Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1187: The first thieves [four more]

"Miss Shen, I want to buy these spars, you can make a price!"

Ling Tian rubbed his hands and looked at Shen Mi.

In his opinion, Shen Mi didn't know the value of this thing, otherwise even Ling Tian would not be able to buy these spirit gathering stones at all, not to mention that he didn't have many spirit coins in his hand.

"Hehe, the general joked. These things are not of much value. Put them here. I don't think they occupy space. If the general finds these spars useful, I can take them all away, and I will send them to the general."

Unexpectedly, Shen Mi smiled.

"How ashamed of me!"

Ling Tian scratched his head.

"What's the embarrassment? I told you that you should take it as soon as possible."

Luo Zijun didn't care about those, took out the storage ring and began to collect the boxes.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and didn't care about his image anymore. Together with Luo Zijun, it didn't take a moment for Ling Tian to remove all the spirit-gathering stones in the storeroom.

"Ms. Shen, there is another thing I want to trouble you. I want to find a material called Six-Face Diamond Wood. Does the Shen family have it?"

After packing everything up, Ling Tian said again.

"Six-square diamond wood?"

Shen Mi frowned, took out a jade slip to check it for a moment, and said: "Yes, there are, but the wood is not of high grade and belongs to earthenware materials, so we don't have much stock in our house."

"Yes? The young lady knows where the source of this thing is, I want to point it out." Ling Tian asked anxiously.

"Let me see..."

After a while, Shen Mi suddenly frowned, "Hiss, some trouble?"

"How do you say?" Ling Tian raised his heart when he saw this.

"According to the records on the accounts, although this six-square diamond wood is not of high grade, there is only one place in the Southern Tang that is abundant, but this place is occupied by a group of Jiangyang thieves, and most people may not get this thing. And, that. The place is far away from here, I don’t know if you are in a hurry."

Shen Mi pursed his lips, wondering.

"What? Big Thief Jiang Yang? How old is it, and there is this profession?"

Ling Tian was also taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked: "Miss Shen, where is it? You say it."

"Xiliang border, Qianmu Mountain!"

"What? Xiliang border, Liangzhou?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, but he really didn't expect that this pole would go to Liangzhou again, and it would still be convenient. It was really far from Yanzhou.

"Yes, Qianmu Mountain is entrenched by the legendary Southern Tang thief Xiao Shisan. He is powerful and unfathomable. The people of Kyushu are called Xiao Shisanlang! This person has a strange temperament and is not easy to provoke."

Shen Mi nodded.

"Huh? Xiao Shisanlang?"

"Not Xiao Shilang?"

Ling Tian was surprised.

"Eleven? No, it is said that he is ranked thirteenth in the family. All the twelve brothers are dead. Only himself is left, and he was the last one.

Shen Mi shook his head.

"Oh, that's it, it's okay, I have admitted the wrong person."

Ling Tian scratched his head, and the secret path was indeed a coincidence, but he was still puzzled, "However, how could the royal court allow the existence of this thief without destroying them?"

"No, one is because Xiao Shisan's strength is tyrannical, even Liangzhou Hou is not his opponent, even Liangzhouhou has to count on Xiao Shisan to resist the sea monster, so he will not move him. It is Qianmu Mountain that is close to the West Sea. Every time Wang Ting sends a large army, they escape into the West Sea and there is no one at all."

Shen Mi snorted, "So, this place is quite interesting. He has business dealings with my Shen family, but I haven't visited it yet."

"That's it."

Ling Tian smacked his lips and glanced at Luo Zijun, "It seems that we have to take a trip."

"I'm dizzy, no, I really want to go to Liangzhou?"

Luo Zijun was surprised.


Ling Tian took out the jade slip and glanced at it with his spiritual thoughts. When he saw the sign of Yinbiluo near Qianmu Mountain in Liangzhou, he was also surprised.

This is really weird, because in the huge Liangzhou, only Qianmu Mountain is marked by Yinbiluo, which is particularly eye-catching.

However, Ling Tian understood that it is not the time to be suspicious, put away the jade slips, and said to Shen Mi: "Miss Shen helped me a lot. There is a chance to pay back this love, but today, I won't stay more!"

"Do you really have to go in such a hurry?" Shen Mi felt a little complicated.

"Yes, it's a big matter, so it shouldn't be delayed." Ling Tian nodded.

"Okay, I'll send you off."

Outside Jincheng.

Watching Ling Tian and Luo Zijun's figure gradually disappear into the sky, Shen Mi couldn't help sighing.

Looking at the fan in his hand, I couldn't help whispering in a low voice, "Mountains have trees and trees have branches, and you are happy in your heart. You don't know..."

On the second day after Ling Tian left Jincheng, outside the Jincheng, the dragon's voice shook the sky, with a mighty momentum, and a dragon boat fell, making all warriors in the city horrified.

When he saw a handsome man in a purple and gold dragon robe walking down from the dragon boat, all the warriors knelt to the ground, and the mountain called the prince Sheng'an.

Shen Mansion.

The third prince Li Xuanji walked into Shen Mi's yard.

But I saw Shen Mi sitting in the pavilion on the green lake.

"Miss Shen, I don't know why you rejected this prince."

Seeing Shen Mi, Li Xuanji asked.

"Little girl, dare not climb the royal family."

"Furthermore, the little girl has her own heart, so she won't delay her."

Shen Mi did not look back.

"Is that Ling Tian? You just met once, what do you think you belong to? This prince can't compare to his criminal minister?"

Li Xuanji said angrily.

"The so-called ignorance of love leads to deep affection. If the prince can make a poem like a surging water, the pulse cannot be said, it can be compared or not compared to it!"

Shen Mi shook his head, never giving Li Xuanji face.


"good very good!"

"Shen Mi, don't think you are the prostitute of the Shen family, the prince must be you. Tell you, in this world, there is nothing I can't do, you'd better not regret it!"

"Shen Mi never regrets it." Shen Mi said lightly: "His Royal Highness, please go back, I'm tired."

Li Xuanji was furious, took a deep look at Shen Mi, and then left the garden with a cold snort.

"Ling Tian, ​​I remember you!"


Jincheng is thousands of miles away.

In the deep mountain forest, Ling Tian put away the gourd, looked at Li Fu and the three Shangshu who were slowly turning into blood on the ground, and couldn't help but sneer.

"I'll go, so powerful, you actually hid the Li Fu's attack, so no one would doubt that we did it."

"Tsk tusk, Ling Tian, ​​you are really poisonous!"

Luo Zijun hugged his shoulders and said.


"I didn't do anything, they were just looking for death on their own."

Ling Tian looked behind him, Tao Yaoyao had already arranged the formation, so he pulled Luo Zijun into it.

"I'm dizzy, really want to go to Liangzhou?"

"Otherwise, I'm kidding you?"

While speaking, Ling Tian's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

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