Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1420: Qin Mingyue's power

"Let me go?"

When Qin Mingyue's words came out of her mouth without mercy, Xin Youzhi's complexion turned black almost instantly.

He stared at Qin Mingyue, his cheeks trembling with shame, "It's just a lowly warrior from the Great Desolate State, and it's really shameless. Today, I will let you know what is the arrogant leader and what is the ant. !"

When the voice fell, Xin Youzhi's tyrannical domain power swept away again, holding a purple sword in his hand, raging sharply, breaking the void!


Before Xin Youzhi had made a move, the power of that domain was like a raging wave, rushing towards Qin Mingyue with a fierce aura.

Trying to defeat Qin Mingyue directly with momentum.

"Hehe, something overwhelming."

Qin Mingyue's expression was indifferent, his thoughts moved slightly, and the majestic sword intent evolved into the mighty moon, blooming out of his body.

How grand is the light of the bright moon?

In an instant, Qin Mingyue was wrapped by Yuehua, as if the moon was above the sky.

Every sword light behind it is like an imaginary sword shadow of the moon, majestic and white, illuminating the world.


Qin Mingyue's Flying Moon Sword hadn't been out of its sheath, and the power of the sword domain had already confined the space. Under the attack, the force of Xin Youzhi's wind blade domain was directly rushed, and it was impossible to defeat the army.


Forced by the force of this sword domain, Xin Youzhi was directly shaken back for several steps.

"This... is this the power of the sword domain of the perfect realm?"

Xin Youzhi was shocked, his face was full of horror.

He never expected that a woman from this wild state would have such a powerful field power!

The domain power of the Realm of Consummation is now, and this kind of innate will is only above the overall list, so only a few guys have it, and it will definitely not exceed the number of five fingers.

But of those people, which one is not called a perverted evildoer?

Even many fourth-order martial emperors can’t comprehend the power of the realm of the primary Consummation realm. Why is this Qin Mingyue?

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you are really that amazing!"

"I am not a vegetarian, Xin Youzhi, how can you resist this cut!"

At the end of the speech, Xin Youzhi put away the astonishment in his heart, and raised the purple-gold quasi-celestial soldier in his hand, pouring the power of the domain into it, and a fierce blade of light fell from his hand!

This knife is far more powerful than when it was placed against Zhang Jing.

Liu Min was right. If Zhang Jing were to take Xin Youzhi's second cut, he would probably die.

"Hahahaha, what about the power of the perfect sword domain, my sword is not an ordinary quasi-immortal soldier, and my Purple Gold Star Breaking Slash is not comparable to ordinary supernatural powers!"

With a slash, Xin Youzhi laughed loudly, as if he was extremely confident about it.

"But so."

The corners of Qin Mingyue’s mouth under her visor lifted, and the next moment, the power of the sword domain gathered, the light of the bright moon condensed on her bare hand, and the majestic kendo will escaped into the scabbard in her hand. The next moment, suddenly Pull out the Moon Sword!


The sound of the sword is like thunder, and the light is like a bright moon.

A sword came out, like an aurora, and with a buzzing sound, it slashed out with the dazzling light of the moon.


The light of Xin Youzhi's sword almost literally touched Qin Mingyue's sword light, it was like a landslide, shattered directly.

But that Haoyue sword light was still strong, slashing down, and instantly enveloped Xin Youzhi.


Exclaimed, Xin Youzhi hurriedly activated the vitality guard, and then the long knife in his hand was crossed, trying to block.


With a blast, a sword light like a giant sword directly shattered all the vitality of Xin Youzhi's body, and even the long knife in his hand was unable to hold himself under the impact of the power of the sword domain. Out.

Amid the thunderous noise, Xin Youzhi's figure exploded, his internal organs churning. His face was shocked for a while, his eyes raised up to look at Qin Mingyue, his eyes filled with shock.

He couldn't even resist Qin Mingyue's sword power!

At this time, his tiger's mouth was already cracked and blood was flowing.

"You who can't stop a sword, dare to insult our people?"

Qin Mingyue flashed mockery in her eyes, and said faintly, "Just your combat power is just a joke."

Slowly put down the Flying Moon Sword in his hand, Qin Mingyue didn't use all his strength with the sword just now.

Xin Youzhi's face was grim, with crazy shame in his eyes, apparently he hadn't expected that he would suffer such a big loss in the hands of the other person in a face-to-face encounter.

However, he Xin Youzhi is the arrogant of the Southern Territory, and he cannot accept defeat after receiving all the praise and admiration.

Moreover, it was such a shameful failure.

call out!

Xin Youzhi flashed and flew again, but at this moment a spirit treasure that looked like an incense burner suddenly appeared behind him, with flames lingering on it, and there seemed to be a series of swords bred in it.

And a powerful wave of coercion also broke out in an instant.

"I still have the top spirit treasure, the purple furnace!"

After that, the shiitake mushrooms slammed into Qin Mingyue, with sharp wind blades on them, their attack power extremely powerful.

But Qin Mingyue's face was calm and calm.

"The mere sparks are so sharp, don't be ashamed and conspicuous anymore."

"Shanhai bottle, seal the town!"

With Qin Mingyue’s sweet drink, the Lingbaoshan sea bottle appeared on top of her head, holding the white jade bottle with one hand, Qin Mingyue muttered words, the next moment, the color of the water, like the Yangtze River, swept out with a roar Middle is to surround the stove.

Not only that, after Qin Mingyue's voice of sealing the town, a chill of the frozen heaven and earth instantly shocked the furnace, and even the purple spirit treasure fire on it was instantly extinguished.

"Hehe, this treasure is actually pretty good, I laughed it off."

The purple furnace was frozen in ice, and Qin Mingyue directly erased the connection between it and Xin Youzhi and put it in the bag.


Lingbao was taken away, Xin Youzhi's effort was greatly damaged, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he was seriously injured again.

Two moves.

A lighting, first the weapon's blade was shaken off, and now even the Lingbao was taken away.

He Xin Youzhi was suppressed again and again.



However, Qin Mingyue put away the purple furnace, and raised his hand to be a sword shadow of vitality, cut down.

Now that Xin Youzhi is seriously injured, he doesn't have to work hard if he wants to take him down.

Although it was only a sword shadow condensed with aura, the power in this field still glowed with light.


"Then you really underestimated me!"

Although Xin Youzhi was very embarrassed at this time, purple light surged under his purple armor, which seemed to be a defensive technique.

"Amethyst Bodyguard!"

A strange crystal light emerged from his body, and a light armor of Condensing City, together with the purple battle armor, wrapped Xin Youzhi's whole body.


When Qin Mingyue's sword aura blasted on the armor, a loud and deafening noise broke out. The continuous explosion sound resounded in all directions, and this terrifying blow only shattered the light armor.

Did not kill Xin Youzhi.

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