Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1396: Sanskrit soundless stick method

"Uh... Looks like there is a problem..."

However, after Ling Tian carefully looked at the blade of this sword, he couldn't help frowning.

Because this Moon Moon Sword has extremely obvious traces of artificial forging, although its forging method is absolutely extraordinary, it still can't compare with the good fortune of heaven and earth, so it is just superfluous and violent.

"No, right..."

"I understand!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian's cold hair suddenly stood up, and his excitement couldn't be further increased.

He suddenly discovered that this sword might really be the legendary sword of the emperor.

At this time, the casting marks on this sword are a disguise made by a person with earth-shattering refining attainments and the ultimate power, in order to cover up the breath of this divine sword!

He used a lot of magical materials to cover up the original appearance of the sword layer by layer.

And the outermost layer is made of the worst fairy material to make a look like only fairy soldiers.

Therefore, if you don't understand the origin of the Moon Sword, or if you are not as good at forging the sword as this powerful warrior, it is absolutely impossible to discover the secrets in it.

The Moon Sword was originally a divine sword. No one knew its form. Perhaps its body could not be found by the naked eye. It was just hidden in the sword body in front of you.

Not only that, Ling Tian also discovered a series of extremely mysterious formation seals on the sword body, which should be used to unlock the power of its divine sword layer by layer.

Today, this sword has been suppressed to the point where there are only quasi-celestial soldiers, but the future growth potential is absolutely incalculable.


Sure enough, the Long Yuan sword behind Ling Tian also buzzed, as if it was fear, and it seemed to be provoking.

In short, this sword made Long Yuanjian extremely jealous.

In Taoyuan, Lao Hou also woke up from the retreat, walked out of the Four Elephant Pagoda, looked at Ling Tian's Moon Sword in his hand, frowned, and couldn't help groaning, "Ancient Divine Sword, Flying to the Moon!"

In this way, Ling Tian became more and more sure that the sword drawn was the legendary sword of the emperor.

Perhaps this sword was the most precious and powerful treasure Ling Tian had ever seen. It was even more rare than the Four Elephant Pagoda.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong with you, surprised?"

Qin Mingzhu was taken aback by Ling Tian's appearance, and Xuan even took the Benyue Sword from Ling Tian.

"This sword is pretty, I..."

However, when Qin Mingzhu held my long sword, an aura of horror swept away in an instant.

Even Ling Tian couldn't help but shook his whole body, backing back and forth, and finally hitting the pillars in the temple, then stopped.

But at this time, Qin Mingzhu was dressed in a gauze and went without wind, three thousand green silks were flying, and her eyes were like stars, exuding the brilliance of a bright moon. She held her long sword flat in this way, frozen there, like a god. statue,


Ling Tian rubbed his painful chest, suddenly shocked.

However, this strangeness lasted only a moment, and Qin Mingzhu's body became soft and returned to normal.

She rubbed her head, and then saw Ling Tian who had fallen to the side, rushed to help Ling Tian up, "Ling Tian, ​​are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but what's wrong with you?"

Ling Tian shook his head. The injury he suffered just now has not recovered.

"I... I don't know, I just saw a lot of broken pictures suddenly, I can't see clearly, I didn't remember, but I think this sword is very beautiful, give it to me!"

Qin Mingzhu held the Moon Sword, pitifully.

"Silly girl, of course it's for you."

Ling Tian clicked on Qin Mingzhu's forehead and said, he didn't know who else was more suitable for this moon flying sword than Qin Mingzhu.

Before returning to the platform, Ling Tian found that in addition to the mountain and sea bottle and the sword of the moon, there was a set of pure white armor, a few cheats, and two face armors.

This visor is pure white, and the other is black and gold.

There are no lines or words on it, the white one, shrouded in divine light, looks very beautiful. But the carved form of the black visor was extremely hideous, and it was a veritable ghost face.

The two visors are two extremes, very like angels and demon gods.

"This mask is pretty good."

Qin Mingyue inserted the Moon Sword into her scabbard, came forward, took the pure white visor in her hand, played with it for a while and put it on her face.

"Look, does it look good?"

Ling Tian nodded, "Of course it looks good."

"Hey, then I will still wear a visor, OK? I don't like the way people look when they see me."

"Uh... also good."

Ling Tian thought for a while and agreed.

Before, Ling Tian felt that he had the ability to kill anyone who coveted Qin Mingyue's appearance.

But since Qin Mingzhu didn't want to, then Ling Tian would naturally respect it.

However, he asked the visor to come over, carved two poems on it with fire, and handed it over.

"Take a look at Qingrencheng, and then look at Qingren's country."

"Uh, all over the country?"

Qin Mingzhu held her small mouth, surprised and delighted.

"Well, I once gave you this poem, but you may have forgotten it." Ling Tian muttered.


"It's nothing?"

Ling Tian shook his head and put away the black visor.

The rest are a few cheats, a sword technique called Haoyue Sword Sutra. Although it is not too prefixed, it has a super-grade magical power. The sword technique has a total of five strokes. The last one is cultivated to the transformation realm, which can be comparable to the standard. Xianshu.

It was enough for Qin Mingzhu to use it for a long time.

There is also a book called Baiyue Jue, which records the four-stroke palms, ranks among the best supernatural powers, and the power of the first palm is comparable to the seven-fold power of the dragon fist.

For the last book, Ling Tian opened the title page, with joy in his heart.

He didn't come in vain, he really used this cheat!

"The soul-suppressing stick method."

Ling Tian frowned again, because the name of this stick technique was really ordinary.

The rank is nothing but the top rank.

Although in the Kun character domain, it is already pretty good.

But for Ling Tian, ​​this level of martial arts, and it was still a stick technique, was indeed a little price off.

If he really wants to practice, he will probably be rejected by Lao Hou.

The reason why Lao Hou has never been out of the mountain now is not only because he wants to be warm, but also because Ling Tian doesn't have martial arts for him to display his combat power. If he smashes a stick with a stick, Lao Hou would never agree.

He is even more distracted by the supernatural powers.

"Man, please, you must upgrade me."

Ling Tian took a deep breath and poured sword shadow into the secret book.

The martial arts of the stick system is really hard to find, it is not easy to find such a superb supernatural power level.

Ling Tian couldn't upgrade the two previous cheats. If this one fails to succeed, Ling Tian will be helpless.


However, Yi Hai was shocked, Ling Tian's pupils shrank!

It's done!

Sure enough, this stick-system martial art can be upgraded with a different system from the previous two books.

Spiritual thoughts returned to the sea of ​​mind, Ling Tian couldn't help feeling shocked as he looked at the golden characters.

"Sanskrit has no form."

Rank, super supernatural power!

Ling Tian swallowed, and the corners of his mouth opened wide.

Sanskrit sound without phase stick method!

This seems very domineering.

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