Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1203: Cheng Jia

Northern Wilderness.

Ling Tian stood in front of a strange formation, behind which was a cliff on a barren mountain.

Here, the lush green border of Yanzhou is no longer visible.


Within the Qimen formation, a burst of black light flashed.

The next moment, a figure walked out of it.

This figure is dressed in a black cloak, covering the entire body. On the gloomy peak, it seems to be integrated with the mountain, plus that extremely obscure aura, even if it is a powerful force in the late Yuan Divine Realm. , It is not easy to sense it easily.

"the host."

The figure raised his head slightly. In the darkness, he couldn't see the person's face, nor could he hear it. The voice was male or female.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

Ling Tian turned around and shook his head, "No, it didn't take long. Bi Luo, do you know about Yanzhou?"

"We also just learned that the promotion of Turkic King Tuoba Yongye to Dou Huang was really unexpected."

It was Yin Biluo who came, and she shook her head.

"What the **** is going on, wanting to be promoted to Emperor Dou, how easy it is to say, how can I catch this knot, and there was no sound before?"

Ling Tian frowned and asked.

"To be honest, we were just as surprised, because it stands to reason that Tuoba Yongye couldn't advance to Dou Huang so quickly, so we guessed that he must have used some secret method!"

Yin Biluo said.

"You mean, this Tuoba Yongye's fighting emperor has moisture?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"It's just a guess, we are not sure, everything, maybe we can find the answer in the Golden River Valley."

Yin Biluo nodded.

"Yes, so the Golden River Valley must be visited."

Ling Tian pursed his lips and looked into the distance, "What's going on with the army?"

"In the past few years, we dark Lingwei have been recruiting the hidden old government of Ling Guo from the Northern Wilderness, and now there are nearly half a million human races."

"However, these are all integrated by small tribes, and they are not elite in terms of quantity or cultivation level."

Yin Biluo's tone is a bit embarrassing.

"Is there any problem? Need me?"

Ling Tian squinted at it.

"Yes, this is also the reason why my master asked me to pick up the master."

Yin Biluo nodded and whispered: "Today, there is still the largest hidden human tribe in the Northern Wilderness. It is the soldiers and horses led by the descendants of the first warrior of Ling Guogong, except for the two armies and one guard. Although they are scattered in the north Famine, but close contact, there are as many as 500,000 soldiers, and they are all elite."

"However, my master can't persuade him at all. They only recognize Ling Guogong or Ling Guogong's descendants, so you have to go in person this time."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, and suddenly smiled: "It seems that these people are 80% to test me!"

"Well, I just want to see them."

"Without the help of these 500,000 people, we are really not sure to win the Golden Valley."

"Let's go, without further ado, we solved the problem earlier."

Ling Tian waved his hand and stepped into that formation.

Yin Biluo bowed his head and said yes, also stood in, and then the black robe danced, and the two of them disappeared into the formation instantly, without a trace.


Shofang Canyon.

It is located in the bitter cold land of the Northern Wilderness.

In the Northern Wilderness, where the environment is already extremely harsh, it is almost barren.

Even the native Hungarians rarely come here.

Therefore, the Hungarians are rare here all year round, making this canyon full of vicissitudes of life.

But in this desolate place, a few figures suddenly appeared outside the canyon.

"The Dark Lingwei Commander Yin Hong, pay homage to the Young Master!"

Seeing Ling Tian and Yin Biluo stepping out of the formation, Yin Hong and the eight people behind him bowed in salute.

"Everyone please hurry up, you are all the old humerus of my Ling family, Ling Tian still said that, I am a junior, and I should not be polite."

Ling Tian hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Haha, what do you say, Young Master, you are now so powerful that you are already far better than me, even if you are not far from the former Ling Guogong, I am waiting for this worship, but I am convinced!"

Yin Hong smiled and looked at Ling Tian carefully. After a while, he and the eight senior ministers looked at each other and said: "Look, you deserve to be the young master of my Ling family, this kind of temperament is really a dragon and a phoenix!"

"Yes, Lingjia Dangxing, I am very relieved in my heart!"

The other eight elders also nodded in joy.

Now, Ling Tian far surpassed their expectations in terms of talent, cultivation base, and achievement.

"Hehe, don't praise me. It seems that the commanders have a good chance these years!"

Ling Tian waved his hand, looked at Yin Hong and the others, and found that their cultivation level had skyrocketed a lot.

Among them, Yin Hong is the most serious. Now he is the cultivation base of the late Yuanshen, and the other eight elders are also in the middle of the Yuanshen.

This was beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's just that we have retrieved our once sealed cultivation base in the Northern Wilderness. These secret methods are not small."

The nine people looked at each other and smiled, but in the depths of their smiles, it was slightly bitter.

"You can rest assured that your efforts will not be in vain. I, Ling Tian, ​​represents the Ling family and will definitely not chill your hearts."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, categorically cutting the railroad.

"With the words of Young Master, we are relieved."

Yin Hong and the others nodded heavily, and then turned around and pointed at the canyon and said, "Look, young master, this is the Shuofang Canyon. This place is the place where the descendants of Cheng Sanxue under the command of Ling Guogong lived in seclusion!"

"Although they have not been born for nearly a thousand years, they have always controlled a large army of Ling Guogong that year. Among us veterans of the Ling family, except for the Yanzhou Hou, the most powerful force!"

"However, this Cheng family is more than brave at first, but here, there is not much inspiration and resoluteness!"

Yin Hong pointed to his head and sighed: "I have been here many times, but it doesn't work. Now that I have seen me, I won't let me in."

"So, I can only ask the young master to come in person."

Ling Tian heard the words and looked at the canyon.

With his current knowledge of the formation, he couldn't see any abnormalities in this canyon.

The Cheng family, who lives in seclusion here, has not been discovered for so many years, and it is obviously dependent on it.

However, all of this can't escape Tao Yaoyao's induction.

She has discovered that the formation above the canyon exists.

"If this is the case, then let me come in person."

Ling Tian's figure flashed, and he walked toward the gorge.

Yin Hong and others hurriedly followed suit.

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