Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1403: Du'e Town Evil

"I'm dizzy, brother, you people in this domain are so fierce."

Qin Shaoyang not only grinned when he looked at the Black Fiend Demon Emperor who had been tortured.

"That's natural. These people, the arrogances of the Four Western Regions, are much better than you."

Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu turned around.

"Uh, yeah, when I came to this world, I knew how bad I was." Qin Shaoyang scratched his head.

Ye Baoer also stuck out her tongue, "Yes, I'm worse..."

"Hehe, Mingyue, you don't want to hit them both. It's beyond my expectation that Shaoyang can reach the middle stage of the soul."

Ling Tian patted Qin Shaoyang on the shoulder, "You two can also rest assured that this time I come to Liziyu, just for you two, I will find your own opportunities for you, and I won't let you be better than anyone else. difference."

"Thank you God!"

When Qin Shaoyang and Ye Baoer heard this, their faces were immediately happy.

"Well, let's go down and kill the Demon Emperor together, I can't help you with this."


Seeing Qin Shaoyang and Ye Bao'er also drop their mounts, Qin Mingyue curled his lips, "Just you will get used to them..."

"Shao Yang has really worked very hard. I just don't want them to lose their talents."

"But it doesn't matter if I get used to them, as long as I'm strong enough."

Ling Tian looked at Qin Mingyue's eyes and smiled.

"Tsk tusk, you are getting more and more domineering."

Qin Mingyue shrugged and didn't say much. It seemed that Ling Tian had always been like this.


The martial artist of Kun Ziyu is like a broken bamboo, but within an hour, it is deep into the core area of ​​the mountain of resentment.

And Ling Tian on Xiaoqing's back finally saw Wukong and the others who were besieged on a high mountain.

At this time, the mountain peak was already surrounded by dense black evil spirits.

The five monks of Fahua Temple sat close together, muttering words, and the surrounding voices were surrounded by a golden mask. On the mask, golden Sanskrit scripts appeared occasionally.

A burst of pure Buddha light also rippled away, so that the black evil demon at the bottom of the mountain could not intrude for a long time.

However, these five monks couldn't help the powerful Demon Emperor.

The two sides are deadlocked.

However, the range of the mask offered by the monk of Fahua Temple has become smaller and smaller, and it is only a matter of time before it is eroded by the resentful spirit.

On Xiaoqing's back, Ling Tian saw this scene and couldn't help shook his head, "I'm so mad about Buddhism, thinking they can really survive all the evil evils in the world?"

It will take a while for Ran Min and others to enter it.

But Ling Tian didn't want to waste any more time, so he leaped directly from Xiaoqing's back and fell among the five monks.

"Master Wukong, I am Kun Ziyu Lingtian, here to save you, come with me."

However, those monks remained unmoved, still clasping their hands together, chanting the scriptures.

"If the masters don't move, I will do it myself."

Ling Tian said impatiently.

"Please come back, please, Wukong and others, before entering the mountain of resentment, they vowed to cross all the resentful spirits here. Now, the resentment has not disappeared, and the evil is endless. How can they leave?"

The monk named Wukong finally spoke.

He is the strongest among several people.

The combat power was even stronger than that of Na Ran Min.

"Haha, Duhua all..."

Ling Tian chuckled and shook his head, "Master, you can't even get through yourself, so how can you overcome others, let alone overcome the resentful spirits?"

"Do you know that in order to save you, my people are still fighting with the Black Fiend Demon Emperor here. They will be injured, and they will even lose their lives."

"And this is all because of you."

"Furthermore, you enter the Mount of Resentment in this way, causing the resentful spirit to riot, possessing on the black evil demon, forming a beast wave, sweeping more than thousands of miles? Those human warriors killed by the beast wave are also because of you ."

"Just ask, these people died innocently, you wait, but you have to cross them?"

Ling Tian leaned over and looked at Wukong, whose eyes were full of Buddha's light. At this moment, the ripples began to unravel.

The other four monks were full of vigor and turbulence, which had a great influence.

In this way, the surrounding golden light shield instantly shrank back, and the crazy Black Fiend Demon Emperor rushed forward like crazy.


However, Ling Tian raised his big hand, the sword domain broke away, allowing the surrounding area of ​​100 meters to be emptied instantly, and the rest of the demon emperor couldn't move forward.

"If this is the case, the poor monk is willing to atone for his sins with death, and he is not good at Buddhism and feels ashamed of the Buddha."

"But my younger brother and others are innocent. They are all disturbed by me. I hope the donor will take them away."

Wukong knelt down on the ground, his body boiling with Buddha's light.

At this moment, this monk was going to explode his soul!

"Big brother!"

Seeing this, the other four monks were shocked.

Ling Tian also angered in his heart, and a palm fell on Wukong's shoulder, his divine thought surged, directly shattering this monk Wukong's self-explosive thoughts.

"Ignorance, you are still an eminent monk in Fahua Temple."

"If you die like this and reincarnated in reincarnation, you will never want to become a Buddha!"

Wukong got up, his face was already desperate, "The donor, please point to the poor monk, next, what should I do?"

"There are more than hundreds of millions of living beings in this world. Even though the supreme sacred Buddha, how can you really save all sentient beings and protect all sentient beings?"

"If you wait for the weakness, do what you can, and have no guilt, you have a Buddha in your heart."

"If you want to cross the world, cross yourself first."

"If life is gone, how do you enlighten and become Buddha?"

After all, Ling Tian got up.

"I think back then, I also thought about protecting the hundreds of millions of lives of my human race, but because of me, it also caused countless innocent people to die."

"Later I realized that when we were not strong enough, everything was just wishful thinking."

Ling Tian took out the prison fire stick and held it in his hand.

"For example, if you want to cross this mountain of resentment, you can only use chanting, but this is just a drop in the bucket."

"And me, it's different."

"I want to cross them, it's very simple."

"That is……"

"Send them to reincarnation!"

After all, the crossing stick in Ling Tian's hand suddenly fell to the ground.


With a bang, Lao Hou's body was soaring into the sky, roaring and roaring, he could be heard from a hundred miles away.

"This stick is called Du'er."

"This trick is for Sanskrit to have no appearance, and to suppress evil!"

Having said that, Ling Tian suddenly turned the Du'er stick, a sound of Sanskrit, shaking away from the stick.

And a wave of energy, like a tide in the sky, rolling away with Ling Tian as the center.


Wherever the Sanskrit Voice of Suppressing Evil passed, those black evil demon emperors were all dead.

Even the spirit of resentment among them has nothing to hide, and dissipates between the world.

The Buddha's prestige bursts, and for a moment, it is shaking thousands of miles, the mountain of resentment, and it is completely wiped out, and it is silent for a moment.

With the Du'er stick on his back, Ling Tian looked at Wukong and the others who were stunned.

"Now, do you understand?"

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