Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1430: The fair begins

While everyone was talking, Jiang Hao had already led all the Tianjiao to the second floor.

But on the stairs, Zhang Heng, the third disciple of the Qiantian Battle Hall, told Jiang Hao about the abolition of the former Luo Ping.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's expression turned gloomy, and an icy chill swept through, causing everyone to stop and turn around to look over.

"Jiang Lang, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Weiyang smiled on Humei's face, and Lianbu shook lightly, stepping up to ask.

"Hehe, nothing serious, but I didn't expect that in this Fenglei City, there are still people who don't know me Jiang Hao."

Jiang Hao waved his hand, his expression changed, but in the end he recovered as usual. He stopped Yu Weiyang's waist and said, "Everyone, let's go upstairs first. Today, nothing is more important than the trade fair. For other things, when the trade fair is over, I will deal with."

However, Jiang Hao approached the Shuijie box on the second floor, but couldn't help stopping. He looked at the box with his back to everyone, without any intention of getting up, and he closed his eyes and shook his fan, with a happy background. Breath comes from it.

"Ha ha, Ling Tian in the water world, yes, ha ha, I won't clean up you now, but this trade fair, you don't want to get anything!"

After that, Jiang Hao took everyone away.

"Hehe, since it's a trade fair, Ling Tian has the right to speak. If I can get something, I'm afraid I still have to speak with my strength?"

However, what made Na You Qianyang, Yu Weiyang and others surprised.

The warrior in the water world box turned back.

where is this place?

Wind and Thunder City!

There are Jiang Hao's people everywhere, and Jiang Hao's temperament has always been a must-have!

This water world is now the weakest existence among the five worlds. The martial artist in it is ranked the highest, but it is in the top 20 of the total list. If it provokes the Qiantianzong gate, can it be released after the trade fair? It's all a problem if you have to go to Fenglei City.

Now, even dare to talk back! ?

Isn't this slap Jiang Hao in the face in front of everyone! ?


Jiang Hao's fist suddenly clenched tightly, and the surging vitality on his body was shaking wildly, reaching the brink of running away.

"Jiang Lang, it's just a group of humble people from the Western Regions and the Great Desolate State. Taking the water world, it is inevitable to get overwhelmed and get angry with them. Doesn't it give them face and hit their arms? Everything, until the end of the trade fair. Besides, this is the only time you have held a grand event in the Tianwai Secret Store. If it is spread outside in the future, it will surely make the envoy of the enchantment that day, you want to see it, don't mess it up."

Yu Weiyang clasped Jiang Hao's big hand tightly and persuaded.

"Huh, let's go."

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, with a gloomy expression, and stepped into the gold world box.

You Qianshang went into the fire world without waves. On the contrary, the gentleman of the Shengong Pavilion returned to the door of the water world box, took a deep look at the folding fan in Ling Tian's hand, frowned, his red lips moved, tried to speak several times, and finally stomped his feet. Back to the wooden world, I went to find Yu Weiyang.

The turmoil before the trade fair was quite shaken, but when everyone saw that Jiang Hao didn't immediately deal with the people in the water world, they didn't pay much attention to it.

As time is approaching, there are more and more warriors in this venue.

Suddenly, a bell rang in the venue, quieting the four parties, and a figure from the wooden box box flew down.

The skirt was like a lotus flower in full bloom, fluttering down, standing firmly on the platform in the center of the venue.

The beautiful shadow that suddenly appeared on the platform immediately became the focus of everyone in the venue. Liu Min didn't guess wrong, and it was the fairy Baixiao from the Shengong Pavilion, Wen Wan!

That Jiang Hao really moved her and let her preside over the trade fair.

As for Wen Wan's identity, all the people present at this time are already aware of it. This is the only person in the top 20 in the Tianwai Secret Treasure, who has a neutral position and does not move in the North and South. For a while, their eyes all changed in awe.

Those warriors who ranked high, had reduced their arrogant aura and watched intently.

"Hehe, the little girl is gentle, I won't say more about my identity. This time I was invited by Jiang Hao Jiang from the Palace of Dry Heaven to host this trade fair. Everyone understands the rules, and I can't control my gentleness. , I just don’t want someone to disturb the first trade fair hosted by the little girl."

With her gentle hands intertwined in front of her, she has the quiet temperament of everybody's lady, which makes many people fall over.

Although her appearance is not the most beautiful, her temperament is absolutely unique among the arrogant.

"Huh, you can rest assured that Girl Wen Wan, Jiang Hao and You Qiandan are both here today. If anyone dares to disrupt the trade fair and disturb Girl Wen Wan, I will definitely let Jiang Hao not survive or die!"

In the box, Jiang Hao's gaze swept across the audience faintly, but the vigorous voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Thank you Young Master Jiang Hao!"

Wen Wan bowed her body, and then glanced around, perhaps unintentionally, Zhang Jingzhen and others felt that Wen Wan looked in her direction at the end, paused for a breath, and then moved away.

Wen Wan would definitely not know them, so the only possibility was... Ling Tian.

For a moment, Zhang Jing and the others looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders, and secretly saying that this is really weird. No one can be indifferent to Ling Tian if they are women. How can this be reasonable?

"This trade fair is still conducted in the form of auctions. Of course, everyone can only bid by bartering or using Jingzhu Danhe."

"First of all, there are some treasures that Young Master Jiang Hao has collected in advance. Although there are not many, each one is extremely rare and will definitely open everyone's horizons!"

On the platform, he smiled quietly, and immediately waved his sleeves, dozens of bright lights burst out of his sleeves, and finally hovered over the case table in front of him.


The eyes of the audience condensed the past at this moment. In those bright lights, they could feel extremely powerful fluctuations. This thing is quite extraordinary just by looking at it!

And at the top of the dozens of light groups, there is a bright purple light group the size of a watermelon. Around the light group, there are circles of halo, faintly, an aura that makes countless people's heart palpitations spread quietly. Come.

Vaguely, everyone could vaguely see that the halo wrapped in it seemed to be an incense burner!

Under that kind of aura fluctuations, the entire venue quieted quietly, and then, almost everyone, including Ling Tian's eyes suddenly heated up, they knew that only something could have such a terrible aura fluctuations. .

Top Lingbao!

Sure enough, the rumors were true. Jiang Hao actually took out all the top spirit treasures for trading!

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