Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1408: Competition stick method

Above the gorge, Ling Tian's five fingers clasped on the Du'er stick, and his vitality converged. Only the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Jue was turned on. The blood boiled in his body, and the roar of a torrential river was heard, as if it contained majestic power.

The Du'er stick slowly lifted up, and pressure slowly diffused from Lingtian's body, and the deep dragon roar quietly echoed in his body, his eyes were slightly fiery looking at the dragon ape like a mountain in front of him.

"bring it on!"

"I let you..."

Facing the fourth-tier top demon emperor.

Ling Tian still let the other party.

Moreover, Ling Tian, ​​who started the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Battle, was still greatly reduced in combat power.

The only difference is that Ling Tian is now holding the Du'er stick in his hand.

The spirit and wisdom of the Golden Dragon Ape can naturally understand Ling Tian's words.

The contempt in Ling Tian's voice was undoubtedly the biggest provocation. The golden dragon ape hammered his body roaring, and the next moment, the golden light exploded, directly transforming into a human form.

After the transformation, the dragon and ape's body was like a golden cast, with muscles stretched out, and the power of the flesh rolled over, directly sweeping the surrounding mountains, rocks, and trees to pieces.

And in his hand, there is also a golden stick.

It was also a coincidence that the weapon in this dragon ape's hand was actually a stick.

"Human Race, I can smell the breath of Dragon Race from you."

"If you destroy you, this dragon breath can help me get rid of the control of the black evil!"

"So, you must die today."

Long Yuan looked at the sneer that suddenly rose on Ling Tian's face, but some evil fire surged in his heart, and the smile that wanted to come to Ling Tian was really a bit hateful in his eyes.


A fierce light passed through Long Yuan's eyes, and immediately the golden club in his hand shook fiercely, and there was a harsh roar, as if there were mountains in it, and when it moved, the world shook!

"Hi, this Hun Yuanzong's top demon emperor is so strong."

"That's right, both the sword and the combat power are stronger than the Wolf Emperor of Shanhaizong."

"Well, so, I can have a few more moves with Ling Tian. I heard that Ling Tian has practiced a stick technique. We hadn't seen it well before in the Mount of Resentment, but now we can observe it carefully."

"Yes, Ling Tian is a pervert, so you don't need such a powerful sword..."

Ran Min and the others all gathered around, talking and laughing. Although they were slightly surprised at Long Yuan's strength, they didn't worry about Ling Tian.

Among the crowd, Wukong of Fahua Temple also had no intention of looking for an opportunity. He stood there with his hands folded, his eyes staring at Ling Tian who was holding Du'er in his hand.


But at this moment, there was a burst of breaking through the air in the valley, and the dragon ape also flickered with golden light and shadow, and directly slammed it out.

But between the golden light lingering, the space was torn layer by layer, the dragon ape body is strong, but the speed is like electric shot.

However, in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Ling Tian, ​​and the golden stick in his hand shattered the void, condensing into a golden phantom, like a mountain, covering Ling Tian, ​​smashing in shock!

Although it has become the Black Fiend Demon Emperor, this dragon ape is obviously still extremely intelligent, and his shot is determined and fierce, and he has no intention of keeping his hands. After the stick shadow, the entire canyon is violently roaring and trembling.

It can be seen that his stick is fierce.

The golden stick figure rapidly enlarged in Ling Tian’s eyes, and immediately lifted his palm, a dark red light suddenly swept out, and then Lao Hou’s figure violently violently hit the mountain stick figures. together.


The thick sound of gold and iron swayed along with the sparks, and the first rod of the dragon ape, like this, was resolved by Ling Tian's stick, and the dragon ape was directly shaken back.

Although not very embarrassed, it still makes people feel the tyranny of Ling Tian.

The two are head-to-head.

call out!

However, Ling Tian did become more and more brave. His figure flew out violently, like a dragon, suddenly bullying the dragon ape, the shadow of the dragon and phoenix surging all over his body, vaguely, the sound of dragons roared continuously.

Long Yuan looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was approaching him in an instant, and his pupils shrank slightly. Then, he noticed a dangerous wave emanating from Ling Tian's body in front of him.


The dragon yin resounded, a terrifying offensive, like a flood bursting out of a dike, Ling Tian did not rush to use ultimate moves, but picked up the sky full of stick shadows, and smashed towards the vital point of the dragon ape's body. Going away seems to be venting the endless physical power in the body.

The dragon ape reignited and showed weakness, holding a stick to greet him.

Jingle bells.

The nunchakus kept shaking in the air, and there were waves of terror.

Such fierce close-to-hand combat made a look of dignity in the eyes of many experienced combatants present, and they naturally could see how fierce Ling Tian's offensive was.

It’s just that, every time he shook the stick in Ling Tian’s hand, Long Yuan could feel the terrifying force that passed down the golden stick into his hand, and a dignified expression appeared in the depths of his eyes immediately, only after the real fight, Only then could I clearly perceive what a terrifying explosive force contained in this human race's seemingly thin body.

And, the terrible weapons in his hands.

He, who had always been known for his power among the Demon Emperor, actually felt a little unable to resist.

Bang bang bang!

The two figures were intertwined like ghosts and enchanted, and the extremely astonishing wind swept away, and even the people far beyond the canyon could not bear the spreading fierce might.

The gazes around were also staring at the two fiercely fighting figures with surprise and solemnity at this time. Naturally, they could see that both of them were extremely ruthless, and they moved straight to the point. Hit, I'm afraid that no one will be better...

"Awesome, really amazing. Ling Tian is a freak and perverted, and he has reached the pinnacle like this."

"Yes, and the physical body is so powerful. The physical exercises he has practiced are probably at the super-grade supernatural power level."

"If this continues, the dragon ape should not last long."

"Well, but both are useless, let's look at it again."

Those many eyes locked on the two figures who were fighting in the field, and some murmurs continued to spread. The fierce battle between the two was unexpectedly fierce.


Suddenly the platinum halo in Ling Tian's hand suddenly burst into a platinum halo, and fell heavily on the golden rod of the dragon ape. The violent power smashed the golden rod and the quasi-celestial soldiers.


The majestic force exploded, Ling Tian was another stick, shaking the dragon ape into the sky.

In this way, Ling Tian was always fighting against the dragon ape.

"Human, I admit, you are a bit powerful."

In the canyon, Long Yuan held the golden stick tightly in his palm and slowly raised his head. He looked at Ling Tian in front, and suddenly grinned, but that smile was filled with hideousness.

He lifted the golden stick, locked Ling Tian, ​​and whispered, "But, it's over."


As the words of the dragon and ape fell, the monstrous dragon and ape tribe’s huge monster energy gushed from their body like a tide, and the golden stick in his hand also bloomed with a magnificent golden light at this moment. .

Finally, this dragon ape is going to fight Ling Tian to a life and death.

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