Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1279: Rolling

"Huh? Really want to meet my challenge?!"

Qin Mingzhu's sudden opening completely exceeded Miss Zhou's expectations.

Can such a warrior with only the golden body realm have the courage?

Even if the other party has some honors, but her Zhou family is not a weak martial arts family, and she is also proficient in alchemy, has a wealth of family background, she has high aptitude, the middle stage of cultivation, and the secret treasure seal is in her hand. She could definitely pinch Qin Mingzhu to death because of the opponent's trump card.

"Hmph, otherwise, don't you want to see why I can become a true disciple?"

"Now, as you wish."

With that, Qin Mingzhu jumped, and the next moment he appeared on the small square outside the temple.

At this time, the warriors outside the hall also retreated consciously, leaving their positions.

There is a special prohibition on the square for the disciples to learn from each other. Turning on at this time can also ensure that the surrounding warriors will not be hurt.

Seeing Qin Mingzhu dared to enter the square first, a sullen anger flashed across Miss Zhou's face.

The little ant still dared to behave like this at this time, it was really too much to clean up.

The next moment, she also flickered and appeared opposite Qin Mingzhu.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect you to be so ignorant, don't worry, I will not be merciful, I will tear your face and make you an ugly monster, let you know that this is too Huazong, not a person like you You can come in!"

Miss Zhou's vitality surging all over, said viciously.

"Huh, so-called ugly people are a lot of trouble, but you are an ugly woman who is arrogant and arrogant. You really think you are superior? What's wrong with a person like me? You are nothing but a good background!"

"How about I just look better than you? If you are jealous, just commit suicide. Maybe you can look better in your next life."

"Come and come, I don't want to talk to a jealous woman like you, I feel a little self-defeating. Hurry up, I'm still waiting to go back to rest, it's a waste of time!"

If it's a matter of lip service, Qin Mingzhu has spent three years in Haiyue City. How can it be compared to the pampered noble lady like Miss Zhou's?

Miss Zhou's pretty face was completely distorted with anger at this moment, and her eyes were filled with crazy murderous intent!

This woman who hasn't cleaned up even dared not put her in her eyes, so utterly utterly **** it! Especially the following acrimonious sarcasm made this woman completely mad, and her mind was chaotic to the brink of explosion.

Ling Tian and Feng Zhiruo also followed out of the hall, but there was no worries on Ling Tian's face. There was no way to go, Qin Mingzhu was not comparable to this week's family.

Even if Qin Mingzhu doesn't have a weapon in his hand, he can still crush the opponent.

What's more, the black and white gourd is still in her hands.

That thing is an eighth-order spirit treasure, and it is also a rare treasure in this Taihuazong area.

"Stupid woman, die for me!" But in the square, Miss Zhou Jia had already screamed bitterly, and shot her instantly.

Although this woman had a cultivation base in the middle stage of the Dharma stage, her vitality broke out at this moment, but her aura was not under that of the ordinary Yuanshen early stage warrior. Obviously, her qualifications and cultivation techniques were good. At this moment, he took an angry shot, and there was no reservation at all, and it was quite powerful to shoot with one palm.

This martial arts skill reveals all the murderous intent in her heart, not to mention that she is a martial artist, and I am afraid that the ordinary soul will suffer from this palm in the early stage.

The faces of the surrounding warriors changed slightly, and it was obvious that Miss Zhou's family was vicious and somewhat unexpected to them.

When he shot, it was vicious and vicious, where it seemed like a competition, it was clear that he wanted to kill people.

Feng Zhiruo's hands in her sleeves were tightly twisted together, her pretty face was full of tension.

At this moment, no one thought that Qin Mingzhu could resist it. After all, the huge gap between cultivation bases was like a chasm that could not be crossed.

But at this moment, no one noticed that even though Qin Mingzhu's complexion became paler under this palm of magical powers, her eyes flashed with firmness, and there was no fear and retreat.

Now she has fully recovered her cultivation base, and the swordsmanship has also been picked up. Even if Miss Zhou Jia made a full shot, she did not take it seriously.

It's just that she couldn't face such scenes for a long time, and she was a little uncomfortable.

But the next moment, her beautiful brows suddenly tightened, taking a deep breath, and all the hidden cultivation bases burst out in an instant.


The momentary vitality was released, directly sweeping the small square, and at this moment, everyone, including Miss Zhou Jia, was shocked!

"You even hide your cultivation base!"

Seeing Qin Mingzhu suddenly changed like a person, the cultivation base that burst out suddenly, since he was in the middle stage of the law, even if it was compared to Miss Zhou's, there was no difference at all!

Many people can't accept such a change.

It turns out that this person who originally thought that Feng Zhiruo wanted to get into the Taihua Sect was not an ordinary person at all!

Miss Zhou's face is even more fiery, she can't compare to Qin Mingzhu in appearance, and now she can't even compare to her cultivation base?

"Hiding the cultivation base, you will die too!"

Miss Zhou's expression became even more resentful, and the vitality and coercion were added a bit again, and her big hand pressed towards Qin Mingyue's head.

"Hmph, overwhelmingly!"

Qin Mingzhu, who has burst out all cultivation bases, is full of confidence. He raised his head and looked at the big hand pressed down by the other party. He also directly crossed his arms and turned his fingers into swords. The true essence condensed in the Five Elements Bible turned into a sword light and flew directly into the sky. .


Ms. Zhou's vitality hand was comparable to Qin Mingzhu's six-channel sword qi, and it was torn apart almost at the moment of contact.

The big hand instantly collapsed, and the remaining sword energy swept directly towards Miss Zhou's family.


Faced with the rushing sword light, Miss Zhou's family was shocked, but she still instinctively used her vitality to resist.

But how sharp is the Six Channel Sword Qi, even if Qin Mingzhu didn't use the power of the weapon, but the sword intent within it was already enough to tear through all vitality defenses.


Jianmang still oscillated on Miss Zhou's body in the end.

Although the purple light flashed on his clothes, blocking most of his power, he still spouted a mouthful of blood in the end.

one move.

With just one move, Qin Mingzhu made Miss Zhou's irresistible.

This gap is already obvious.

This is impossible!

Enduring the severe pain in her whole body, Miss Zhou's face was incredulous and embarrassed.

"No, I can't lose!"

Ms. Zhou's family is extremely unwilling, facing so many people, she can only win but not defeat.

In the next moment, she directly drew a willow leaf scimitar from between her sleeves, with the sword vigorously, slashing towards Qin Mingzhu.

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