Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1458: Those who bow their heads live and those who raise their heads die

Even Jiang Hao and You Qianshan on the Jiu Cang Mountain could not conceal his edge.


The crimson quasi fairy sword was shattered, Yu Weiyang was penetrated by strength, a mouthful of blood spurted from Xiu's mouth, flew directly back, and fled to the direction of Jiucang Mountain.

At this moment, only panic remained in Yu Weiyang's eyes, and there was no more heart to resist Ling Tian.


However, shocked by the aftermath of Ling Tian's stick, the surrounding Southern Territory warriors vomited a big mouth of blood and their faces were extremely pale.


Ling Tian punched again, killing hundreds of people.

Blood splattered Feihong, wailing everywhere!

Ling Tian's eyes squinted, falling on Mo Gu who was shocked in the air.

This guy dares to hurt Qin Mingyue, he should die!


The whole body was golden light bursting, the dragon roars, the wind and thunder roar, and the sky is rampant, smashing the dry and rotten all the way. He turned into a streamer, like a **** of war, dancing with clubs, and all the princes who stood in front of him were killed.

"Mo Gu, let me see where you go!?"

The killing intent in Ling Tian's eyes was violent, and Mo Gu, as a warrior in the Great Desolate State, would never forgive him.

"No, don't come here!" Mo Gu's mind was about to collapse. Without the puppet, his combat power was greatly reduced and it was terrifying. At this moment, he was really scared.

This Ling Tian didn't seem to be a warrior born in the Great Desolate State at all.

He is too strong. He clearly already possesses the power of the primordial martial soul, but he can't suppress it. Mo Gu is desperate and keeps stepping back, his face full of embarrassment and despair.

No more arrogance and arrogance, no longer dare to show off as before.

While fleeing backwards, Mo Gu tried his best, madly sacrificing supernatural powers and martial arts, but in front of Ling Tian, ​​it was useless at all, and the supernatural powers were all torn apart during the wave.

"That's it!"

Just when Mo Gu was about to flee to Jiucang Mountain, Ling Tian had already arrived, his white hair danced wildly, and directly reached out his hand, the broken Yue seal fell, suppressing him under the Jiucang Mountain.

"No, you can't kill me, I can't die!"

Mo Gu's eyes were full of horror, he was struggling, he was begging, he didn't want to die.

"Why can't you die?"

Ling Tian hung in the sky, his big hand was like a mountain, letting Na Mogu struggle, he couldn't get rid of it.

"I am a peerless Tianjiao, I have been in the beginning, and in the future, I will certainly be able to become an immortal and be a pillar of the human race!" Mo Gu yelled.

"Hehe, the pillar of the human race? You deserve it too!"

"Whether it's right or wrong, you can kill in the same state, you are the arrogant, and you want to be the pillar of the human race? It's just a curse, and there is more to die!"

Ling Tian screamed, his big hands gradually hardened, and the earth began to hum.

"Ling Tian! Mo Gu is a warrior in the Great Desolate State, if you dare to kill him, you are too Huazong, absolutely unable to gain a foothold in the Great Desolate State!"

Outside the Jiucang Mountain, the elder Mo Ming of the Wan Puppet Gate suddenly stood up, unable to hold back anymore, and roared far away.

He is threatening!

No way, he couldn't accept that Mo Gu, who possessed the primordial martial soul, died like this!

The ups and downs of his ten thousand puppets are all on this disciple!

"Great Desolate State Martial Artist? When he took action against my people, did he ever think that he is also a Great Desolate State Martial Artist?"

"Threat Taihuazong? It also depends on your Wan Puppet Sect, it already exists!"

Ling Tian sneered, bowing his head and looking at Mo Gu below.

"Today, no one can save you."


Ling Tian's voice fell, his vitality condensed like a mountain, and with a roar, he suddenly pressed into the mountain rock.

Although Mo Gu had a top-level spirit pot body, it was still annihilated by a big hand.


The vitality raised his hand.

In addition to the terrifying palm print on the ground, there is the dim spirit treasure and a pool of flesh and blood in the palm of the palm.

Mo Gu, just like that, was pressed to death by Ling Tian's palm!

Below the Jiucang Mountain, the warriors from the north and south regions all looked at Ling Tian, ​​their bodies trembling, this was a devil.

They have always bullied the East and the West, and they have never been so embarrassed and slaughtered like pigs and dogs.

Ling Tian hovered in front of Jiucang Mountain, stretched out his hand to take the word Taichu back into his hand, golden light surging all over his body.

Can't be forever.

Ling Tian stood in the sky with **** corpses everywhere. Looking up, the top ranked Tianjiao in the Southern Territory had already been wiped out by Ling Tian and killed thousands of people!

Blood flowed across, spreading under the Jiucang Mountain.

The **** air soared to the sky, as if it was confirming the rise of a generation of Tianjiao.

Ling Tian slowly raised his hand to cross E, his white hair flying, like a demon god.

His big stick pointed directly at all the retreating Southern Territory warriors under the mountain, the holy voice was thunderous.

"You must lower your eyebrows when you see me!"

"Bow your head to live, and those who look up, die!"

Below Jiucang Mountain, the tens of thousands of leaders in the Southern Territory were all dumbfounded, trembling all over, and even their souls felt fear. What a terrifying pressure this was.

The world is silent, and there is no sound.

Ling Tian's voice still reverberated in the mountains, but they couldn't help lowering their originally proud heads.

They are scared.

The head raiser is dying!

Now that we have taken the last step of the Hundred Competition, survival is more important than anything else.

Therefore, they can only bow their heads piece by piece.

But for a moment, none of the Southern Territory Martial Artists under Jiucang Mountain dared to look up at Ling Tian.

Once outside Fenglei City, Ling Tian said that he wanted Baizong Tianjiao to lower his eyebrows and bow his head when he saw him.

Now Ling Tian has done it.

"This... this is too domineering."

"Low eyebrows and bowed heads, this Ling Tian is pressing the entire north and south regions!"

"It's really a generation of talents, I think it's a good one!"

Outside of Jiucang Mountain, the strong on top of the four golden platforms, except for the vast battle hall, everyone else nodded and praised.

And the hundred sect powerhouses in the Southern Territory were all scorched with fire on their faces.

This time, Southern Territory really lost the adults!

Especially on the golden platform where the vast battle hall was located, the faces of Jiang Xian and others, including the deputy head Qi Ying, were almost dark.

Ling Tian suppressed the Southern Territory, this was the face in the Dagantian Battle Hall, and even with that, the face of the Dengxiantai Boundless Battle Hall in the Southern Territory lost its brilliance.

"This son, really rampant!"

Qi Ying's face was grim.

"Hmph, these lunatics will die soon."

Jiang Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, in his eyes, this Ling Tian was already not far from death.

"Haha, I don't know, will Ling Tian continue to challenge. I think your cousin Jiang Hao is what Ling Tian really wants to kill!"

Opposite Jiang Xian, the Fan Lingshuang hugged his arms, looked at the figure of the cudgel in the distance, and suddenly smiled.

"Haha, kill my cousin? Thinking too much! My cousin won't lose. If he dares to challenge, then I can humiliate Nanyu and my Jiangjia family and let them understand that I am Nanyu. The human race is the strongest!"

Jiang Xian's face was twitching, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

In his opinion, Ling Tian had no guts to challenge Jiang Hao!

"Hehe, not necessarily!"

Fan Lingshuang shrugged suddenly.

Jiang Xian was startled, and immediately Qi Ying and the others leaned over and looked down, only to find that Ling Tian's figure moved in front of Jiucang Mountain!

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