Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1282: You do not deserve

Between the opening and closing of Shangguan Lin's eyes, divine light was revealed, and the vitality on his body had already been sublimated at this time, which was similar to the true vitality that Ling Tian had previously possessed, and was much higher than the vitality possessed by the Great Master Faxiang.

Moreover, his whole body was enveloped by a divine light, and its light sometimes condensed into the appearance of a white flying tiger. It was the shadow of the manifestation of the martial soul, which was far more gorgeous than the light of the body guard of the great master of law.

Just the coercion emanating from her body had already made Feng Zhiruo unable to resist and could not help but fade away.

However, after just one step, Feng Zhiruo was suddenly pushed behind him by another momentum, as if he was leaning against the mountain behind him, and he didn't need to retreat.

It was too late to be shocked, because at this time Shangguan Lin had already trampled on the door, and the bullying had come to the head.

"Hehe, Yuanshen... Shangguanlin, I admit that you are one step ahead of me after all, but you want to get the position of teaching disciple, but it's not that easy!"

"For so many years, my contribution to the sect is by no means comparable to you."

Breathing, Feng Zhiruo's pretty face tightened as he resisted Shangguanlin's momentum and coercion.

Even if Shangguanlin is now the soul of the soul, she is the first martial arrogant of Taihuazong, but she has paid too much for this master disciple, and she has also paid too much for the sect.

Not only for her own dignity and benefit, but also for the benefit of the teacher's respect, she would never retreat, at least before Danby in the Great Desolate State.

"Haha, contribution? What contribution? Just for my own benefit, to accept these two people who have not passed the test at all for the sect?"

"Is this also a contribution? It really makes my Taihua Sect disciple feel ashamed!"

"What's more, Feng Zhiruo, let me remind you that my contribution to Shangguan Lin will never be less than that of you in the future!"

"Not only do I want to participate in the Great Wilderness Fight, but also the alchemy to test the Zhou Family Young Master who I also invited for the sect."

"Don't think that Tai Huazong is not your Feng Zhiruo."

As Shangguanlin said, the son of Zhou's family stepped forward and handed Shangguanlin a sign.

"Did you see clearly, Zhou Xun, the young master of the Zhou family, the fifth-rank alchemist, he is armed with the nine-rank Xun Qingye fire, and he is even more advanced than your blue waves and wind and flames! They were invited by me, and they are here today. I will join Taihuazong and fight for Taihuazong in three months. At that time, I will see how you can claim to be the leader of your disciples!"

"Feng Zhiruo, no matter if it's the martial arts aptitude or the cultivation base, or the alchemy attainments, your advantage no longer exists."

Shangguan Lin played the brand in his hand, and the Zhou family master and the Zhou family were also contented.

"Feng Zhiruo, don’t think that within a radius of more than 100,000 miles, there is only one of you, a junior who is outstanding in alchemy, and Zhou Xun is not bad. Although I am now a fifth-rank alchemist, within three months, I You can definitely reach the fifth rank! Don't doubt the strength of my Zhou family. When the time comes to be above Danby, my ranking will surpass you. See if you are still a disciple of the head teacher!"

Zhou Xun sneered.

"you guys!"

Feng Zhiruo's chest was ups and downs, and she really couldn't stand being besieged like this.

"Hmph, by now, are you still arrogant?"

However, Feng Zhiruo hadn't fought back before, and Qin Mingzhu couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up from behind with an angrily grunt, "Isn't it just a test! Sister Feng and us are just too troublesome!"

Immediately, she looked at Zhou Xun again, "Just you, dare to show off the alchemy talent in front of us?"

As she spoke, she directly took off the sign from her waist and hovered among the people.

"See it clearly!"

When Shangguanlin, Zhou Xun and others were about to get angry, this little girl dared to show her head in the film. She really didn’t know what was good or bad, but when their eyes fell on the sign in front of Qin Mingzhu, their pupils suddenly shrank, and then they couldn’t help. Take a breath.

"Alchemist in the fifth rank!"

"Seventh on the Ten Thousand Fire Land Rankings, Nine-Rank Nine-Seed Lotus Heart Flame?!"

"No, how is this possible, how can your pill skill be so high, within a radius of more than 100,000 miles of Taihuazong, there is even a land fire?"

In an instant, not only Shangguanlin and Zhou's brothers and sisters were dumbfounded, but the sect disciples who originally wanted to watch the excitement, as well as all the primordial powers who came to protect Shangguanlindu's tribulation, all stared. His eyes were filled with incredible colors.

The age of Qin Mingzhu seemed to be younger than Feng Zhiruo, and they had never heard of it before.

Now, this Qin Mingzhu not only possesses the cultivation base of the middle stage of the law, but also is a fifth-rank alchemist. What makes them even more unbelievable is that this Qin Mingzhu's fire is actually the seventh-ranked existence in the earth list!

This kind of fire, even among the four super sects in the Great Wild State, is definitely one of the few.

In contrast, Zhou Xun's fire and alchemy were nothing more than bullshit.

There is simply no way to compare it. Just with the nine sons of Lotus Heart Flame, Qin Mingzhu is enough to be snatched by the major super sects, not to mention that he is the true disciple of Taihuazong, even if he is the master disciple, it is enough to compete. .

For a while, Qin Mingzhu's extraordinary talent made everyone present speechless.

"Huh, how? Now you know how great Sister Feng's contribution is. Tell you, if it weren't for the invitation of Sister Feng, we would never join Taihua Sect!"

"You guys, do it for yourself!"

With a cold snort, Qin Mingzhu put away the brand.

Feng Zhiruo also sneered again and again, looking at the expressions of Shangguanlin and others, it was too comfortable.

"Hehe, yes, I admit that you have found a genius, but...what about him? What is his ability to enter my Taihua Sect and become a true disciple?"

Shangguan Lin suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Ling Tian behind the two women.

As for the latter, the hands in his sleeves suddenly clenched, Qi Hai Tian Yuan, and it shook slowly.

"You... don't deserve to know."

Ling Tian slowly raised his eyes, looking at Shangguan Lin with those indifferent eyes.

Indeed, with this Shangguan Lin's cultivation base and aptitude, he was not worthy to question Ling Tian at all.

If he dared to provoke any more, Ling Tian would definitely shoot directly.


Shangguan Lin was furious.

Now he has just achieved the primordial spirit. This is the goal of many martial arts juniors. He has planned for many years and waited for this day to soar to the sky, so that everyone in Taihuazong will know his tyranny, and in one fell swoop, Feng Zhiruo's reputation will be destroyed .

But now, it's all gone.

The appearance of a Qin Mingzhu robbed him of all the limelight for becoming a soul.

Now, this warrior, who is not inferior to his own in appearance and temperament, dares to confront himself in public, and his eyes are full of disdain and deep contempt for himself.

This made him suddenly angry, and he was about to take action.

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