government, but it's different now."

"Under Prince Gong and the elder princess, more and more ministers and military commanders are coming over. Three of the six are in the hands of the eldest princess, so even Prince Rong is helpless."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Yuwen Chengdu has been unable to recruit enough soldiers and supplies, and it is impossible for the king to watch Jizhou be invaded like this, so Prince Rong can only regress."

"As for Emperor Wu's decree..."

"In short, the result is good. His Majesty Wu Huang's refusal to show the saints is a problem after all, but this.. We are courtiers, and there is no way to talk about it."

Chen Xuanling took a sip of tea and sighed: "One more thing, that is, His Royal Highness, entered the ice coffin!"

"What? Into the ice coffin?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of the prince, in his mind, he didn't know why the figure of Cui Rouer appeared, and... a green hat.

"Well, that's right, it happened half a month ago. When we knew it, the prince had already entered the ice coffin by himself. There was no chance to stop it."

"However, when the prince entered the ice coffin, the hearts of the people in the royal court became even more unpredictable, because the second prince and the third prince were about to wake up from the ice coffin."

"At this juncture, the undercurrent is surging."

Chen Xuanling sighed.

"I've heard of the two princes. They are extremely talented and have a deep cultivation base. When they wake up at this time, they really don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing."

Cui Zhan also said.

"Hehe, there is nothing to worry about. Soldiers are coming to cover the water and earth. I only care about the Huns now."

Ling Tian didn't care about it. Instead, he felt that the prince was asleep. He felt better in his heart. He really didn't want to face the prince.

"By the way, when it comes to the Hungarians, this time, you are really famous in the Southern Tang Dynasty. You annihilated the next four of the Hungarians, a total of 8 million Hungarian troops. This kind of military exploits was only achieved before the establishment of the Southern Tang Dynasty. "

"You, didn't shame Ling Guogong."

Chen Xuanling said, her mood finally improved, and Zhanyan smiled.

"But the first four of the Hungarians have not been eliminated. It is a disaster after all, and the first four are the real strength of the Hungarians. There is still a long way to go."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, but he was not so optimistic.

It was simply the strength of Tuoba Yeluo, and Ling Tian also saw the power of the Huns.

"Yes, the Hungarians are very powerful, otherwise the Emperor Wu would not take the Hungarians at all."

"However, I heard that the saint of the Hungarian nationality is missing. Do you know?"

Chen Xuanling asked suddenly.

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