Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1261: The trouble is coming!

After the Jinshen teacher was thinking wildly, he quickly suppressed his negligent look.

Behind this girl, there is a fifth-grade instructor who sits behind her, which is absolutely not to be offended.

"Miss Qin, I bought this pill underneath."

The old man at the top of the golden body spoke, but he felt a little more awe in his joyful voice. Although Qin Mingzhu revealed that his cultivation is only in the early stage of the soul, but being able to establish a relationship with a fifth-rank alchemist is already enough to make him jealous.

After that, the person hesitated a little, took out a storage bag with his backhand, and said: "The highest third-grade golden lotus pills are worth a thousand lower-grade spiritual stones. Now there are only 10,000 spiritual stones in the lower hand, all in this storage bag, girl Let’s check it out."

The price of 10,000 pieces of small-grade spirit stones is actually not high, and you must know that the fourth-rank upper poxu pill can be at least 50,000 lower-grade spirit stones.

However, this girl Qin is famous for its high quality and low price, so he took out all the spirit stones that he could take out.

Fortunately, Qin Mingzhu has been stunned by the price of ten thousand spirit stones. At this moment, there was no thought of taking the opportunity to make a big splash, and he nodded blankly to complete the transaction, and took the storage bag casually.

Ten thousand Lingshi face does not change its color, look, this is the real demeanor!

Ten thousand spiritual stones, and it's just a pill!

Qin Mingzhu was already fainted while clutching the storage bag.

"Girl, how about we make a deal?"

At this time, after the golden old man left, another woman came up. This woman was Lin Xiaoqi, the chief disciple of the Sect Master of Chaoyuan.

"What deal?"

Qin Mingzhu looked up and found that she was a beautiful-looking woman with a very high cultivation level, and she was immediately a little embarrassed.

"I bought all your medicine pills, but you and your master, follow me and work for me in the future, how about?"

The woman smiled.


However, Qin Mingzhu was stunned when he heard the words, and secretly said that this woman is sick, right?

Let’s not say whether Ling Tian can agree or not, even if it’s her, it is impossible for her to work for others. Now that she has a cash cow in her hands, she will not be at ease in the future.

This person is purely ill, and she boasted that she bought all her medicines. Does she know how many medicines she has and how much it is worth?

"I'm sorry, the pill that I have here is limited to everyone, and I don't want to work for you. We are not familiar with it. If you don't want to buy the medicine, just let it go!"

She was a little bit resistant to this kind of good-looking, and this woman was so arrogant that she didn't know where it came from, which bore Qin Mingzhu very much.


"Do you know who you are talking to now!? Ugly!" The woman didn't expect the ugly woman to dare to speak to herself like this, and immediately angered.

"Cut, I'll care who you are!" Qin Mingzhu was a little spoiled by Ling Tian recently, and her tone couldn't help but become arrogant.

"You! Well, you have a seed, don't think that a fifth-rank alchemist can cover you, don't regret it!"

After being reprimanded by Qin Mingzhu, and the warriors behind him also clamored, Lin Xiaoqi was so annoyed that he could not take it directly, but due to the large number of people, she still endured it.

"Miss, Wang Zhong, the worship of Ocean Standard Sect, seems to have arrived. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, otherwise it would be bad if it causes misunderstanding.

This is, the Faxiang elder behind the woman also said.

"Nascent Great Power Wang Zhong?"

Lin Xiaoqi's expression changed, and after one last glance at Qin Mingzhu, she snorted and left.

This small episode did not affect the enthusiasm of everyone. The birth of the top-grade Golden Lotus Pill completely opened the situation. The eyes of the remaining warriors were completely red. The top-grade golden lotus pill can make the golden body martial artist break through the realm proudly, this kind of pill, you can't see it at all.

Excluding the low-level condensed martial artists, even the grandmaster of the golden body realm couldn't stand it anymore, and the atmosphere instantly became hot without expectation.

One after another, no matter what the rank, they are all top-grade. This kind of high-grade spirit pill's large-scale spewing situation has made many warriors completely crazy.

Qin Mingzhu was still dizzy and didn't react with the last shot of the Sheng Ling Pill, but when she touched the bulging storage bag, she suddenly grinned silly.

Too many spirit stones.

She can't count too many.

Even though Qin Mingzhu took out a lot of pills this time, there are still a lot of warriors who have not bought them. At this moment, everyone is watching with eyesight, wishing to slap a dozen of his own mouths! To know that this news is true, they have long since come to line up, otherwise they will not be reduced to a situation where they can not be bought now!

