Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1271: Feng Zhiruo, the true disciple

In his opinion, this Ling Tian is just a mere junior. At this age, even the top talent of Taihuazong is definitely not his opponent.

He also won't hurt people in Baiyun City, but he must capture this person.

The Zhou family is one of the few refining medicine families in the Eastern Region of the Great Desolate Prefecture, and this face is hard to lose.

"Who do you think you are!"

However, what the old man faced was Ling Tian's sharp gaze and the long sleeves that suddenly fluttered.

However, just a long sleeve, it seems to be swept over with the power of overwhelming power.

"not good!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, the old man exclaimed, and he suddenly boosted his vitality, but the next moment that huge force was to smash his condensed hand directly, and the old man himself could not dodge and was directly lifted off Going out, squirting blood violently, the injury was not light.


Ling Tian didn't even look at the old man who flew out, turned to look at the woman in front of him, and said coldly.

"You! Do you dare to hurt my Zhou family!"

The woman was frightened and silly, she thought, this seems to be just a more handsome warrior, even the Yuanshen late stage power is not his opponent?

However, facing Ling Tian's stern gaze, she still left the military.

"Uncle Nineteen, what's the matter?!"

"Senior Nineteen, who hurt you?"

However, right here, from the rear of the team, another group of people came up. The first two were a handsome and handsome Zhou family man, and the other was wearing the logo of a Taihua Zong disciple, and it was still golden. It was inside. The core disciple of the door!

The two saw that the old soul stained his clothes, and that Miss Zhou's was even more panicked, but furious.

"Cousin! It's those two people. They scolded me first, then shot Uncle Nineteen!"

When Miss Zhou saw the visitor, she was first overjoyed, and then pretending to be wronged, she ran to the handsome man and said.

"Hey, you can be too foolish. So many people here are watching. It's clear that you jumped in the line and cursed people first. The old man was also the first to take the shot. Why is it still on our heads?"

Qin Mingzhu was not angry.

"Huh, people are hurt like this, what are you quibbling about? Baiyun City is under the jurisdiction of my Taihuazong, how can you allow you to wait for it to be presumptuous?"

However, the core disciple of Taihuazong's face was cold, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of Taihuazong martial artists surged up from the surroundings, and they had to act.

"Hold on!"

However, at this moment, a cold scream sounded from the hall of the Danhui with coercion, and immediately a woman in Taihuazong costumes came out of the hall with her hand.

This woman has an extremely beautiful face and graceful charm. The Taihuazong costume is even more rare in pure white. The Taihuazong logo on the chest is also impressively purple and gold, which means that this woman is Taihuazong’s. True disciple!

This position is the highest position that can be achieved among the sect disciples, even stronger than the sect elder.

"Senior Sister Zhiruo!"

The core disciple of Taihuazong was also startled when he saw this, but he quickly gave up his hand and was very respectful.

"Lin Xiao, you've grown to be able to endure, before this pill palace, you dare to make such a big noise."

The Taihuazong disciple named Zhiruo narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Senior Sister Mingjian, someone openly wounded people in front of the Pill Hall, and Junior Brother also acted according to the law!" The disciple said anxiously.

"Hehe, can you see what happened just now with your own eyes?"

"This... never."

"Then have you investigated!?"


"Then you are indiscriminate, why do you catch people! I really lost the face of my Taihua Zong! Go back to the inner door to receive punishment!"

The woman screamed with great dignity, causing all his core disciples to tremble and tremble.

"Master Zhiruo... Senior Sister, this week my family was personally ordered by Senior Brother Shangguan to let me wait for it. Now someone in Zhou's family is injured. Where is Senior Brother Shangguan..."

The core disciple spoke cautiously, but was interrupted mercilessly by the woman.

"Shut up!"

"Hehe, Shangguanlin? No wonder the confidence is so full!"

"However, I was on duty in the Dandian today. This week, my family did not follow the rules and tried to deceive others. I don't care who is behind her."

Her gaze fell on the Zhou's Miss, and said coldly: "To be assessed, go to the back and line up!"

"Hehe, Feng Zhiruo, you are so majestic, okay! This time I remembered Zhou Haoran, and I'll talk about it when I meet the Shangguan in Taihuazong!"

Behind Miss Zhou's family, the young man stepped forward, Jun Lang's face was full of sullen anger at this time, but he still seemed a little afraid of Feng Zhiruo, put a cruel word, and took her sister to the back to line up.

As for the core disciple named Lin Xiao, there was no rhetoric when he saw it, and he left in a desperate manner.

Feng Zhiruo sneered, then turned around to return to the hall.

"Sister Feng! I'm here!"

However, a voice rang from the team, causing Feng Zhiruo to stop, repeating the sound, but frowning slightly.

Because the woman who spoke was the one who had just been involved in the storm. Although she was extremely beautiful, she didn't know her.

Ling Tian was also slightly surprised. Seeing Qin Mingzhu's expression, he wanted to come to Feng Zhiruo. It was the Taihuazong lady in her mouth.

However, Ling Tian admires Feng Zhiruo's upright style, which is really rare.

Feng Zhiruo walked down, the stern look on her face was no longer there, and she smiled slightly: "This girl, my name is Feng Zhiruo, just now my sect disciple has been offended, and I hope you don't take it off!"

She thought that Qin Mingzhu was the sister Feng who blurted out because she wanted to thank her.

"Oh, sister Feng, don't you really know me anymore?"

Qin Mingzhu stuck out his tongue when he saw it.

"Are you?" Feng Zhiruo tilted his head to think.

"I am the medicine-seller Qin Mingzhu in Haiyue City. You forgot that two months ago, when you were hunting treasures in Haiyue City, I gave you directions!"

"Oh! You are the Pearl!?"

Feng Zhiruo was stunned, but he looked up and down Qin Mingzhu, and smiled bitterly: "But, what's the matter with you? I clearly remember your face..."

"Hey, it's a long story, I just made a special trip to find you this time, I want to worship Taihua Sect!"

Qin Mingzhu smiled, and pulled Ling Tian up again, and said, "There is also him, I'm here to help you!"

Feng Zhiruo scratched his head, what happened was really unexpected, and he didn't understand what Qin Mingzhu meant, but he still said: "So, let's go in and talk while walking, and it will be your assessment soon. ."


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