Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1416: The person who once insulted Zhang Jing [big


When Hou Li's voice fell, the black sharp blade on top of his head suddenly collapsed into a cloud of smoke, disappearing without a trace.

But this was the ninth-tier top spirit treasure, and it disappeared for no reason, naturally for the purpose of attack.

The power of this class of Lingbao is extremely powerful, comparable to an ordinary super-grade magical power strike.

Compared with Fu Zhuan, Lingbao's advantage is that it can be used repeatedly, and its texture is tough. The ordinary weapons and protection of Lingbao are useless at all.

"Master Wukong, be careful!"

Ran Min and the others looked at it from a distance, but even exclaimed.

They can know the power of the ninth-tier top-level Lingbao, and everyone present today can block the power of the Lingbao, absolutely no more than three people.

Although Wukong is the top spot in a domain, he lacks the top spirit treasure, which is the biggest shortcoming.

"Haha, I really laughed, dare to use your spirit treasure to bully people before I wait? When we don't exist?"

Qin Shaoyang laughed, the golden Hunyuan hammer directly suspended behind him, and then slammed into the space in front of Wukong.


With a harsh explosion, sparks splashed in the void, and a black sharp blade at the front of the Hunyuan Hammer was directly knocked out.

It is the top spirit treasure hidden in the void.


Hou Li was completely desperate. He didn't expect that the other party's reaction would be so fast, and the Hunyuan Hammer seemed to be more powerful than his Lingbao.

Lingbao shook wildly, and Hou Li couldn't help but a mouthful of blood poured out from his mouth, hurting him.

"Amitabha, you demon disciple, let's put your hands down!"

Wukong glanced at the Hunyuan Golden Hammer floating above his head, and said a Buddha's name, the golden light in his hand burst into flames, the sea of ​​Qi vibrated, and the golden stick in his hand was smashed between the waves of Buddha's sound.

"Jin Yao Lei Shan is destroyed!"

An angry shout raged from Wukong's mouth, and everyone looked at it, but they found that Wukong was full of Buddha's light at this time, but he did not think that the meaning of gentleness, but the whole body was awe-inspiring, like an angry King Kong, not angry !


The shadow of the stick was condensed into a golden thunder and lightning mountain, wherever it passed, the sky was covered by the sun, and the wind was raging, attracting countless eyes on the battlefield.

"Haha, it's amazing."

Rao was Ling Tian, ​​nodding his head in praise in the air at this time.

He handed the Golden Thunder Mountain Stick Technique to Wukong in just over half a year, and the opponent was already able to perform this trick Sword Yao Thunder Mountain was destroyed!

Moreover, Wukong's cultivation base also skyrocketed very quickly. In addition to his extraordinary talent, Ling Tian guessed that there must be a treasure in his hands on this monk.

And in all likelihood, it is the baby who can control the flow of time or can quickly improve martial arts.

As for what it was, Ling Tian didn't know.

"Do not!"

Facing such a tyrannical stick like Wukong, Hou Li was already shocked. He didn't realize until now that these warriors from the Western Regions were more fierce than one by one, and he couldn't afford to provoke them.

But now, he has been injured, and the top spirit treasure is suppressed by the Hunyuan Hammer. He has no choice but to resist desperately!

Bang bang bang!

The divine light of the runes was shattered by the suppression of the golden thunder and lightning mountains. When it fell on Na Hou Li, the divine light of his body was shattered in an instant.


When the golden mountain fell on the ground, shaking its sky full of smoke, everyone on the battlefield stopped fighting.

The golden mountains were transformed by the shadow of vitality sticks and gradually disappeared.

But everyone suddenly discovered that Hou Li had been smashed into a pool of blood in the deep pit where the mountain quake fell, and he couldn't die anymore.

In the beginning, Ling Tian used the Sanskrit soundless stick method to take over the dragon ape’s Jin Yao Leishan, but now this Hou Li was directly killed by this move.

"Amitabha, everyone can stop..."

Wu Kong's aura of killing fell, but at this time, on the battlefield, the more than two thousand warriors who originally belonged to Hou Li had already been killed and injured more than half, leaving less than a thousand people.

Even at the moment Hou Li died, he turned around and fled without hesitation at all.

"Hmph, those who are willing to surrender will avoid death!"

"If not, kill!"

Ran Min gave an order, and the warriors of the Northern Territory changed their expressions, but desperately broke through.

But in the end, few can escape the siege.


Wukong couldn't bear it, so he flew down, put away Hou Li's things, and then returned to Ling Tian and stood there.

"Master Wukong, you have also seen that they are not willing to surrender to us. If they are let go, it will be a big problem in the future. We must consider the warriors of the Western Regions."

"Moreover, we don't want the resources they have already obtained, nor do we want their lives."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"The poor monk knows that this Tianwai Secret Store is originally the Shura Field. It is the wishful thinking of the poor monk to want undead."