What a pity.

Seeing the dancing guys excited about buying the medicine, their hearts twitched again and again, and their mouths were as bitter as if they had eaten coptis.

"Everyone, today's pill is sold out. If you want to buy it, please be early next time. It will still be five days later."

After speaking, Qin Mingzhu was about to get up.

"Hold on, who let you go?"

At this time, a sneer sounded, and a group of people stood out.

In the early stage of cultivation, the leader, dressed in a garb, his eyes burst out like electricity like a knife falling on Qin Mingzhu, fierce and evil.

And after this old man, the red-faced man, Bai Lao Fifth, was also on the list.

"Qin Chou'er, I don't care who is behind you. Now you are not abiding by the rules and selling medicines at low prices here, slandering the interests of the Pan Hai Sect. If you want to leave, it's not that easy."

The voice was indifferent, but the cold breath in it was secretly chilling.

The warriors who have not yet dispersed all follow the sound, and then their faces change greatly.

The treasurer of Oceanwide Pharmacy has arrived.

Behind this pharmacy is Fan Haizong!

Now, Qin Mingzhu is in trouble.

Among the crowd, those warriors who bought Qin Mingzhu medicine could not bear it, but at this time, they did not dare to help.

Because Qin Mingzhu did touch the interests of Oceanwide Sect, and Oceanwide Sect was the overlord in this hell, and to achieve the goal, by any means, they did not know how many small sects were destroyed under them, and they really did not blink.

Qin Mingzhu is now a golden body cultivation base, but at this moment, under the eyes of this old man, where he can bear it, his face instantly pales.

She also saw Bai Lao Wu, and suddenly remembered that she had been bullied in Haiyue City before.

However, Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting with the old beggar behind him, didn't care and still closed his eyes leisurely.

After waiting for so long, I finally came up to death with someone who didn't have long eyes.

He hadn't moved his muscles for a long time, and he was really uncomfortable.

"You, what are you doing?" Qin Mingzhu shivered.

"What are you doing? Hehe, hand over the spirit stone you got from selling the pill and the alchemy behind you!"

Shouted the red-faced man.

Qin Mingzhu would naturally not agree. Although she loves money, because she is afraid of being poor, but Ling Tian is so good to her, how could she betray Ling Tian.

Even if Ling Tian was behind her at this time, she still had to honor her promise to protect Ling Tian.

Anyway, she died once, not afraid of the second time.

So at this moment Qin Mingzhu forcibly endured the oppression and tried to calm herself: "No, you can take away the Lingshi, but I have nothing else to say."

The big shopkeeper snorted coldly when he saw this, and waved his hand: "You don't want to toast or drink fine wine, don't you say so, then don't blame me."

"Go, catch this short-eyed thing, I want to search the soul myself!"

"Yes, the shopkeeper!"

The red-faced man and others were impatient for a long time, and at this time they all responded immediately and pounced on Qin Mingzhu.

Facing the overbearing behavior of Oceanwide Pharmacy, although most of the warriors here were angry and dissatisfied, no one dared to show it at all. After all, it is clear that Zhe protects oneself, it is not about the truth of hanging up high. They understand in their hearts that no one wants to make trouble for themselves, let alone face the powerful Pan Hai Sect.

Taking a shot at this time is tantamount to looking for death.

The red-faced man and others are all at the Golden Body Realm cultivation base, with a large number of people. In their opinion, Qin Mingzhu can only be captured with his hands.


Qin Mingzhu was really frightened. At this moment, seeing the red-faced man and the others rushing forward, she could only subconsciously block her arms in front of her.


But at this moment, a coercion rose from Qin Mingzhu's body out of thin air, and the red-faced man and the others were shocked, but they saw a palm print falling from the sky, and they had no time to react.


With a loud noise, the earth shook the mountains.

The group of golden martial artists didn't have the slightest resistance at all, and they were all bombarded by palm prints on the spot before they even had time to hum.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone suddenly discovered that the red-faced man and others had evaporated out of thin air.

For a time, all the warriors who watched the excitement retreated far away, exclaiming again and again.

Someone has done it!

Dare to attack Oceanwide Sect, and directly kill, this really doesn't put Oceanwide Sect in the eyes.

The shopkeeper suddenly became gloomy, his eyes flickering coldly, his gaze swept across as if he wanted to find the person who had shot in the dark.

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