Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1413: Heaven and Earth

Ling Tian was the first to enter the Five Elements Realm.

But at the moment he entered this space, his vision was so strong that his vision was constantly blurred. He vaguely felt that his body was wrapped by an extremely powerful spatial force, heading in one direction, speeding forward. With.

However, he couldn't see the light and shadow in front of him.

In the darkness, suddenly there was a spot of light, gradually zooming in.

Ling Tian was shocked, because the light spot was getting bigger and bigger, and in the end he seemed to fly above the light spot. At this time, Ling Tian suddenly discovered that the light spot was actually the epitome of this secret hidden away from the sky. !

On it, he found eight areas, even the Hidden Sun Sect and the Shanhai Sect in the Moon-Hidden Land.

In the light and shadow, he also saw the complete warrior who was madly conquering and killing.

Even within the Five Elements Realm at the core, there is no exception.

Terrifying magical powers, shining in the sky, one by one quasi-celestial soldiers, soaring into the sky, one by one the noble ancient monster beasts roaring up to the sky, one by one like a mountain-like spiritual treasure, manifesting among the mountains, one by one An ancient seal character shining with extremely dazzling divine light, floating in the sky, a proud man of heaven who is hiding the divine light, holding a soldier in the air.

It was a magnificent and prosperous era of martial arts.

However, this huge continent finally died at a certain time in an instant.

The impact swept across the entire continent, and at the core, a black suffocating air column that reached the sky fell from the sky and penetrated into the core, like a black sky-reaching pillar erected on the continent.

Although all warriors were aware of the horror coming, the formations lit up on the mainland, like stars on the earth.

The formations were connected to each other, and after a while, they condensed into a layer of formation enchantment, enveloping the Five Elements Realm.

But it was useless, the black evil spirit, like a catastrophe from the sky, penetrated the barrier and oscillated in the core of the mainland.

But in just a few breaths, everything on this continent ceased to exist.

From now on, the fragments of the continent began a long and lonely drift in the universe.

This, is it the formation of this fragment and the scene where the martial arts collapsed?

Where did that terrifying black evil spirit come from?

Why did you suddenly attack this continent?

Ling Tian was just suspicious just now, his eyes suddenly trance, all the light and shadow, all disappeared.

In the field of vision, there is a chaos, I don't know up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south, the sky is spinning.

When Ling Tian's vision regained his vision, the soles of his feet were already on the surface of the water, and all he could see was the endless blue ocean and the blue sky with flowing clouds.

Here, it doesn't seem to be a sad scene like the end of the world. The breeze is floating, and what is blowing is the refreshment above the vast sea, and the pure and extremely, very comfortable and rich heaven and earth essence.

Looking at it, this space is extremely vast, and there is a prosperous atmosphere everywhere.

It seems that it doesn't look like a destroyed world, at least, it doesn't look like this.

However, Ling Tian followed his line of sight and looked into the distance, but he could see a beam of light rising into the sky, straight into the crack in the center of the sky, without seeing the end.

But this beam of light was not black, nor was it like the black beam that destroyed the world. It was just that the beam of light shone from the cracks in the sky.

But what it was, Ling Tian didn't know.

The space rift that destroyed the space is still there. It seems that the sky in front of you is but also transformed by the barrier that covers the Five Elements Realm, not the real sky.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, he paid more and more attention to this Tianwai secret.

It seems that there is a big secret hidden here.

Moreover, in the light and shadow just now, in addition to the Lingbao, the quasi-immortal soldier, and a prince of Tianjiao from the ancient times, Ling Tian also saw five ancient seal characters shining with divine light, lying horizontally in the void. .

Ling Tian couldn't be familiar with that thing anymore.

"Here, there is a Martial Soul of the Beginning!"

This, Ling Tian had to be surprised.

Because, as far as Ling Tian knew, in the Southern Tang Realm, the Wuhun of the Beginning only existed in the dojo.

Except for Zhongzhou, there are twenty-four in the other eight states, four seas, and twelve secret realms. However, some of them were not seen by Ling Tian, ​​and they may have even been taken away.

However, it was the first time Ling Tian had seen Taichu Wuhun in this world.

Moreover, it is still in the secret of the outside world where the Hundred Sects Competition is held.

This, how can we not let Ling Tian be shocked?

Huh huh!

At this time, a light and shadow fell behind him, and Qin Mingyue, Wukong and others were also here.

"Wow, is this the Five-Star Realm? It looks like, how come it is like a fairy mountain blessed land!"

"Well, this used to be the sacred place of the sect in this Tianwai Secret Treasure. Those who can open mountains and establish factions here are not ordinary sects. Even if some are not as good as the mountains and seas, they are much stronger than others."

"However, when you just teleported in, might you see those lights and shadows?"

"Have you all seen it? I thought I had hallucinations!"

When Ran Min and others fell, they started talking.

However, the more than 5,000 warriors who followed Ling Tian also saw those lights and shadows.

"Unexpectedly, that prosperous martial art was destroyed by a pillar of black evil."

"Well, have you noticed that when the Five Elements Realm was attacked by the black evil spirits, I looked very familiar with the formations that were activated, as if they were arranged in accordance with thirty-six heavens and seventy-two earth evils. It's done."

"The position of the sect in the Five Elements Realm does not seem to be random."

At this moment, the little Ayou in a Taoist robe frowned.

"Oh? Thirty-six Tiangang? Little Ayou, are you right?" Ran Min scratched his head, "But, what are the seventy-two of the thirty-six you said, what is it?"

"I really didn't pay attention to these." Liu Min and others also looked at Xiao Ayou, obviously ignorant of this.

"My Daoist disciple, since I was a child, I have comprehended the art of compassion and the stars. I will never misunderstand the position of the heavens and stars."

The little Ayou said with a serious and cold face: "I can conclude that within these five element worlds, no matter which world it is in the world of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the sect, except for the core, there are a total of 108."

"Among them, there are thirty-six surrounding the outer layer of the core, arranged according to the extremely strict position of the thirty-six heavens and stars, and on the outer layer, there are a total of seventy-two, and they are also arranged according to the seventy-two earthshakes, without difference. ."

"So in that light and shadow, when the Five Elements Realm was attacked by the Black Fiend, the formations were all opened, and the power of one hundred and eight stars was assembled to form a great formation that penetrated the sky and formed the Five Elements enchantment behind us. ."

"It's just that I couldn't stop the black evil aura..."

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