Wukong folded his hands together without squinting.


Ling Tian took a deep look, and didn't say any more.

Half an hour later, Ling Tian led more than 5,000 people and continued to fly towards the center of the Five Elements Realm.

In the first battle of Zhenhaizong, more than 1,700 warriors in the Northern Territory were directly killed. Except for those who fled, there were only a few hundred people who were willing to return, and most of them were not strong.

But the gains from this battle are small.

Hou Li and others swept through the three sect sites including Zhenhai Sect, and the resources they obtained were extremely rich, especially Zhenhai Sect. Among his storage rings, there were three books from the sect. There are countless supernatural powers and countless crystal bead elixirs, and even this platinum diamond.

This thing, Ling Tian's group swept through the remains of seven sects, but only found two pieces.

However, the most generous are the quasi-celestial soldiers in Hou Li's hands and the black top spirit treasure.

The quasi-celestial soldier was burned by Ling Tian with eighteen layers of slaughter flames, and the **** aura on it was wiped out quickly, so that the original blood-red sword became transparent and clear, engraved with the word blue whale, and then bestowed it on Liu Min .

For this, Liu Min was naturally grateful.

Because now Liu Min's ranking in the team is only in the top 20, people who are much better than him still use the best kings. For example, that Zhang Jing is like that.

But the sword users, except for Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue, he was ranked third, so despite the envy of others, there was no way, and Liu Min's time with Ling Tian was not short, and no one was unconvinced.

As for the top-level spirit treasure, it is called Slaughter Soul Blade. Although it is a top-level spirit treasure, it is slightly inferior to the Hunyuan Hammer in power, but its value can be hidden in the void, specializing in the spirit of the martial artist, if it is used as a sneak attack Few people can resist it.

The preciousness of this spiritual treasure is the worst after entering the Five Elements Realm, and it was bestowed by Ling Tian to Zhen Mo Ran.

Although Zhen Mo Ran is already strong enough now, no one is more suitable for this spirit treasure than her.

In this way, in the ranking of combat power, Zhen Moran completely distanced himself from Ran Min and the others.

Although Monk Wukong didn't get anything, he absorbed Hou Li's brand, and his name directly surpassed Ling Tian and reached the 30th place in the overall list.

In the following time, Ling Tian and others encountered two sect ruins that had been swept by people in succession, and they also understood that all the sects of the fourteen evil stars should have been found.

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems that we are going to the sect of the Tiangang star position. I estimate that we will soon meet the 20th ranked Southern Region Tianjiao."

Liu Min mentioned Zhuxian Bingdao.


"The top of the Dui Ziyu domain, Nanhua Sword Sect, Xin Youzhi."

Zhang Jing glanced at the name on the sign, and suddenly laughed at herself: "This guy, I used to go to the Southern Region to meet him for discussion."

"The results of it?"

Ning Cai'er wiped her neck crookedly, as if asking.


"They are the disciples of the seven overlord-level sects in the Southern Territory, and they are veritable Tianjiao nobles. What am I Zhang Jing?"

"As a result, I waited for a month with a knife under the gate of Nanhua Mountain, but I didn't see Xin Youzhi."

"Later, he asked his disciple to come down the mountain to pass a message to me. He said that if I agreed to his terms, he could give me three strokes of the sword."

Zhang Jing laughed at himself and shook his head, as if he couldn't bear to look back.

"Oh? He still has the conditions, what conditions, I am very curious."

Ran Min smiled.

Everyone also glanced at each other, quite interested.

"He said, if I promise to be a slave to him, he will fight me."


Ran Min was taken aback, put down his hands, and said angrily: "Let you be a jade-faced swordsman, be his sword slave? Is he Xin Youzhi crazy!?"

"Fuck, he's shameless, the dog sees people low?" Liu Min and others were also extremely astonished.

"Hehe, I haven't had a chance to meet this Xin Youzhi, but in the Southern Territory, everyone knows that this guy is extremely arrogant in nature, almost except for the people in the Qiantian Battle Hall, he has never looked at it." Zhen Mo Ran also Sneered, "But there is no way, who makes him a famous genius in the Southern Territory? Among the seven overlord-level sects, Nanhua is also ranked third."

"Very strong."

"Haha, don't say it, I really like this kind of arrogant and deceptive guy. When that happens, I will slap his face severely and ask him if he wants a slave slave!"

Qin Shaoyang sneered.

"Of course I want to see that scene too, but now I am not his opponent. Before entering the Secret Vault, he has already understood the power of the domain. He is really a very powerful guy. Don't you Underestimated him." Zhang Jing shrugged.

Although he has been insulted, Zhang Jing now doesn't care much.

"Don't worry, we will fight you back for this face."

"You can kill you, but you are not strong enough. But insulting you, no."

Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue, who were standing on Xiaoqing's head, turned around, suddenly raising the corners of their mouths.

"He is not qualified..."

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