Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1214: Mie Yunyang

At this time, Yun Yang's expression was extremely ferocious, and he sneered again and again. He even gave up the human body and gained the powerful energy that he is now, in order to defeat Ling Tian, ​​and this pair of kingly swords is his trump card. Not only is it a last resort, it will never be easily pulled out, and this time Ling Tian forced him to use his assassin, then he would not allow himself to lose to Ling Tian again!

The next moment, the black mist filled, magic light splashed, and black magic lines appeared on Yun Yang's face holding the sword.

With the sword in his hand, the boundless wind swayed, stirring up the wind and cloud of animation. When this sword was born, the world was eclipsed by it, and it was extremely terrifying.

The faces of the warriors of the human army in the rear changed drastically, and the expressions in their eyes were horrified. Facing such a powerful Yun Yang, it was really terrifying.

"Ling Tian, ​​die under my sword!"

"You are sure to die!"

The hoarse hissing sound fell, Yun Yang did not hesitate, crossed his swords directly, and slashed down in the air.

Suddenly, above the sword, two ferocious beasts broke free. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cyan Qunqi and a black hydra-headed mysterious snake!

The two instrument souls are nine hundred meters in size, with great prestige, roaring between the sky and the earth, writing blade and sword light, destroying everything in front of them.

With Wang Dao's sword in his hand, Yun Yang's long hair danced wildly, with a hideous and triumphant expression, watching Ling Tian still standing there, and he did not dare to compete with him. This kind of pleasure made his heart very violent, and this was the situation he wanted.

Crush, completely crush, so that the opponent doesn't even have the power to backhand.

This is the situation he Yun Yang wants. I am the only one who smashes Ling Tian under his feet, and then in endless humiliation.

This side of the world was originally his Yunyang, and only he Yunyang is the number one arrogant.

He didn't care about Ling Tian or Shen Tian Lian.

Fortunately, Ling Tian is about to die, and the human race is about to be destroyed. He will dominate this world, and then soar!

He will be the first human race to ascend to the upper realm in this world in thousands of years!

Beneath the blade and the sword light, facing those two terrifying souls of the king's soul, Ling Tian's eyes were like electricity. He was not afraid, but was feeling the pressure of this long-lost.

Perhaps, from beginning to end, Yun Yang's move was worth his face.

At the very least, this pair of weapons is stronger than the one in his hands.

But what about that?

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be still, and Ling Tian's body suddenly violently screamed from the heavens and the dragon and the phoenix. The roar of the dragon and the phoenix sounded deafening and echoed in all directions.

At this moment, on Ling Tian's body, the dragon mark imprinted abruptly, as if he was alive. At this moment, Ling Tian directly urged Ling Tian to the extreme peak state.

Within the dantian Qihai, the word of war has been condensed, blessing Ling Tian's soaring sword soul, and rising from the sky!


A pair of shining crimson wings bloomed, Ling Tian held up the sword with the crimson halo in his hands, and whispered: "Two people, this time, we can finally do our best again!"

"Haha, mean, the two ugly things on the opposite side are all parallel imports. I went out and absolutely frightened them. It's just that our two bodies are no longer enough. It's time to recast!"

Old Hou sneered.

"That's natural."

"But, wait until he is killed!"

The voice fell, and immediately above Ling Tian’s weapons, Lao Hou and Xiao Lei flew out. Although Lao Hou hadn’t digested all the souls before, his stature was only five hundred feet, but his powerful bloodline was powerful. Pressure, but it is not under the other party at all.

And Xiao Lei swallowed Ao Jing's will. Although he didn't fully digest it, his body size had already skyrocketed to a huge eight hundred zhang. The blade of Thunder Sword could no longer bear Xiao Lei's strength.

However, in spite of this, Ling Tian was surrounded by two great weapon souls, with a powerful voice.


That dazzling glazed glow turned into a thick beam of light on Ling Tian's body, rising into the sky.

At this moment, Ling Tian sacrificed a lot of trump cards, and the momentum was so terrifying.

It took one step, as if to tear the void, bursting out a dazzling light.

Ling Tianqing raised the combined weapon in his hand, raised it high, and then cut it down abruptly.

This slash, the violent whirlpool, seemed to absorb all the aura around the entire Golden River Valley, and even the blades and swords that had not fallen in the sky were torn and distorted at this moment!

The sword and the fingers were united, Ling Tian now sacrificed again, and its powerful suction power was no one to stop.

With the blessing of the advanced flame sword power, the Tongtian Fire Sword reappeared. Under the almost endless energy infusion, Lao Hou and Xiao Lei Lingtian roared the heaven and the earth, causing the two fierce beasts in Yun Yang's hand to begin to tremble. .


Feeling Ling Tian's sudden violent coercion like a **** of war, Yun Yang's expression instantly changed.

But despite his suspicion, his eyes were still gloomy for an instant.

The newest chapter }√H/-, 0Q*

"Okay, then the fish will die and the net will be broken!"

Yun Yang made a desperate move, pouring all the fighting energy energy into the sword.



Ling Tian's Sanyang Real Fire Slash, slashing two sword auras in a row.

One sword breaks the blade, one sword breaks the sword.

And the final cut was to swallow it directly in Yun Yang's horrified and unwilling gaze!

But how could Yun Yang be reconciled, he abandoned everything, with the sword in front of him, not hesitating to burn the king's sword, but also to condense the sword aura to resist Ling Tian's sword, but the last sword of Sanyang Zhenhuo is terrifying. And still in the state of the sword and the finger,

The third slash drove straight in, destroying the dead, and obliterating all the sharpness that Yun Yang sacrificed. The black light burst out, and suddenly there were countless flames, flying down all over the sky, blooming like fireworks.


The sound of broken bones sounded, the vitality dissipated, the light of the glass dissipated, and the tough flesh of the Hungarian prophet was torn to pieces, and flew out like a cannonball.


A soft hum, sounded from above the sky.

When the rays of light dissipated, Ling Tian in black armor walked out of it.

Although the blade of the long sword in his hand had been shattered, his white hair was flying, still frivolous.

Ling Tian, ​​the descendant of the human race, finally defeated the Hungarian prophet!

The sudden scenes have already left the Hungarian army at a loss.

Seeing that Ling Tian descended from the sky, he fled back and flooded into the Golden River Valley.

After the prophet died, they had become fish on the chopping board.

Let it be slaughtered.

Ling Tian fell from the air and looked at the Hungarian prophet who had fallen into the deep pit and was fragmented. On his chest, there was a spar, which was the source of energy and the place where the will of the puppet was stored.

Taking out the spar, watching Yunyang's spirit in it staring at Ling Tian.


"Why betray Human Race?"

Ling Tian questioned.

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