Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1212: Xiaoying arrived

If it were before, Ling Tian could only fight this life to fight this prophet.

But now that he has become a colored glaze body, how can he be afraid anymore?

Three thousand years ago, Emperor Wu of the Human Race was able to suppress this Hungarian tribe, so three thousand years later, today.

He Ling Tian, ​​that's okay!

Thinking of this, Ling Tian also slowly removed the sword behind him.

"Why, don't you still kneel and beg for mercy?"

Seeing the killing intent and actions in Ling Tian's eyes, the Hungarian prophet felt even more angry.

Does this human race still want to fight him now?

"Little bastard, you will never know how big the gap between the Hungarians and the Humans is, even the Emperor Wu dare not blaspheme the Golden River Valley of the Hungarians!"

He was furious, and he admitted that Ling Tian was very strong, and it even seemed that only the Emperor Wu in his youth could be compared with this Ling Tian.

But in the final analysis, this human race Ling Tian does not have the power of the separation and reunion realm after all. He is confident that he can defeat all the leaders under the Martial Emperor, no matter how evil they are.

Even if Ling Tian was talented, he still looked like a chicken and dog in front of him.

"If you want to fight, you will fight, where is so much nonsense."

Ling Tian put the thunder sword and the prison fire stick together, raised his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Dog bastard!"

The Hungarians had already become unbearable, and suddenly made a move.


He took a step, endless grudge shaking under his feet, huge energy shaking, suddenly shaking the mountain, carrying violent coercion, and once again came to the front of Ling Tian.

With a stiff, hideous, weird smile, cruel and evil, he raised the mottled golden giant sword, the sword was not out of its sheath, just using the sheath, and between swings, there was a soaring vindictiveness that condensed into a thick sword light. He blasted down towards Ling Tian fiercely.

These methods are quite rare. He didn't produce a sword, but that sword aura was slashed with a sword under the blessing of the giant sword, before it was more powerful.

He wanted to shake Ling Tian to death with a single sword in this way.

In his eyes, isn't Ling Tian worthy of him to draw a sword?

He had suffered in Ling Tian's hands just now, and now, not only did he want to kill Ling Tian, ​​he was also looking for a place back.

This is the dignity of an emperor.

Facing this arrogant and domineering sword, Ling Tian suddenly sneered.

If the other party doesn't draw the sword, then he doesn't need it either.

In addition to swordsmanship, he has a lot of cards now.

"Come on, see if your sword is hard or my fist is hard!"

"Let me tell you, you are trash!"

"You Longquan, Golden Dragon cuts the sky!"

In Ling Tian's arrogant laughter, Ling Tian held the combined weapon with one hand, and with the other hand, instantly condensed the shadow of the Xia Guanglong, before raising his hand, he greeted him.


Look!...Genuine*|Chapter on ◇0N

The fists were exchanged, like two mountains crashing together, bursting with dazzling light and deafening loud noises. The dissipated shock wave set off a sky full of mad sand, sweeping the sky and the earth

Click! Click! Click!

The huge energy impact suddenly exploded the ground of the Golden River Valley, and countless cracks snaked away like a huge spider web. The surrounding mountains, all at this moment, immediately turned into boundless dust, and the dust was billowing, although the wind blows away.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the Golden River Valley is doomed to be destroyed.

The Terran army has even withdrawn fifty miles, watching from a distance.

This is an amazing match!

Probably, it was the most ambitious one in the three thousand years since the Southern Tang Dynasty.

All the Hungarians were crawling on the ground, and under the prophet's hand, they worshipped devoutly. They also prayed and cursed, cursing the human race before dying in the holy land.

But before the smoke and dust dissipated, they were there where the glazed clouds flickered. Although they were shaken back this time, they never fell into the air.

This move of their prophet still couldn't shake this human race Ling Tian!

The Hungarian prophet who was in it was even more surprised. His sword was not as simple as it seemed. Changing to an ordinary human race, even if it is the power of the pinnacle of the soul, it is absolutely impossible to take him with this sword so easily.

Even the Honorable Prince of Human Race today would never be so safe.

But the descendant of the human race in front of him, in the late stage of cultivation, and not even the soul, can actually take his second blow.

After being furious, the holes in the eyes of the Hungarian prophet suddenly became fiery, and he smiled in gloomy laughter: "Hehe, it seems that you have a lot of secrets. You have such strength at this age, no wonder you are so rampant! "

"However, these are wedding dresses made for me. Kill you. I will hollow out everything about you. It belongs to me."

Although he is just a puppet now, he doesn't want to be strong again.

The Hungarian prophet sneered again and again, greed and anger went together, soared into the air, and shot again.

From a distance, the two clashes in mid-air, whether it's the bursting sun light and the blooming blood fog, it looks amazing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The terrifying vision spread in the mid-air, and the blazing light and the combat of vertical and horizontal martial arts shining incomparably dazzled the world, making people more shocked.

At this time, Ling Tian was dressed in a glow, flashing and moving, fist bathing in the shadow of the dragon, boundless demeanor, strong and terrifying.

The more the Hungarian prophet fought, the more shocked he was and he couldn’t calm down. Although his current state is not as good as before, he is also the strongest under the Dou Emperor, and he can pick him up when he wants to come to Lingtian. His two moves are already the limit.

But now with more than ten moves, he still couldn't take Ling Tian, ​​and he was still fighting.

This made the Hungarian prophets more anxious.

"Is it over!"

The Hungarian prophet roared, and he felt humiliated, completely humiliated. It was a shame that Ling Tian had not been taken down by more than ten moves, let alone trampled on his opponent.

"Holy eagle, raise you for a thousand years, don't you still make a move!"

Suddenly, the Hungarian prophet retreated Ling Tian, ​​and his spiritual thoughts filled.

The next moment, the space behind Ling Tian suddenly shook, but a golden war eagle phantom suddenly manifested, and he immediately condensed into a middle-aged yinky man, dancing his claws to grab Ling Tian's heart.

This figure appeared abruptly, and at such a close distance, Ling Tian could not avoid it.

Among the Terran army, Xiao Shisan and others exclaimed when they saw this.

Because this figure also carries an aura comparable to that of a Tier 8 Douwang, and it is a top Tier 6 monster!

Such a sneak attack, Ling Tian was unprepared, if he were caught, the consequences could be imagined.

However, Ling Tian in the air remained motionless, as if he was allowed to grab it by the sacred eagle.

"Hehe, thinking that your physical body is tyrannical, do you ignore the holy eagle?"

"Even if you can't kill you, it's enough to contain you!"

The Hungarian prophet sneered.

But the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

Because behind Ling Tian, ​​just when the sacred eagle's claws were about to tear Ling Tian's back, a silver light suddenly appeared on his side!

In the void, a sharp claw that was even stronger than that of the sacred eagle appeared, and it directly stopped the sacred eagle's sneak attack!

"Want to sneak attack on my master, have you asked me?"

The voice fell, and a silver figure turned out from behind Ling Tian.

Although his appearance is still immature, his body is overwhelming, but he has reached the peak of the sixth-order monster!

This is actually a small shadow that hasn't appeared for a long time!

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