Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1423: Dan River Golden Lock

Xiao Ayou naturally wouldn’t refuse. After all, this kind of quasi-immortal soldier's floating dust can't be met. Just now, Wei Daozi used this Chaoyuan floating dust to meet the enemy. Although he could not exert its once tyrannical power, this floating dust was accurate. Among the fairy soldiers, the ranking is not bad.

In this way, Xiao Ayou has also become the eleventh strong man with a quasi-celestial soldier.

Except for the quasi-celestial soldiers, what everyone is concerned about is naturally Lingbao.

Open Wei Daozi's storage bag, among them there are many spirit treasures, most of them are 7th and 8th ranks, which are used to exchange for other warriors, which is excellent.

Ling Tian suddenly raised his mouth slightly, and took out a small cyan flag from it.

"Yes, there is really a top spirit treasure."

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused, and Qin Shaoyang's eyes lit up: "Hey, Flag Lingbao? This thing is rare!"

The others also nodded again and again, and Zhen Moran smiled: "This Lingbao comes from Wei Daozi. It seems that the quality will not be bad."

"There is the word Qingyan on the flag. It is a top-level Lingbao Qingyan Banner. Although I don't know what it is for, it is undoubtedly a Taoist Lingbao."

Ling Tian took a close look at the flag, then threw it to Xu Zaidao, "The dust is given to Xiao Ayou, this, I will give it to you."

"give me?"

Xu Zaidao was startled, never expected that such Lingbao would fall on his head.

You know, Liu Minning, Cai'er, Kou Zhun and the others, who are now more powerful, still don't have top-level spirit treasures.

And his own ranking has not yet entered the top 100 of the overall list.

"Otherwise, now in the team, you and Xiao Ayou are the only two Taoist disciples. Take it. It's also pressure for you. You have to work hard to improve your cultivation."

Ling Tian nodded.

Xu Zaidao and Li Jingjing were the secrets from the outside world who came in with him.

There were only a few people in Dahuangzhou, and they were considered his direct descendants, and Ling Tian definitely wouldn't treat them badly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, nor will Zongmen be ashamed of me."

Xu Zaidao took the Qingyan Lingbao Banner and clenched his fists.

"Well, it's good if you have the heart."

Ling Tian nodded. For Xu Zaidao, Ling Tian was still very optimistic. As long as he was given time and sufficient resources, he might not be worse than Ran Min, Zhang Jing and others.

In addition to a quasi-celestial soldier and a top-level spirit treasure, Wei Daozi also contributed several powerful superb martial arts, but without exception, they are all inherited from the Taoist school, and they are useless. They can only be cheaper for Xiao Ayou and Xu Zaidao. .

It is foreseeable that these two Dao Sect disciples can definitely show off the style of Dao Sect disciples in the next Hundred Sects Comparison.

"Hehe, there is another monster egg."

Ling Tian suddenly took out a pure white monster egg from the storage bag. This monster egg was about the size of a small melon, with snow-white fluorescence flashing in it, and on the eggshell, it was still There is a spirit that looks like a crane, swimming slowly.

"Crane monster? This is rare!"

The crowd gathered around, all marveling at this monster egg.

But this monster egg looks shining, and the blood pressure is stronger than the ones obtained before.

"How is this divided?"

Ran Min shook his head and said: "Anyway, I always don't want it. Who is all right to bring such a white crane out? It loses face."

"Cut, you don't like it, we really like it!"

Ning Cai'er's eyes were full of hope.

"Why don't you women draw lots? Give it to whoever gets the draw."

Ling Tian made a final decision.

Then Qin Mingyue Zhen Mo Ran and Ning Cai'er and the daughters gathered together, and after a bit of twittering, the monster egg fell into Ning Cai'er's hands.

After Ning Cai'er dripped blood and recognized the master, the monster beast broke out of its shell, and it was a monster beast with the appearance of a small crane with pure white wings and flames above its head.

"Wow, it's really a fire-topped cloud crane! This bloodline is an ancient alien beast, and it must be at the overlord level now. Cai'er, you go back to the sect and cultivate it with the animal breeding tower. In the future, it will be enough to grow into a Tier 4 late monster. Emperor!"

Xiao Ayou said with envy.

"Well, but we have to wait for the Hundred Sects Competition. In the secret store outside the sky, the monster beast can't grow up."

Ning Cai'er was also very happy to see Yunhe.

"My God, is it gone? Is there any other baby?"

Qin Shaoyang rubbed his hands and asked.

Ling Tian turned the storage bag upside down, and only one thing resembling a golden lock fell from it.

"what is this?"

Everyone frowned.

"This is... Danhe Golden Lock! It locks Danhe!"

Liu Min exclaimed, "I have seen records in the ancient books in this Tianwai Secret Collection. It is said that powerful sects have the ability to seal the resources needed for cultivation in special treasures, because they look like golden locks. , So it is called Dan River Golden Lock, but the number of Dan Rivers in it is at least 50."

"Fifty Dan Rivers? My dear, this number is simply the sum of all the sects in our water world, right?"

When everyone heard the words, they exclaimed again.

"That is inevitable. I am afraid that Wei Daozi penetrated through at the end and locked all the Dan Rivers in the sect. It can be said that this golden lock is the real resource treasure."

Liu Min gasped with a stern look on his face.

Everyone also looked astonished. Fifty Dan Rivers, these resources were enough for ordinary Tianjiao to consume for several years, even if it were to cultivate to the peak of the soul, it was enough.

You know, like Zhen Mo Ran Ran Min and others, the Dan River resources allocated in their hands are only about two, and Qin Mingyue has only five resources. Moreover, these Dan Rivers have not yet been used to refine and consume them to improve their cultivation.

Ling Tian frowned. Now he is really short of cultivation resources, because he has never made a move along the way, so he didn't grab Danhe with others.

He is now in the stage of Xiaozhuo in the late stage of the Yuanshen, and if he wants to make a breakthrough, three or five Dan Rivers are definitely not enough.

"In that case, this Danhe, we will..."

"Ling Tian, ​​I think it's better for you to keep this Danhe by yourself."

Before Ling Tian finished speaking, Zhang Jing suddenly said, "Ling Tian, ​​you are the backbone of all of us. Without you, we would not have been able to get here, nor would we be able to obtain quasi-immortal soldiers and top spirit treasures."

"Furthermore, this Danhe lock is in Chaotianmen, and it may also appear in the other four realms. The cultivation bases of Jiang Hao, You Qianshang and others are now even more likely, and they have broken through the Yuanshen late stage small perfection. The shackles, if you and their cultivation bases are pulled apart during the Hundred Sects comparison, it will be broken."

"So, you'd better keep this Danhe Golden Lock by yourself."

"Zhang Jing is right. You haven't taken anything along the way. We don't have that face. We share Danhe with you. The resources in our hands are enough to consume until the end of the 100 contests."

Ran Min patted his chest.

The two expressed their opinions, and the others also retreated.

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