Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1268: Absolutely arrogant

At this time, she had no place to show herself, and could not wait to find a place to drill in.

It was that Li Yuanchao, who looked at Qin Mingzhu without blinking at this time, was completely fascinated.

"Brother Ling Tian..."

Feeling the fiery gaze of everyone including Ling Tian, ​​Qin Mingzhu couldn't adapt, twisting the hand in Ling Tian's palm, feeling a little at a loss.

Qin Mingzhu, who has lost her memory, can't find her place in a short time.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and also took off the centipede from his face, and the white hair on his back was scattered. It is also a handsome face of stars with inimitable temperament, let the climax on the square again!

This Ling Tian is so handsome and extraordinary?

In an instant, countless women fell over.

At this moment, the pair of men and women under the Chaoyuan Stone are like Biren. Then Li Yuanchao and Zhang Xueqi will get up with them, it is simply a difference between the clouds and the mud!

At this time, Li Yuanchao was also completely awakened.

Qin Mingzhu's face moved his heart, but Ling Tianjun Yi Wushuang made him even more jealous!

Today, this is the boundary of his Li Yuan Dynasty.

How can you tolerate such two people hitting yourself in the face in public?

"Huh, what, what about beautiful appearance? You are so bad at your cultivation level, and your martial arts talent is extremely low. I don't receive vase-like waste in Yuanzong's dynasty!"

"Yes, what about good-looking? For you, it's a disaster."

Zhang Xueqi also echoed.

Today, they will never allow anyone to steal the limelight.

"Hehe, do you still want to use the cultivation base to talk about it?"

"You are also worthy?"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, as if he had expected them to say this a long time ago. Holding Qin Mingzhu's hand tightly, Ling Tian's sword shadow poured directly into Qin Mingzhu's sea of ​​air.

At this time, within Qin Mingzhu's sea of ​​qi, the martial soul, fire, and the sea of ​​qi were imprisoned piece by piece by a natural restraint that did not occur.

Before, on the island, Ling Tian used Sword Shadow to lift some of the restrictions. This allowed Qin Mingzhu's cultivation base to skyrocket from the early stage of Ningpo to the later stage, and then to the current golden body cultivation base.

Now, Ling Tian didn't plan to let the prohibition on the sea of ​​Qi continue to exist.

The shadow of a hundred thousand swords was so terrifying that it instantly swept away the natural restrictions on Qin Mingzhu's Qi Sea.

And the next moment, Qin Mingzhu's sea of ​​Qi was instantly activated, as if the waves were turbulent and turbulent!

In the outside world, Qin Mingzhu's cultivation has skyrocketed all the way, from the golden body, to the late golden body, the peak of the golden body, and even breakthroughs in one fell swoop, until the peak of the early stage, this stopped!

The peak of Faxiang, this is what once belonged to Qin Mingyue's cultivation base!

And this level of cultivation has already overwhelmed Li Yuanchao, and even compared to Zhang Xueqi, it was not worse than Zhang Xueqi.

In fact, if Qin Mingzhu hadn't been restricted and amnesia, she had been in this world for three years, and her cultivation level would definitely be much more than that.

This world, after all, has a three-year time gap with that of Nantang.

But even so, it was enough to beat Zhang Xueqi, Li Yuan Dynasty, and even all the people of the Yuanzong Dynasty in the face.

And it's crackling, my face is swollen.

"You, your cultivation base!"

"how so!?"

Before the hall, Zhang Xueqi's will was about to collapse.

After being hit like this one after another, if she can't control her, her future martial arts may never be cut off.

What happened today may be her nightmare in the future.

This woman who sells medicine in Haiyue City not only surpasses her in appearance, but now she is no worse than her in martial arts cultivation. How can this make her gain a foothold in the Great Desolate Eastern Region?

Li Yuanchao was also dumbfounded. It seems that the woman under the Yuanshi of this era is the real leader of the sky, right?

At this moment, Zhang Xueqi, who had been so haunted by him, suddenly lost his attraction.

On the square, everyone also exclaimed again and again, never expected that such a genius would be hidden in such a realm?

Before, I never heard of Haiyue City or other sects having such powerful junior disciples?


"Have you enough trouble?!"

However, suddenly, Li Dao in front of the hall could no longer bear it.

Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu did not put Chao Yuanzong in their eyes at all, and now they have stolen the limelight, this is where they came to worship the mountain gate, it is clear that they are smashing the signs!

Immediately, Li Dao was furious, and the terrifying coercion of the pinnacle of the soul was swept away, and he was about to do it himself!

All the warriors in the square exclaimed again and again, and the primordial primordial spirit was angry. It was not a joke. If it was affected and lost his life, it would be too sad.

"Hmph, dare to run wild with me towards Yuanzong, today, I will let you know what is so great!"

When the voice fell, Li Dao directly raised his big hand, and on the square, a big hand of vitality directly condensed, and it fell directly.

