Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1223: Jiu Nian Ling Guo Shen Min soaring


At this moment, it was possible to refine tens of millions of Dou Jing, allowing Ling Tianhai's cultivation base to reach an unprecedented level of horror.

However, Ling Tian Shennian looked inside, but found that his cultivation base has skyrocketed now, but he is stuck in the peak state of the law.

Although it was already the peak of Faxiang, but the distance broke through the soul, Ling Tian felt a little inadequate in his heart.

"Isn't it enough?"

Surrounded by golden light, Ling Tian raised his right hand. At this moment, a bright octagonal fighting crystal was floating above the palm of his hand.

This fighting crystal seems to contain infinite fighting energy energy, not only that, but the emperor's coercion spreads out.

This is what the Hungarian prophet left behind.

It is also the Dou Jing of the last Dou Huang.

Although this Dou Jing was as powerful as it was back then, but the energy of the fighting spirit and the coercion of the emperor within it were the only things Ling Tianping had seen in his life.

At the very least, the energy of the sea of ​​clouds is not inferior to all the ordinary Hungarian fighting crystals that Ling Tian had absorbed before, and it was even more pure.

Nowadays, Ling Tian's cultivation is stuck at the pinnacle state of the first Dharma phase, and if he wants to increase the chance of success in condensing the soul, Ling Tian can only use this Dou Jing to make the final impact.


Ling Tian let out a cold snort, decisively in his heart, suddenly smashed the Dou Jing, and the endless energy exploded in a moment, and a whirlpool appeared in Ling Tian's hand, and all the energy was incorporated into his body.


The terrifying energy impact caused Ling Tian's body of Qi Hai to immediately set off a shocking tsunami, and within his bloodline, he faced an unprecedented crazy impact.

This time it was the most violent, and even Ling Tian felt that his body was about to explode.


"hold onto!"

Ling Tian gave a low voice to cheer himself up, squeezing the Dou Jing energy to melt into true essence for his own use after full urging.

This Dou Jing was extremely pure. Although Ling Tian suffered unprecedented pain, but it didn't take much time to refine it all.

At this moment, Ling Tianhai, the original golden sea of ​​Qi, has completely changed its appearance.

Without the golden light, the entire ocean turned into a bottomless blue color, and microwaves rippled above the sea of ​​air.

But in the middle of the ocean, Daoji is still spinning, and there are ten thousand golden hairsprings condensed on it. Fortunately, a rising sun is conceived, and the sword soul of the sky is bathed in it, which is no longer visible.


In addition to a foul breath, Ling Tianchang opened his eyes, and a smile was raised above the corner of his mouth.

After absorbing the prophet's Dou Jing and Ling Tian's sea of ​​qi, he finally reached a saturated state at this time, and it was only a thin line away from the realm of the soul!

Looking down, Ling Tian's current colored glaze battle body is already the ultimate physical body, which has reached a near-perfect level. The flesh and bones are crystal clear inside, and it contains majestic vitality and infinite energy. At this moment, only relying on physical combat power, Ling Tian is enough to surpass countless primordial powers.

The Qi Hai cultivation base also soared due to the huge vindictive resources absorbed. Now Ling Tian Hai Xiu base far surpasses the martial artist of the same level, breaking through to the soul, it seems that he is only a step away.

Re-looked at the Primordial Spirit Chapter of the Supreme Beginning Scriptures, the first recorded above is the necessary conditions for advanced Primordial Spirit.

However, the corners of Ling Tian's mouth curled up involuntarily.

Now Ling Tian has reached the limit above the sea of ​​qi and the physical body, far meeting the requirements of the Primordial Primordial Spirit Chapter, but to condense the Primordial Primordial Spirit, he still needs the martial artist's divine consciousness, which has also reached the extreme.

But now, Ling Tian has the lowest achievement with only the power of divine consciousness, which is only comparable to the mid-term peak of the dollar god.

This is really low.

The realm of the Yuanshen is in the martial artist's sea of ​​qi, mixing the vitality and divine mind, and condensing the martial artist's Yuanshen in the pubic area, where can he obtain the most powerful power to dominate the world.

Ling Tian's divine mind now is weak.


Ling Tian greeted, and Tao Yaoyao, who was guarding outside the door, pushed in, "What's wrong?"

"I remember you planted the seeds of the Jiu Nian Lingguo before, but now it bears fruit?"

Ling Tiandao.

When he was looking for ancient trees on Baiju Island, he was exhausted because of his divine consciousness, so Tao Yaoyao fed him a nine-conscious spiritual fruit, which made his divine consciousness soar.

The Nine Nian Spirit Fruit is a seven-tier elixir, and the pill that is refined can only be used by the emperor of the separation and integration realm, but it is the most precious.

Nowadays, Lingtian's divine mind is lacking, and if he wants to make his divine mind soar in the shortest possible time, maybe he can only hope in Jiu Nian Ling Guo.

"Uh, it's over, but it's still immature, what are you going to do?"

"I can't care about that much, I will forcibly raise my spiritual mind and give me all the spirit fruits of the Nine Nation."

"What? Give it to you? You are crazy. Do you know how powerful the Nine Nation Spirit Fruit is? If you eat them all together, you are not afraid of Yihai's collapse!"

Tao Yaoyao was shocked.

"Don't worry, it won't."

Ling Tian grinned, "Let you give it to me. Time is running out. Come on!"

"Well, you are crazy!"

Shaking his head, Tao Yaoyao sighed and went out. After that, she threw nine gray fruits the size of cherries to Ling Tian.

"Blind my spirit fruit for nothing, huh!"

Nu Nuzui, Tao Yaoyao closed the door and went out.

"Ha ha ha, good, very good..."

The big hand filled with the power of true essence held the nine fruits, and Ling Tian could truly feel the power of the appalling spirit.

It is not yet mature, and there is such a powerful divine consciousness fluctuation. If you wait for these nine fruits to fully mature, how terrifying?

Although he knew that it was extremely difficult for Tao Yaoyao to cultivate this Jiu Nian Spirit Tree to bear fruit, perhaps after giving Tao Yaoyao a few years, the fruit could truly become.

But now, Ling Tian can't wait.

Ling Tian swallowed the nine fruits without hesitation, but the next moment his divine thoughts exploded, and he rushed straight into Ling Tianyi sea like a scourge. The next moment, Ling Tian fell on the futon, unconscious... …


Tao Yaoyao went and returned, opened the door and came in. Seeing Ling Tian like this, she was heartbroken.

Walking over, Tao Yaoyao's eyes were covered with tears, "You big fool, for the sake of the human race, you really don't even want your life?"

"Why do you want to put the whole world on your shoulders? Everyone knows that you are tired, but you don't know."

"You fool, fool!"


While talking, Tao Yaoyao squatted beside Ling Tian, ​​crying.

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