Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1399: Off-character domain

Today, the chances and inheritance of Kun Ziyu are almost exhausted.

If you can enter the Lizi domain at this time, maybe you can make another fortune.

Moreover, if Ling Tian led them to really level the Lizi Realm in the end, it would be a unique feat in this Tianwai Secret Store. In the future, they will enter the Five Elements Realm and gather all the warriors in the two regions. That is the scale and strength. , When facing the forces of other domains, you will be more confident.

For a time, the expressions on the faces of all warriors changed again and again.

From the original shock to the final joy.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone has no objections. If that's the case, let's make this decision."

Ling Tian chuckled, very satisfied with this.

"Then Ling Tian, ​​when shall we leave?"

Zhen Mo Ran got up and asked.

Ling Tian jumped directly out of the Moon Palace.

"Go now!"


Ion domain.

Above a sea of ​​sand near the border of the region.

Qin Shaoyang took Ye Bao'er and flew away like crazy.

At this time, both of them were very embarrassed, even with injuries on their bodies.

Qin Shaoyang's hair was gone. On the scalp, there was only one finger-long black hair. This hairstyle, on the earth, was called a cuntou.

But in this world, it is extremely alien.

"Amitabha! Don't run away from the donor Qin! The poor monks and others have no ill intentions, just look at the deep roots of the donor's wisdom, and then they want to cross the donor and convert to Buddhism.

"Donor! You have wounds on your body, and you quickly followed the poor monk and others, otherwise the Lama of the Jialuo Temple behind will catch up, and the two donors will die!"

Behind Qin Shaoyang, five monks in black monk robes were also hanging, chasing wildly, while constantly shouting to persuade each other.

"I Pooh! I believe you a ghost! You monks, like that stinky lama, don't have a good thing!"

"What converts to Buddhism, I don't want to be a monk, Xiaoye!"

"Although you saved the young master, you monks shaved the young master's hair. I haven't asked you to settle this account yet!"

Qin Shaoyang and Ye Baoer flew by, and they did not forget to turn their heads and curse.

"What the **** is the donor, it is the destiny of the donor to take refuge in Buddhism. What's more, there is no road ahead. This is the boundary of the word domain!"

"If the donor stops now, we can protect the donor from leaving immediately and escape the chase of the Nagaruo Temple!"

Behind him, the group of monks continued to persuade them unhurriedly.


"I, Qin Shaoyang, are not afraid of Najialuo Temple. Tell you, my elder sister and brother-in-law are coming soon. When the two of them come out, they can sweep this area. What Jialuo Temple? Let those smelly lamas eat shit. Go!"


However, Qin Shaoyang just finished cursing, and when he turned around, the two banged on the invisible barrier and flew back.

"Oh, it hurts!"

"Shao Yang, Brother Ling Tian and Sister Mingyue will really come to rescue us..."

Ye Baoer dug Qin Shaoyang out of the sand and said with a sad face.

At this moment, Ye Bao'er was all dirty, far from the appearance of the little fairy before.

"Don't worry, they will definitely come. You see, this stardial is unique to the three of us, and the two light spots on it are already coming to us."

"Hehehe, my sister is not dead, nor is Brother Tian! We haven't jumped in vain on that Jue Patio!"

Qin Shaoyang was sitting in the sand, smiling silly, and now his arm was covered with blood, obviously he had suffered a serious injury before.

"It's all my fault. If you are tired, you will be exposed, otherwise we will just run away if we take things."

Ye Baoer's eyes were red, full of self-blame.

"Silly girl, from the moment you jumped into the well with me, I, Qin Shaoyang, told myself that I will never treat you badly in this lifetime."

Qin Shaoyang held Ye Baoer's round face, and said with pity: "Even if you want the stars on that day, I, Qin Shaoyang, will take them off for you."

"I blamed myself for being impatient. I fell into this world and became a lower class ant, desperately vying for a place to enter the secret of the sky, but still let you follow me and leave."

As he said, Qin Shaoyang's eyes were red, and a drop of male tears fell along the dirty face.

It turned out that after Qin Shaoyang and Ye Bao'er jumped the Jupiter Patio, they landed in the Western Regions.

However, the talents of the two are not good in this world.

Although he entered the sect and ranked in the top five thousand to enter the Tianwai Secret Store, the ranking of combat power was at the end.

Last month, the two of them finally took advantage of a group of lamas, and got some opportunities for cultivation in a Zongmen ruins.

But Ye Baoer touched the organ and found a secret room. In the secret room there was an old map and a top-quality royal grade gauze.

Seeing that Ye Baoer liked it, Qin Shaoyang gave up the perfect opportunity to escape, and returned to the secret room to take off the gauze, but when he came out, he was blocked by the alarmed group of lamas.

Qin Shaoyang is the opponent of those lamas, who died for a lifetime and kept Ye Bao'er. If it weren't for being saved by a group of monks in the middle, the two of them would have died in secret in this day.

But no matter what he thought, the group of monks said that Qin Shaoyang had deep roots and cut his hair while Qin Shaoyang was in a coma.

Fortunately, Qin Shaoyang woke up midway, and took Ye Baoer, scolding all the way and fleeing.

This is what happened.

"No, you are not weak, you are in my heart, you are always the best."

Ye Baoer wiped away the tear marks on Qin Shaoyang's face, but she was already crying.

Qin Shaoyang's poor qualifications made her worse.

Ye Baoer always felt that Qin Shaoyang wouldn't be so embarrassed without herself.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? Let's not cry. When my sister and brother come, it will be fine."

Qin Shaoyang rubbed Ye Baoer's cheek.

Laughing in pain.

Although he knew that Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue were about to arrive, he was not sure whether he could break the barrier and rescue him.

"Amitabha Buddha, the donor, the poor monk did not lie to you, the front is the barrier barrier, and the demon monk of the Jialuo Temple in the back will also catch up. The donor will follow us now.

At this time, the group of monks also caught up.

Put your hands together.

"That's right, don't worry, the poor monks and others come from the Fahua Temple in the Western Regions. They are famous and authentic, and they take the responsibility of transcending the ancient world. If the donor converts to my Buddha, he will become famous in the future."

A monk walked out, his eyes were clear and beautiful, but his head was as bright as a mirror, and his cultivation reached the late stage of the soul, which was much stronger than Qin Shaoyang's middle stage of the soul.

"You group of bald donkeys, are you endlessly moaning? Little master, I said, I don't want to be a monk, I want to eat meat, and I will marry Bao'er as my wife in the future. What kind of monk do I have? Are you sick!"

Qin Shaoyang got up and screamed.

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