Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1196: Do you dare to say yes

"No, most of the fronts are only recruits from the three tribes. This time they are brutal veterans led by King Mengman Yeluhachi!"

"These forces, speaking of combat power, are not necessarily weaker than those on the front. Before, they were the reserve forces responsible for guarding the Mengman tribe camp in the Northern Wilderness!"

"General Li Qingcheng and I did not expect that the Hungarians did not mobilize the forces on the front, but they pulled Laodhi out!"

Cui Zhan blamed himself: "Therefore, our scout force has never headed north. It is our negligence."

"You can't blame you for this. Who knows that the Huns are quite ghostly. They have drawn more than two million troops from the depths of the hinterland, but they are really cruel!"

Jizhou Hou Pei Renji Road.

"Hey, it's just the old, the weak, the sick, what's to worry about?"

Qin Shaoyang didn't care, and sneered.

"Wrong, baby, you must not underestimate the Hungarians. They are good at fighting. In wars, they are experts. If it weren't for the number of Hungarians on this continent far less than our humans, you still can't decide who It's the overlord!"

"Although these veterans are all elderly, their cultivation base is still there after all, and there are as many as two million. This battle is much more difficult than the last time!"

Cui Kuohai shook his head.

"General Cui is right, this battle is not easy to fight, we have to be careful."

Li Qingcheng also had a stern face, not too optimistic.

"However, what these things are, they are mysterious, and even me and these boys are not allowed to see."

At this time, Cui Zhan pointed to the huge object erected on the wall and covered by the shady curtain.

These objects are neatly placed on the city wall, very regular, but covered with black cloth, they can even disrupt the detection of divine consciousness.

"These are the killers of our battle and the conditions for our victory in this battle!"

Ling Tian stepped forward, watching the dark tide gradually rising outside the pass, sneered, his eyes filled with repressed crazy killing intent, "I know this battle, the Hungarians are bound to win the Yumen Pass!"

"However, no matter how many people he comes, they are all here to die."

"We will win this battle!"

"The order goes on, the army is ready to switch and charge at any time!"

Ling Tian pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted loudly.


The generals on the left and right sides all responded with awe-inspiring expressions and stepped down the city wall.

For a while, Yumen closed up and down, 800,000 large sabers and swords were unsheathed, long spears held high, and pairs of shining wings bloomed. Under the infusion of warfare, they turned into shape and rose into the sky before Yumen Pass.

Outside Yumen Pass, the mighty and mighty Hungarian army, like a black wave of the Hungarian army, came slowly from above the Gobi, covering the sky.

"Great King, in Yumen Pass, it is still that Ling Tian led the 800,000 human army stationed now!"

Among the Hungarian army, Yeluhachi, the king of the Mongman tribe, hovered over the army with a ferocious wolf-toothed giant stick.

"Huh, Ling Tian, ​​a small human being, since he knew that this king personally led the army to come, he didn't know his death was imminent!?"

Yelu snorted, and the black mist rose up all over his body. The next moment, he appeared before the army, standing outside Yumen Pass.

"Human Ling Tian is here to answer!"

The billowing voice, like a crack in the sky, the terrifying coercion, accompanied by the voice of King Mengman spread all over Yumenguan, and all the warriors of the human army changed their faces!

The strength of this King Mengman is really a bit terrifying.

Compared with the Tubo kings of the same level, it is completely higher than the level. The mere sound makes people feel terrified in the hearts of the tribe warriors.


Just when the momentum of the Human Race army was about to be suppressed by King Mengman's deterrence, Ling Tian snorted, boundlessly, rising from the ground to lift up the coercion of King Mengman.

"Why, come here to die, what else can I say?"

Ling Tian ascended from Yumen Pass without fear of the horror of King Mengman, who was far away from him.

"Hehe, I'm going to die? It seems that you really don't know, are you waiting for the 800,000 people to die?"

King Mengman didn't expect that Ling Tian would dare to be rampant even now, and he immediately retorted with an angry smile.

Ling Tian touched his forehead, "I really don't know."


King Mengman was extremely angry, and pointed at Ling Tian with the wolf-toothed giant stick in his hand: "Don't you know who I am? I am..."


Ling Tian directly interrupted King Mengman, took off the black and white gourd around his waist, and said to King Mengman, "I know who you are, but I call you, do you dare to agree?"

"What the hell?!"

King Mengman frowned and drank, completely bewildered by Ling Tian.

"Just ask if you dare to agree, the dignified king of the third tribe of the Hungry, wouldn't you even have this courage?"

Ling Tian said impatiently.

"Hmph, in front of me, I advise you not to play with spears, why don't I dare?"

"Good!" Ling Tian cleared his throat, "Are you the Mengman King of the Hungarian?"

"I am, so what..."

King Mengman was so embarrassed and angry that he just agreed when he saw the gourd in Ling Tian's hand, and suddenly burst out a golden light bead, which was extremely fast, and there were earth-shattering, terrifying energy fluctuations on it!

Suddenly, my heart suddenly tightened!


King Mengman exclaimed immediately and felt the terrifying energy contained in the bursting beads. Although he didn't know how Ling Tian did it, this thing could hurt him!

Before he could think about it, King Monman raised his mace in front of him. At the same time, his body was shining with blood, and he directly opened the battle. The fighting spirit was added to his body, and his body was heavily defensive. At the same time, his figure was even more backward. Burst back!


However, in an instant, the golden bead arrived in front of King Mengman, and the squeezed energy suddenly exploded. The energy exploded like a nuclear bomb, directly on top of the head of the Hungarian army. A dazzling round of light of the sun.


The terrifying energy raged, not only shattered the space, even the air and sound were evaporated.

When Yumen was closed, all the army of the ethnic group was dumbfounded watching the Hungarian army outside the pass was shattered into powder, and died in pieces. For a while, they were speechless.

The impact of this kind of energy is too shocking!

In just a few breaths, thousands of the Hungarians died!

Ling Tian's sudden attack turned out that even Human Race himself felt surprised.


The shock wave dissipated, and King Mengman rose from it, but his chest was already burnt at this time, and he was obviously injured.

When he was looking at the army, he was even more furious.

Before the battle, his Hungarian army had nearly 50,000 casualties!

How can this make him tolerate?

"Human Lingtian, I swear by Yeluha, I will crush you and the human race to pieces, so as to dispel my hatred!"

"Warriors of the Mongman tribe, beat them down for me!"

With the shout of King Monman, the remaining army of millions rushed up like a tide!

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