Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1381: Slaying the dragon


The huge body of the black gold pterodactyl slowly stood up from the ground.

The shape of an extremely beautiful and beautiful dragon, with its wings gradually opening, and a hot dragon's breath protruding, demonstrating the power of this black evil monster.

"His, no, the black gold pterodactyl is awake!"

"Go, go down and kill the pterodactyl, you can't let Ling Tian fight alone!"

Zhang Jing and others exclaimed and jumped into the basin one after another.


As if slowly waking up, the black gold pterodactyl looked at Ling Tian who had awakened him in front of him, and raised the sky with a dragon chant, shaking the entire valley.

The dragon clan's coercion swept across the basin in an instant, and the hung Lingtian clothes were hunting and hunting as the wind roared.

But even so, Ling Tian remained unmoved.

He suddenly stepped forward, instead of retreating, but stepped forward, and with a leap, he flew into the sky.


Seeing Ling Tian, ​​the black gold pterodactyl didn't even retreat, and immediately let out an angry growl, and then the black gold light flashed all over his body, and then a strong figure in a black gold battle armor walked out of it.

This figure resembles a human figure, but with black wings behind it, with a halberd in his right hand and a black gold shield in his left hand, looking at Ling Tian, ​​and slowly speaking.

"Wu, town, Black Wind Gorge, trespasser, die!"

This black gold pterodactyl has become a black evil demon, although it can still transform, but it can no longer speak fluently.

However, this monster beast that had no spiritual wisdom was just a killing machine, and when the voice fell, it came up with the halberd and killed it.

"Hehe, but a poisoned dragon clan evil animal dare to be presumptuous before me?"

"Get off!"

Ling Tian sneered.

This black gold pterodactyl might have been very strong once, but the dragon fish he had seen were not too few, and he hadn't paid attention to these monster beasts with blood and strength.

Ling Tian was still in the state of the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art, and the shadow of the Dragon Phoenix on his body roared up to the sky, and under the power of the real dragon, the black gold pterosaur couldn't help but lag.

At this time, the coercion of the dragon clan on Ling Tian's body was much more pure and powerful than this black gold pterosaur.

Under the extreme blessing of Dragon Phoenix Supreme, Ling Tian's Liuli Zhan's blood boiled, and even his aura was even more terrifying than when he had just faced Ran Min.

On both arms, the light of colored glaze condensed, Ling Tian did not hesitate, facing the black gold pterosaur that came rampant, directly fists out.

"Long shocked the world!"

It is still the seventh stage of Youlongquan.

But this time, Ling Tian blasted two punches directly.

Two fist shadows whizzed out, condensed into two divine dragon shadows, between the roars, swept out towards the black gold wing dragon.

The fists were earth-shattering.

Not only did the surrounding warriors lose their color in amazement, but the human form of the black gold pterodactyl also changed his complexion greatly.

He discovered that under Ling Tian's dragon power, he was actually suppressed.

Even the incarnation state of the whole body is unstable.

However, Ling Tian's double fists were so fast that he couldn't react in time, so he was swallowed by two dragon fists directly.


With a stern dragon roar, the black gold pterosaur was blasted into the sky like a cannonball.

It smashed **** the basin, and the flying rocks splashed up like a tsunami, forcing Zhang Jing and others to retreat.

However, when the flying sand and walking stones fell, more than a thousand warriors around them suddenly discovered that the human form transformed by the black gold pterosaur was lying in the pit, and the wounds turned into the body again!

The huge dragon body was lying in the deep pit. On the chest of the black gold pterodactyl, the scales were shattered, and black blood was flowing.

The momentum has been eliminated a lot.

And this scene caused all warriors to breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that before Ling Tian faced Ran Min, he still didn't make a full shot!

How tyrannical is this guy?

The black-gold pterosaur with the power of the fourth-order late demon emperor directly hit with double fists turned into the body, which really made this dragon family lose face.


Shaking the huge dragon head, the black gold pterosaur that had been beaten by Ling Tian fluttered its wings again.

Being punched by a little human race made the black gold pterodactyl feel ashamed.

This is simply a shame.

Dragons are naturally proud, how can they let Ling Tian go?

Although it was beaten back to its original form, the dragon body was even more tyrannical.

The wings shook, and the black gold pterodactyl came up again.

"Erlangs, from now on, we will take orders from Lingtian, and we can't let him look down on him, and we will kill them with me to slaughter this black gold pterodactyl!"

At this moment, Ran Min, who was slashed by Ling Tian's sword, also flew back. He saw Ling Tian fighting the dragon clan and immediately shouted, carrying the golden long yue and rushing down.

Behind him, all warriors, unwilling to show weakness, followed closely.

Although Ran Min lost, Ling Tian was more suitable as a leader.

If they were merged together, the combat power of their 1,000 people must not be underestimated. What's more, there are Ling Tian Ranmin and many of the top 50 players on the Qingyun list. Even if they face Yelu Chu, they will There may not be no chance to compete for chance.

Suddenly, their aura became more and more high.

On the other hand, Zhang Jing and others naturally couldn't fall behind Ran Min and others, besieging them without fear of death.

For a time, the warriors stepped forward surrounded the black gold pterosaurs, all kinds of martial arts, like bright flowers blooming, roared in the basin.

Among them, Ling Tian alone attracted all the hatred of the black gold pterosaurs. Facing the crazy attacks of the pterosaurs, Ling Tian was at ease.

If it weren't for giving other warriors a chance to show off their style, Ling Tian would be able to kill the black gold pterosaur with three swords.

With Ling Tian's resistance in front, Ran Min and the others' offensive was worry-free.

Every time the Changyue in this guy's hand was cut down, it would shatter the scales of the Black Golden Pterosaur, which was the most aggressive point of attack except Ling Tian.

On Ling Tian's side, Zhang Jingzhen, Mo Ran and others naturally did not need to say more, they were good at killing.

But Ling Tian noticed Ran Min's side, the other three top 20 players.

Almost none is worse than Zhang Jing.

Among the three, there is a woman in colorful clothes with a staff in her hand. The martial arts are extremely magnificent. By singing two breaths, she can sacrifice a colorful wave of air and blast down the black gold pterodactyl. Far, but the power is not bad.

This was the first time Ling Tian had seen this martial skill.

In addition, there is also a disciple of Ran Min's disciple, dressed in dark gold armor, carrying the halberd in his hand, killing tigers and tigers.

The last person is a warrior who looks immature like a boy. Although he looks small, he is carrying a magic sword in his hand and wearing a Taoist robe. The seal in his hand is a seal on the body of the black gold pterosaur. .

Although these seals looked very weak, after falling on the pterosaur, various frost, electric lights and even flames appeared in the latter, which made the black gold pterosaur either be frozen, paralyzed, or burned.

When the black gold pterodactyl was already struggling, it was even more unable to exert its true combat power.

Powerful like a black gold pterosaur, killed by thousands of warriors at a time, there is no room to fight back, it is simply a unilateral abuse.

Seeing this, Ling Tian nodded secretly in his heart.

This master that Ran Min has swept over is really good.

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