Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1436: Outside Fenglei City

"Hmph, then Ling Tian, ​​I still want to kill him personally!"

Liang Han sat there, his chest still undulating.

"What do you say, it's also my second disciple of the Heavenly Battle Hall, who was so disturbed by a desolate state to come to a humble warrior, and now he still knows nothing wrong?"

There was no expression on Jiang Hao's face at this time.

Compared to other Tianjiao, his ability to forbearance is truly impressive.

"Yes! Now this last Lingbao was auctioned by you in the Heavenly Battle Hall. See if you can get a good one, so that your two disciples will not have no Lingbao available until now."

Yu Weiyang looked at Jiang Hao and Liang Han and said roundly.

Upon seeing this, Liang Han thought of the top spirit treasure he hadn't taken advantage of yet, and now the incense burner was about to exchange for him, and immediately stopped making a sound.

"Wait slowly. I want to come quickly. If the evil comes over there, you can take the first level of Ling Tian and others."

Jiang Hao squinted his eyes, and the gaze that emerged from the gap was as sharp and cold as a poisonous snake.

It's not just the people in the Qiantian Battle Hall who are paying attention to Ling Tian and others. In the box of the earth world, Yan Hanfei thought about it, but he patted the table and got up to leave.

"Miss? Where are you going?"

Behind him, the girl Xiaodie also got up.

"Han Fei, you still don't care about the affairs of the Qiantian Battle Hall and those warriors in the Great Desolate State. Now our world is in a crack. If there are branches, the consequences will be unpredictable."

However, Shen Beifeng of the Demon Sword Gate held the sword to stop Yan Hanfei.

"Hehe, Shen Beifeng, when did you dare to take care of my affairs? Get out of here!"

Yan Hanfei's face became cold. For Shen Beifeng, if it hadn't been for his Demon Sword Sect and You Demon Sect's friendship for generations, Yan Hanfei would have broken with him.

Shen Beifeng was good to her, but this kind of goodness was like monitoring, and Yan Hanfei couldn't breathe at all.

"Han Fei, you have to understand that everything I do is for you, and only me is the person who is really good to you."

"Those nice little white faces, but they are just insignificant rubbish, you don't need to waste time on them..."

Shen Beifeng frowned and his tone gradually hardened.

"Shen Beifeng, what are you talking about? What little white face?"

"When did I, Yan Hanfei, become what you said? I'm going to see Zhen Mo Ran. She is my friend. I can't control other people's actions, but I don't allow others to touch her!"

"Shen Beifeng, I only say once, if you stop me, just get out of here!"

"You have to understand that you are not my opponent yet!"

Yan Hanfei's original immature face suddenly became gloomy, and even in his eyes, there was blood surging, her cherry lips became dark red, and her black hair was flying, her aura was already agitated, and it looked like It seemed to be demonized in an instant.


Suppressed by this momentum, Shen Beifeng stepped back and let go.


Yan Hanfei glanced sideways at him, then led Xiaodie and others hurriedly downstairs.

Not only that, but many of the other warriors in the venue also left.

After all, this last top-level spirit treasure has nothing to do with them, but it is not as interesting as the Ling Tian and the male evil of the water world.

On the platform, Wen Wanxin, who had a panoramic view of everything, became more anxious. In her opinion, Ling Tian and others could never escape the revenge of Qiantian Battle Hall.

But as the host of the trade fair, she couldn't get away.


Xiong Elai took Zhang Heng and a group of elite disciples from the Qiantian Battle Hall out of the venue, and followed the breath of Ling Tian and others, and chased straight out of the city gate.

However, what made Xiongyelai and others never expected was that when they slid out of the gate of Fenglei City, they discovered that the five Ling Tian and his party were hovering on the mountain outside Fenglei City.

It seems that there is no meaning to escape.

Instead, it seemed as if they were waiting for them to chase them out.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​it seems that you are also a little self-aware, knowing that you can't escape our pursuit!"

The male evil came forward with a big hammer and sneered.

"Idiot, I'm afraid you think too much, so we didn't want to escape! Here, we are waiting for you to die!"

Ling Tian didn't save any face, smashed his head and covered his face, just cursing back.

"what did you say?!"

The male evil came with a sigh, and it became dark.

Ling Tian criticized him as a domestic slave before, but now he is said to be an idiot, so he will be killed. How can this be tolerated?

In mid-air, at the intersection of the two lines of sight, faint sparks splashed and collided very intensely.

Inside and outside Fenglei City, many warriors who rushed out also pointed out that if this group of people fight together, perhaps it is a side-to-side slaughter, it should be quite interesting, right?

Not to mention the grievances between the two, Ling Tian now claims to be the head of the water world, with the Danhe Golden Lock on his body, but there may be some treasures. If they are really killed by the malevolent, they will definitely gain a lot of money. .

Secondly, it is the strength of the two.

Needless to say, although his real combat power can't really stand in the top five of the overall list, he is also the most outstanding disciple of the Southern Evil Valley. He belongs to the prestigious Tianjiao and ranks in the top ten of the overall list. of.

Since following Jiang Hao, he has swept all the way, no one is his opponent, and the method is also adhering to the Valley of the Evil, which is extremely cruel.

Anyone who is stared at by him is not easy to die.

On the other hand, Ling Tian was mysterious.

Everyone only knew that Ling Tian was a warrior in the Great Desolate State, but he unified two of the eight realms, and then swept through the water realm, such as Xin Youzhi and others. In the end, only four people were taken. Here comes Fenglei City.

Today, although its ranking on the overall ranking is only at the fiftyth place, many people are full of doubts about its true combat power.

If this guy is really the head of the water world, then it is very likely that he is a super dark horse!

Its ranking is too low, probably because it rarely shoots.

"Hmph, I Zhang Heng deal with them, that's enough!"

However, at this time Zhang Heng suddenly swept out from behind the male evil, picked up the weapon in his hand, and rushed out.

Ling Tian and the others have many treasures, and Zhang Heng is also selfish. If he can take them directly, then the treasures won't have to fall into the hands of the malevolent.

"Haha, I have never heard of the name of Zhang Heng in the Qiantian Battle Hall! But, you are not worthy to start with Ling Tian, ​​I will meet you!"

But behind Ling Tian, ​​one person also rushed out, it was Zhang Jing, a jade-faced swordsman!

"You deserve it too? Get off!"

But Zhang Heng is ashamed and angry. Now he is ranked tenth in the overall ranking, and Zhang Jing is not even in the top 20. How can he be worthy of playing against him?

A hook with azure light appeared in his hand, and his body was surging with the hook, and he slashed towards Zhang Jing.

"Haha, great!"

However, Zhang Jing did not see any fear, Chang Qiong suddenly pulled out of her sheath, and greeted him with a knife.

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