Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1207: Tian Yanzi Refining Dragon Ball

"this is……"

After everyone adjusted to the strong light, they looked at the wooden box in Ling Tian's hand, but they were shocked to find that the wooden box was opened from it!

At this time, one party was full of golden beads carved by dragons appeared in Ling Tian's hands.

A total of three dragons entwined each other on the golden beads, lifelike, as if they were about to come alive under the background of brilliance.

Not only that, among the golden beads surrounded by dragons, there was almost **** light surging. In the **** light, there was also the brilliance of seven-colored glazed glaze, which was very gorgeous.

Among them, bursts of life breath surging out from it, extremely exuberant.

It looks like a heart!

"What is this?!"

Cheng Jiujin looked at the gold beads in the Ling Tian Box and asked.

At this moment, Ling Tian also frowned, picked up the golden bead, and immediately his pupils shrank suddenly!

This turned out to be blood!

Moreover, it seems to be the essence of the Dragon Race!

Suddenly, Ling Tian thought of something. Divine thought returned to the sea of ​​mind and found the light and shadow of the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue, but he suddenly discovered that this is the body refining secret book that he has not seen since he became the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Jue. The fourth and fifth levels are manifested!

And before, this dragon blood tyrant body decided that only four layers were right!

Moreover, Ling Tian also felt that the fourth stage was the legendary Dragon Blood Overlord.

But now the fourth stage of manifestation is a physique called Liuli War Body!

The fifth level is the legendary Dragon Blood Overlord!

The essence and blood that the colored glaze battle body needs is a kind of dragon essence blood called the Hyun Wing Flying Dragon.

Ling Tian has never heard of this kind of dragon, but just now Lao Hou has already felt the dragon breath in the golden beads in Ling Tian's hands, and told him that the beads wrapped in this bead are the pure blood of the flying dragon. !

Not only that, the bloodline of the essence blood dragon clan during the period was exceptionally pure, and it was the essence and blood of the overlord dragon clan in the dazzling flying dragon.

Although the Hyun Wing Flying Dragon is still not a Shenlong, it is definitely a middle-level existence among the dragons!

Even if it is compared to the real five-line dragon clan such as the flame dragon, it is definitely not worse.

Moreover, the dazzling wing flying dragon carries the glaze-colored dragon clan essence and blood, and is the best at defense. Among the upper realm dragon clan, it can be regarded as a well-known existence.

He didn't even think that in this world, he would actually see the blood of this dazzling flying dragon.

But no matter what Old Hou said, the appearance of this Liuli essence made Ling Tian's heart shake.

The third stage of the Dragon Blood Overlord Body Jue, let Ling Tian refine the body of bathing flames, combined with the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art, so that Ling Tian now has such a tyrannical combat power, then if he refines the colored glaze body, his The combat power will surely skyrocket again!

By then, he must have the capital to fight the Hungarian prophets in the Golden River Valley!

How does this make him not excited?

Perhaps it was the reason for the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art that caused this dragon blood hegemonic body to mutate suddenly, but this was not important.

Ling Tian now only had the blood of the dazzling flying dragon in his hands.

There is nothing more.

In any case, he must refine this colored glaze battle body!

"This is the essence and blood of the Dragon Race. It is of great use to me!"

Ling Tian held Jin Zhu tightly, and his whole body was shaking gently with excitement.

He could clearly feel the vitality and energy fluctuations of the Dragon Race essence blood in this golden ball.

Now, he had to suspect that everything Ling Guogong did back then was arranged, even including him, a person from another world who had crossed over.

Otherwise, how to explain this series of coincidences?

When he needed combat power the most, the legacy left by Ling Guogong just appeared.

"Really? What do we need to do now?"

Although Cheng Jiujin still didn't understand what this thing was, he could feel Ling Tian's excitement and asked immediately.

"General, you must gather the Cheng family's army now! Commander Yin, you go and assemble another 500,000 soldiers and horses."

"Preparing a quiet room for me to retreat, I want to retreat!"

"When I leave the customs, I will be the same as the robe, the day when I surprise the Golden River Valley in one fell swoop!"

Ling Tian suddenly stood up and said.


Cheng Jiujin, Yin Hong and others all stood up and bowed in salute.


Cheng's top secret room.

The secret room is hidden in the core of the cave. Unless the cave collapses, the secret room will never be destroyed.

At this time, the quiet room was densely packed with arrays, and on a futon in the center of the quiet room, a walnut was quietly suspended there.


Ling Tian hurriedly entered the Four Elephant Pagoda, looking at the golden beads in his hands.

"You have to figure out a way to take this blood out of it."

It is true that there is essence and blood, but the essence and blood are now surrounded by these three golden dragons, and cannot be taken out at all, and Ling Tian can't use it.

"Let me see."

Tao Yaoyao, who followed in, reached out and took the golden bead over. She shook her head after fiddled with it for a long time, "It's over, I have nothing to do, there is no formation on it."

"You can't help it?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Now he is very anxious.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian forced another drop of blood, but found that it was useless at all.

The blood was evaporated by the three golden dragons before it even touched the gold beads.

"The dragons on this golden ball are very exuberant. Although the blood in your body also has dragons, it is not pure. Or, would you let Xiao Lei try?"

Lao Hou came out and glanced at the Jin Zhu.

"Xiao Lei, come out and try."

Ling Tian nodded and drew out the sword.

And Xiao Lei seemed to have figured it out a long time ago. With a flash of lightning, Xiao Lei appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​"Okay, I... let me see."

Taking Jin Zhu from Ling Tian's hand, Xiao Lei frowned, and his cute face was full of solemnity.

"What a strong dragon blood, and there is the will of the dragon in it..."

"I can hear his voice."

Xiao Lei closed his eyes and stopped talking, but his brows trembled, as if he was talking to someone.

While Ling Tian was still suspicious, the golden bead in Xiao Lei's hand suddenly bloomed, and the dazzling light made Ling Tian only feel that his eyes were white. The next moment, his vision was clear, but he found that he was already in a **** color In the world.

"Human Race, are you a descendant of Ling Xiao?"

At this time, a majestic voice sounded, Ling Tian suddenly turned around, but suddenly discovered that an emperor in a seven-color glazed brocade dress was looking at him with both hands, while Xiao Lei was standing behind him.

"My name is Ling Tian, ​​after Ling Xiao, dare to ask Senior?"

Ling Tian arched his hands slightly.

Although he couldn't feel the figure's cultivation base, the noble aura exuding from it still made Ling Tian respect.

"I...I'm just a failed dragon king."

The man gave a wry smile, "My name is Ao Jing, and I am the former Dragon King of the Flying Dragon Clan."

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