Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1210: Raise your hand to destroy it

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Ling Tian looked different from more than a month ago!

Although he can still feel that Ling Tian's cultivation is still in the late stage of the Fa, it is like a volcano about to erupt, hiding mysterious combat power.

But Ling Tian's words fell in the ears of the Hungarian army, but it caused a ruthless sneer.

Now, their prince is already the eighth-order Dou Wang, what qualifications does this human race Ling Tian have to say?

It's ridiculous!

Extremely ridiculous!

They cursed at the back, waiting for their prince, to ruthlessly torture and murder this arrogant and innocent human warrior!

On Ling Tian's side, apart from the worry on Xiao Shisan's face, Cheng Jiujin, Yin Hong and others were holding their arms, with a confident attitude, waiting to see the joke.

"Ling Tian, ​​now I am a Tier 8 Fighting King, a top-notch in this world, why do you laugh at me?!"

If the heart was dissatisfied, Tuoba Yeluo still asked.

He wanted to make Ling Tian's mouth hard to the end, and then personally tore it to pieces ruthlessly.

This is the pleasure!

"I'm not laughing at you, but you really don't have the qualifications to do it with me."

Ling Tian glanced at Tuoba Yeluo with no expression on his face. It was like a statement of facts, but it really made the Hungarians really hot!

This is really irritating.


Being treated so indifferently by Ling Tian, ​​Tuoba Yeluo's face finally changed drastically, gloomy.

"I'm not qualified? Then what right do you have to speak wildly in front of me? Today, I will let me see that the first generation of my Hungarian is so powerful!"


When the voice fell, Tuoba Yeluo's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye he moved a thousand feet to the top of Ling Tian's head. The speed was quite fast. After approaching, he raised his hand with a palm, and patted Ling Tian's figure cover. The boundless golden battle gas turned into a giant cracked palm. It looked like he really wanted Ling Tian to directly bombard the Golden River Valley!

With this palm, Tuoba Yeluo had no reservations, and the strange power in his body erupted. Under the blessing of the emperor’s battle, this palm not only covered the sky, but also looked like pouring gold, looking from a distance, it looked like a tower. The golden mountain fell from the sky, and wherever it passed, the space was directly shattered!

With this palm, Tuoba Yeluo will not only kill Ling Tian, ​​but also bombard and kill the general of the human race behind Ling Tian!

The pupils of Xiao Shisan and others shrank sharply. Although they were frightened, their trust in Ling Tian kept them from stepping back!

They believed that Ling Tian could definitely take this palm.

And, it's easy!

that's the truth.

He raised his eyes and watched Tuoba Yeluo's palm fall.

Ling Tian's face was unwavering.

Then, within the pupil, seven colors suddenly bloomed.

The light of colored glaze was surging all over, the true essence of the whole body, under the blessing of the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Jue, directly violent, his arm raised falsely, Ling Tian also slapped it with a palm!

A palm away.

It seems to be light and breezy, just do it casually.

But this palm is carrying the light of colored glaze, like a giant mountain, soaring into the sky!

"Get down!"

Ling Tian shot out like lightning, and lifted it up with a palm.

Flick the palm!


The giant palm of the light of colored glaze popped out from the ground.

Many people didn't see how Ling Tian made his hand at all, they saw two giant palms shaking in the air, and then there was a shocking sound!

At this moment, the entire Golden River Valley was shaking, non-stop for a long time.

No, when the two palms disappeared, everyone suddenly heard a scream, and then a golden figure burst out, like a cannonball, and fell into the Hungarian army!

This scene shocked the 1.5 million Hungarian army. When the smoke and dust on the river valley cleared, they saw it suddenly. It was shot down into the sky and smashed into the ground. It was covered in blood and embarrassed. It turned out to be their incredible Prince Tuoba!

Tuoba Yeluo, who has the battle strength of the seventh-order Douwang, lost?

Moreover, so quickly, that human race is just a palm, and they beat their prince into such a look?

This, what kind of existence this Terran Ling Tian is like!

Is it true that the huge Hungarian can't help him?

"I said, you don't deserve to do it with me! You just got such courage when you first entered the seventh-order Douwang? What kind of thing are you! Crap!"

Ling Tian fell from the sky and looked at Tuoba Yeluo indifferently.

Wherever they went, the millions of Hungarian troops retreated.

Ling Tian's palm was under pressure, the endless Wanjun energy was slowly suppressed, and a clicking sound sounded, and Tuoba Yeluo's golden breastbone was shattered, and his whole body was twisted while lying in the pit.

Now, he has no power to fight back!

Tuoba Yeluo screamed frantically and almost passed out in pain, his face pale.

"Ancestor, save me!"

! √_0W!

As if exhausted all his strength, Tuoba Yeluo hissed.

"Senior Human Race, I advise you to stop, otherwise, you will regret it!"

Sure enough, at this moment, from the depths of the Golden River Valley, a powerful and misty voice sounded like a sound from the bottom of the abyss.

This sound made the Hungarian army instantly settle down from the panic, and they all knelt on the ground, covering their chests with their hands.

"Welcome the Prophet..."

The resounding resounding like a turbulent wave is extremely pious.

The next moment, a golden glow rose out of thin air from the Golden River Valley, and then in midair, Jinhua condensed and formed a figure impressively.

The figure looked like a golden corpse puppet, extremely stiff, but the coercion it radiated was to envelop the entire Golden River Valley area.

An invisible coercion was generated out of thin air, making the army of people tremble.


The prophet who possessed the fighting power almost comparable to the emperor's fighting power was terrifying, which made people look disillusioned.

Such a powerful existence has never even been experienced by them.

It is almost out of breath to be enveloped by this coercion now.

This feeling made them think of death involuntarily, and they couldn't raise the heart of resistance at all!

"regret but too late?!"

"Hehe, I'm waiting for you."

"You came out late."

"Sorry, he must die."


But the cold light surging in Ling Tian's eyes, with a cold and merciless color on his face, the voice fell, and he suddenly shook his palm.

With a loud explosion, Ling Tian directly crushed Tuoba Yeluo in front of the Hungarian prophet!

The blood flowed into a river, which was terrible.

The prince who had the most high hopes of the Hungarian tribe, just like that, was directly killed by Ling Tian.

No mercy.

This scene caused the face of the Hungarian army to change drastically. Isn't even their prophet afraid of Ling Tian?

Even if he was not afraid of the prophet, he Ling Tian killed Tuoba Yeluo, how could their Dou Huang give up?

At this time, they discovered that this Human Race Ling Tian was not rampant, but terrifying, and the killing intent surging in their eyes was so cold that they didn't dare to look at him at all.

He is terrible, this human race is the devil.

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