Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1263: Confidently

"I said, I will fulfill all your dreams. Your dreams have not yet been realized. How can I let others touch you?"

Ling Tian looked at Qin Mingzhu very tenderly, only Qin Mingzhu in his eyes.

Reaching out to hug Qin Mingzhu behind him, Ling Tian raised his brows slightly, and looked at Hemingway who was standing on the other side.

It hasn't been a murder for a long time.

"Since it's here, I won't take it, and I won't give you the face of Fanhai Sect."

With a sneer, Ling Tian's ugly face now rises, looking extremely terrifying and hideous.

"This... this friend is such a powerful method. This time, our Oceanwide Sect will no longer hold you for the sale of alchemy, but this Haiyue City is the boundary of our Oceanwide Sect. I hope that my friends will not be here in the future. The price is selling Dan. If a friend wants to make money, he can go to my Fan Haizong to discuss cooperation matters."

"If you are a friend, you continue to provoke Pan Hai Sect, my Pan Hai Sect must send a real strong to take action. I am afraid that with your current combat power, you are definitely not an opponent."

"Think twice!"

In the distance, the white-haired butcher Wang Zhong, who was severely injured by Ling Tian's palm, got up from the ground and swallowed a bottle of healing pills. After speaking hard, he wanted to pull Hemingway away.

"No! We can't go!"

"This person not only broke the rules and sold the spirit pills on a large scale, but also killed the warriors of the Panhai Sect who had severely injured me. If I wait and leave like this, it will definitely damage the reputation of my sect. Why do you gain a foothold in the Wilderness State?"

"Today, there must be an end!"

The precious light on Hemingway fell, turned into a talisman, and turned into ashes.

It turned out that it was a guardian talisman that saved this Hemingway's life.

"Young Sect Master!"

Hearing the words, Wang Zhong cursed secretly in his heart. He simply couldn't understand the horror of the strength of the alchemist who had suddenly shot him. If he retreats at this time and finds a helper then, he will be ashamed.

But now just relying on the two of them, what is the difference between sending them to death?

What's more, this Hemingway is the young master of Oceanwide Sect. He is extremely talented and vital to Oceanwide Sect. He must not lose sight of it.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of!"

However, Hemingway ignored Wang Zhong at all, and said indifferently: "It's just a mere primordial spirit, and I dare to treat me Panhai Sect so presumptuously. I really don't know how to live or die!"

"Although this Young Sect Master's cultivation base has only Faxiang, when he left the sect, my father personally gave a talisman seal, which sealed a powerful blow of the late Yuanshen stage. Although it can only be used once, the power is strong enough It is earth-shattering, enough to kill below the peak of the soul, as simple as crushing ants to death."

"Hehe, I don't know if you still think that you have the right to be mad in front of me at this moment! Today, this young man is to let you ignorant waste, know what is so great!"

In a sneer, Hemingway's hand flashed slightly, and he directly took out a silver talisman from the storage ring.

On the talisman seal, there are mysterious lines surging in it, and even silver flames are rising. As soon as he took it out, there were horrible fluctuations scattered around.

Obviously, this Hemingway is not boasting, this talisman is really a bit scary.

Yuanshen late stage full blow.

This is extraordinary.

Now that Emperor Wu is not out, below the peak of the soul, it is really difficult to resist this talisman.

After sensing the coercion on the talisman seal, Wang Zhong instantly confirmed that what Hemingway said was true, and he actually had such a terrifying weapon in his hand.

As expected, as the young master of Oceanwide Sect, Hemingway was very much favored by the master, and it seemed to be true right now, and he did not hesitate to spend a large price to prepare such a life-defying thing for him. Hemingway is really not afraid of anyone holding this thing in his hand.

Although the fifth-rank alchemist in front of him is powerful, no matter how powerful he is, it can't be more terrifying than the late stage soul, right?

By now, Wang Zhong was completely relieved. Hemingway had been prepared long ago, and he was confident at this time, but he was too careless before, so he was seriously injured.

"Little Sect Master is a good method. Today, this alchemist must be killed! Let everyone know that my Fanhai Sect is not easy to mess with."

Now, Wang Zhong only wants to kill Ling Tian and get those spirit stones, and this alchemist must have a lot of money, and by then, he might be able to make a fortune.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Qin Mingzhu was already pale with fright. As a low-level warrior, she had seen great figures like Wang Zhong before. Now that Hemingway took out a more terrifying talisman, she began to worry. Ling Tian.

In the late Yuanshen, what a terrifying existence is that? Every gesture has the power to destroy the world.

Although Ling Tian is powerful, can he have the power of the later stage of the soul?

As for the warriors in Haiyue City, when Ling Tian took the shot, they had already fled the city frantically.

The great masters of Faxiang were all killed in an instant, and once their cultivation was contaminated, they would probably be wiped out in smoke.

But Ling Tian still stood there, without any expression on his face.

Seeing this, Hemingway thought Ling Tian was afraid.

This person who dared to provoke Oceanwide Sect was so shocked by him that made Hemingway feel proud. Perhaps after today, his name of Hemingway will become even more resounding.

"Hey, scared? Then just grab it with your hands."

"I advise you not to play any tricks, in front of my talisman seal, you have no chance of escape."

Ling Tian still remained silent, standing there with his hands down, as if waiting for Hemingway to continue performing.

But Hemingway became more and more proud.

Although the fifth-rank alchemist has a high status, it still doesn't count as much in his eyes. Now that the alchemist is so rampant, he must kill it.

Qin Mingzhu pressed her lips tightly. Although she was unwilling, she could only sigh faintly.

It seems that Ling Tian can only be slaughtered. All of this may be due to her. If she is not Ai Cai, she doesn't need to be so anxious to sell pills. She seems to have forgotten that Haiyue City is Fanhai. Zong's site is all her own fault.

If Ling Tian died, then she didn't want to live anymore, she would pay for her life.

Ling Tian gave up his life to protect himself. Even if he died, it was worth it, right?

What's more, Ling Tian is so handsome.

But he was a little bit reluctant to give up Grandpa. Grandpa's body is almost good now.

But just before Qin Mingzhu's thoughts fell, there was a chuckle from Ling Tian's mouth.

"Is it the first-strike rune seal of the Yuanshen? This is the first time you have seen this kind of rune seal technique in the next. Haha, but you want to threaten me if you want to rely on this..."

"Again, you are not worthy."

The sound has not yet fallen, a vast and obscure coercion skyrocketed again, and the breath rushed into the bull fighting, stirring the situation above Haiyue City!

The pupils of Wang Zhong and Hemingway suddenly shrank, and there was a sense of shock in their eyes. The pressure that burst out of this alchemist's body suddenly rose like a sea of ​​heaven, like a river that bursts its bank, which is out of control until the soul At the later stage, it stopped.

In the later stage of the Yuanshen cultivation base, this alchemy master is really so powerful!

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