The target is Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu before Chaoyuanshi.

It is conceivable that although the power of the pinnacle of the soul is just casual, but this energy is enough to pinch these two younger generations to death.

What if it’s like being born as an immortal?

In the face of absolute power, isn't it inevitable to die?

Everyone shook their heads again and again, lamenting that this pair of people like Yubi was about to die to Chao Yuanzong.

"Hmph, dare to move my master, what are you!"

However, just here, a sharp cold snort suddenly sounded in the air, and a pair of golden claws suddenly appeared in the mid-air. In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Li Dao fell directly. The vitality palm is torn to pieces!

Everything happened too fast.

Everyone didn't react at all, they saw that Li Dao's shot was completely annihilated.

The vitality was scattered, and everyone suddenly discovered that, at some point, a young man in a silver shirt appeared in the air above the Chaoyuan Stone.

Although this young man looked young, he was full of demonic energy, and his eyes were as sharp as a sword, like a pair of eagles.

And the coercion of the monster race on his body has reached the terrifying sixth-order pinnacle!

This young man is a top demon king!


Li Dao was furious. Suddenly a Demon King appeared in the sect. Was it still worth it?

But before he could move, the silver shirt youth flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Li Dao, stretched out his golden claws, and firmly clamped Li Dao's neck.

"Believe it or not, I'll pinch you to death now!"

The silver shirt boy is extremely cold, this sentence is definitely not a joke.


Li Dao couldn't speak at all, only fear in his eyes.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the vigorous and terrifying coercion of the monster in front of him.

This demon can definitely kill him in an instant.



The sudden change made Li Yuanchao, Zhang Xueqi and other people of Yuanzong even more shocked, but at this moment, they did not dare to step forward.

Even the Sect Master was controlled so easily, so what's the difference between going up and sending them to death?

However, at this time everyone looked at the pair of immortal men and women under the Chao Yuanshi.

What are they coming from?

There is even a top-tier Tier 6 Demon King's bodyguard?

This, even if it is the human power at the pinnacle of the soul, there is absolutely no such card face, right?

Could it be that these two people are the top leaders of which super sect in the Great Desolate State, or are the heirs of Prince Wu?

"Xiaoying, forget it, killing him will only dirty your hands."

However, Ling Tian in the square shook his head.

Although this Li Dao had no eyes on him, he was still dead.

Now, Ling Tian no longer had the violent aura he had before.

All the killing karma had been wiped out in the Jupiter Patio.

Today, he has only arrogance, nothing more.

"Hmph, capital offenses are forgiven, living offenses are inevitable!"

However, Xiao Ying's face was still cold, and the golden claws moved down and landed on Li Dao's shoulders, and the next moment, with a sudden force, Li Dao's entire arm was directly smashed.

The demon power poured into it, causing Li Dao's arm to be completely abolished.


Li Dao screamed in pain, and his momentum was instantly depressed.

Xiaoying flew back from the hall, standing behind Ling Tian, ​​her expression blank.

It seems that crushing a powerful arm of the primordial spirit peak is a normal thing.

"Mingzhu, you have also seen it, this Yuanzong temple is small and not worthy of you."

"Let's go."

Ling Tian looked at Qin Mingzhu and said softly.

"Oh, then... that's all right."

Qin Mingzhu was still in a trance, being led by Ling Tian, ​​he walked down the mountain.

And around the square, the eyes of all the warriors moved with the two figures, but no one dared to make a sound.


Suddenly, Ling Tian thought of something, and suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on the Chaoyuan Stone in the center of the square.

"Hehe, Chao Yuanzong, there is no need to wait for Emperor Wu to appear."

After that, Ling Tian stretched out his palm, and the next moment, on the square, a palm formed by the power of Tianyuan appeared out of thin air.

Although not big, it is as bright as silver clouds.

"Remember, my name is Ling Tian."

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the big silver hand directly grabbed the Chao Yuanshi, lifting the weight lightly, and then in a burst of exclamation, the big hand clenched the Chao Yuanshi directly, and it directly crushed the Chao Yuanshi.

Then, a sword light flickered and rose, carrying Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu, and suddenly broke through the Yuanzong's great array, riding the wind.

Only left, there were countless dumbfounded figures on Chaoyuanzong Square.

Smash Chaoyuan with your bare hands, and go with the wind with the sword.

Since then, the name of Ling Tian has risen to the famine.


"Mingzhu, what else do you dream of?"

"Well, it seems to be gone!"

"Then it's not easy, where should we go?"

"By the way, shall we go to Taihuazong?"


"Yes! Taihua Sect is a famous sect in the Eastern Region of Dahuang Prefecture. It is the first-class sect under the five super sects! I met a young lady from Taihua Sect in Haiyue City before. That's great, let's go and help her, OK."

"Listen to you, go wherever you say! Taihuazong, get up!"

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